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On 3/26/2025 at 2:09 PM, BillsFanNC said:


There's no lengths Roundy won't go to to defend violent illegal alien gang members,  including denying their very existence inside Colorado apartment complex takeovers. 


This thread below is a fun read. Most would leave here in shame after the massive succession of L's Roundy took within.


But again, RoundyMao has no shame.






What the ***** does this have to do with the topic?

Posted (edited)
On 3/26/2025 at 1:57 PM, Buffarukus said:


It will be automated? So american mechanics/office workers/management/electricians/quality/payroll/programmers ect ect can get a job, even if every production position is done by some robots? Not to mention the property and payroll taxes generated?

Machines will need mechanics- some. 
Office workers???   What office?

Electricians- some

Quality will all be handled by Musk, personally

Payroll is already dumb enough to hardly need someone to actually do it- it's friggin numbers...

And as we speak, code monkeys are currently busy inventing algorithms to replace themselves permanently - and those are supposed to be the smart ones...

Doctors- 90% replaceable by automation

Surgeons- same

Lawyers are getting crucified

Smelters - done

Miners - done

Sock weavers - done

Every working driver on the planet - done

Boat Captains- start training, there'll be some heavy competition

Logging, a bit of farming, construction, and creating boutique muffins is the future.



What property will be necessary, and what payroll will remain to tax?


The world is going to evolve, and 'bringing manufacturing back to America' is a long-term joke of a concept.   Get ready for joblessness, replaced by automated lunacy.  

... and then there's AI... that'll be a future topic to terrorize this board with.  )


Edited by BringMetheHeadofLeonLett
  • Agree 1
On 3/25/2025 at 6:06 AM, T master said:


First off you would need young people that are willing to work or do physical labor & in today's America that's just not happening ! I know more than a few people in businesses that can't find good help let alone someone to show up regularly or that wants to learn to climb the ladder to make better money .


Most kids now days think they deserve to be making the money that the boss makes just walking through the door & are entitled to all the perks with out paying their dues .  So even if they do bring back manufacturing to the US parents haven't taught their kids that nothing in life is free and actually have taught them that in America you can get a lot of things for "Free" if you just fleece the system .


Which is a huge reason why a lot of "Americans" want the influx of immigrants from 3rd world countries because they will do the things that Americans use to do that involve sweat & sore muscles instead of playing mind craft & streaming videos all day ...

I'm getting kind of tired of demonizing a generation who are disillusioned by the world their elders have created, or passively allowed to be created.  

How many absolutely worthless follks did you grow up with- and maybe you're one people could say that about too?


Maybe I am, I dunno. 

But hopefully that's not where we're at today, and I know plenty of 'young folks' who have blown my mind with what they HAVE paid attention to.  It's not a lost generation 'out there', it's one more step in the makeup of what we all are.  

Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, BringMetheHeadofLeonLett said:

Machines will need mechanics- some. 
Office workers???   What office?

Electricians- some

Quality will all be handled by Musk, personally

Payroll is already dumb enough to hardly need someone to actually do it- it's friggin numbers...

And as we speak, code monkeys are currently busy inventing algorithms to replace themselves permanently - and those are supposed to be the smart ones...

Doctors- 90% replaceable by automation

Surgeons- same

Lawyers are getting crucified

Smelters - done

Miners - done

Sock weavers - done

Every working driver on the planet - done

Boat Captains- start training, there'll be some heavy competition

Logging, a bit of farming, construction, and creating boutique muffins is the future.



What property will be necessary, and what payroll will remain to tax?


The world is going to evolve, and 'bringing manufacturing back to America' is a long-term joke of a concept.   Get ready for joblessness, replaced by automated lunacy.  

... and then there's AI... that'll be a future topic to terrorize this board with.  )



Well i only ask because i come from a industrial skill trade background. I was in a industry that desperately wanted to move from old machinery to new. From my perspective it was pretty interesting to see how new over engineered machines were just as needy for human intervention.. and definitely more costly to run. 


As to not mention specific examples you probably know nothing about ill ask a question? Does your modern car require less manpower then your first? All the sensors, computer operation, blue tooth connected, extra parts and labor to get to? These all require more specialist to design and fix then a simple car that you yourself could maintain back in the day. I could of swore flying self aware cars that order parts and fix themselves was right around the corner by now.


Automation requires everything goes perfect all the time. forever. Any error or change in a system requires human intervention. A single valve on a stack leaks and you need a mechanic to asses. A jamup or error needs a operator to jog, home and reset. A single wire or switch..in the hundreds a machine uses, needs a electrician. Any change required in part or action needs programmers and plc specialists and setups. Maybe one day office, payroll, ordering, saftey and managment will be completely automated but as of now those systems are used as tools that steamline things but require humans to oversee implement and maintain.


IMO We are not eliminating human intervention for a very long time.

decreasing it, yes. Thats true.  if automation and high tech was so attactive and in such high demand then why are companies flocking to run to third world countries to begin with? they are not going to beacons of technology areas of the world. They are simply going to places that can exploit HUMAN workers in PLACE of costly machines and automation. If thats true then why would you not be for any effort that supplies that human need, at a modern standard of living, to an american citizen? So Regardless of whether that increases or decreases over time, its better then zero. That is worth not throwing our hands up and pretending the end is near lets all kneel to our robotic overlords and give up on bringing american manufacturing or other jobs back to our country.


Edited by Buffarukus
On 3/26/2025 at 5:06 PM, Joe Ferguson forever said:

except trump's budget doesn't do that.  the 3 trillion in tax cuts isn't close to being offset by all of the program cuts together.


Any way you look at it if the. money that is being spent is for BS that it doesn't need to be spent on then it's total BS &. that money can be saved and put toward something else .


Sure you. never going to make up for the Trillions that they have been irresponsibly spending for the past lets say 100 years or so but at least someone is trying to put some kind of a stop to it instead of just blindly writing checks for WTFE tom, dick ,& harry come up and put their hand out expecting US tax payer dollars .


How bout using what ever monies saved for the veterans that deserve to be taken care of instead of condoms for the Congo !!! 


A penny saved is a penny earned !! Any way you look at it !! 

Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, BringMetheHeadofLeonLett said:

I'm getting kind of tired of demonizing a generation who are disillusioned by the world their elders have created, or passively allowed to be created.  

How many absolutely worthless follks did you grow up with- and maybe you're one people could say that about too?


Maybe I am, I dunno. 

But hopefully that's not where we're at today, and I know plenty of 'young folks' who have blown my mind with what they HAVE paid attention to.  It's not a lost generation 'out there', it's one more step in the makeup of what we all are.  


Every thing I have including my house is PAID FOR IN FULL - I busted my ass to do it so even though you might not like that I am definitely opinionated I'm no where close to being lazy . And in fact at my advanced age could probably still out work any youngster today with the knowledge I have acquired in my life time.


I will agree that the prior so called "Parents" of the last couple of generations are responsible for the creation of the youths laziness today, discipline is a thing of the past and the every one gets a trophy movement is total BS ! 


My wife owns a day care and some of the crap that the state comes up with like if a kid breaks a toy or pisses their pants instead of telling them to stop it or that  they did wrong having to ask them


"Now Johnny don't you think that you should have handled that a little different & how would you do it next time" or not being able to tell a kid NO because that is negative reinforcement .


Well last I checked life ain't fair and if your not allowed to do something NO is the appropriate response but todays parents would rather hand them a iPad so they don't have to be parents and correct them or make them pick up their toys and that's where it all starts ...


Then instead of showing those POS people that are keying the Tesla's show the owner going up and knocking the POS in the head, alls it does by glorifying them Ass hats in a video is telling a young kid that there are no consequences and todays laws favor the perp rather than the victim . Just look around the last say 5 or so years .


Then ask one of those kids to go out wash the car or help a neighbor to do hay in the fall to help a farmer keep his animals fed or cut & split wood to keep the furnace in the basement going to stay warm then get back to me or go rake leaves of the neighbor and see what their reaction is  ...


Then get back to me ...


Oh there were some useless people but for the most part in my small community you worked for everything you got & earned it not so much today !!



Edited by T master
Posted (edited)

Well I never expected eliminating tax breaks for the super rich to be part of the plan .  I'll believe it when I see it but it would be good for the country.



By the numbers: Currently the top income tax rate is 37%, charged on income above $609,351 for an individual or $731,201 for a married couple.

If the 2017 law were allowed to expire, that would jump to the pre-2018 rate of 39.6%, and lower the threshold above which the top rate applies.

Around 1% of taxpayers are in that top bracket, though they pay a disproportionate share of income taxes.

Under the budget reconciliation rules that Republicans seek to use to extend the tax cuts, that would free up more revenue that could be used to fulfill some of Trump's populist promises, such as eliminating taxes on tips.

Zoom out: It would aim to flip the script on Democrats, whose messaging focuses on Republicans potentially slashing Medicaid and enlarging the deficit in order to fund tax cuts for the super-rich.

"If we renew tax cuts for the rich paid for by throwing people off Medicaid, we're gonna get !@#$ slaughtered," the White House official said.

As the GOP under Trump becomes more of the party of working-class voters, the political risks of raising rich people's taxes are relatively small, compared to the payoff of cutting taxes on tips in the growing service-sector economy.

A majority of Americans, including a plurality of Republicans, support raising taxes on wealthier individuals, polls have shown.

Edited by Joe Ferguson forever
  • Like (+1) 1
On 3/28/2025 at 9:30 AM, T master said:


Every thing I have including my house is PAID FOR IN FULL - I busted my ass to do it so even though you might not like that I am definitely opinionated I'm no where close to being lazy . And in fact at my advanced age could probably still out work any youngster today with the knowledge I have acquired in my life time.


I will agree that the prior so called "Parents" of the last couple of generations are responsible for the creation of the youths laziness today, discipline is a thing of the past and the every one gets a trophy movement is total BS ! 


My wife owns a day care and some of the crap that the state comes up with like if a kid breaks a toy or pisses their pants instead of telling them to stop it or that  they did wrong having to ask them


"Now Johnny don't you think that you should have handled that a little different & how would you do it next time" or not being able to tell a kid NO because that is negative reinforcement .


Well last I checked life ain't fair and if your not allowed to do something NO is the appropriate response but todays parents would rather hand them a iPad so they don't have to be parents and correct them or make them pick up their toys and that's where it all starts ...


Then instead of showing those POS people that are keying the Tesla's show the owner going up and knocking the POS in the head, alls it does by glorifying them Ass hats in a video is telling a young kid that there are no consequences and todays laws favor the perp rather than the victim . Just look around the last say 5 or so years .


Then ask one of those kids to go out wash the car or help a neighbor to do hay in the fall to help a farmer keep his animals fed or cut & split wood to keep the furnace in the basement going to stay warm then get back to me or go rake leaves of the neighbor and see what their reaction is  ...


Then get back to me ...


Oh there were some useless people but for the most part in my small community you worked for everything you got & earned it not so much today !!



The older generations oversaw a lot of changes for the worse.  My gut says you and your hay-bailing neighbors turned to the lowball scam which was Walmart for your Chinese made goods, eliminating not only 1/2 the locally owned businesses, but likely 1/2 the retail jobs which would have given your local kids a sense of purpose... and 80% of the manufacturing jobs located in this country.  This is such a mental scam of people ignorantly supporting the Chinese economy and then bemoaning, 'But where did all the USA jobs go'?  bull####.  


Then you all spit at young folks after you saved 2 bucks on your Chinese plastic wheelbarrows.   

Meanwhile, while you've been saving your pittance on disposable hardware, your donations to these mega-companies instantly suck your money straight out of your local economy, and put it directly into the hands of billionaire investors who buy up your land and develop housing at 8 times the previous cost. 

Leaving young folks virtually ZERO chance of being able to build themselves up from scratch into becoming homeowners.  

"I got mine!"  You exclaim to the world. 

Congratulations.  Now go vote for more billionaires and corporate tax cuts, as if they pay any anyways, and pine for the good old days while simultaneously screwing future generations out of housing, clean environments and opportunities.  

You got yours

Posted (edited)
On 3/28/2025 at 1:45 PM, Joe Ferguson forever said:

Well I never expected eliminating tax breaks for the super rich to be part of the plan .  I'll believe it when I see it but it would be good for the country.



By the numbers: Currently the top income tax rate is 37%, charged on income above $609,351 for an individual or $731,201 for a married couple.

If the 2017 law were allowed to expire, that would jump to the pre-2018 rate of 39.6%, and lower the threshold above which the top rate applies.

Around 1% of taxpayers are in that top bracket, though they pay a disproportionate share of income taxes.

Under the budget reconciliation rules that Republicans seek to use to extend the tax cuts, that would free up more revenue that could be used to fulfill some of Trump's populist promises, such as eliminating taxes on tips.

Zoom out: It would aim to flip the script on Democrats, whose messaging focuses on Republicans potentially slashing Medicaid and enlarging the deficit in order to fund tax cuts for the super-rich.

"If we renew tax cuts for the rich paid for by throwing people off Medicaid, we're gonna get !@#$ slaughtered," the White House official said.

As the GOP under Trump becomes more of the party of working-class voters, the political risks of raising rich people's taxes are relatively small, compared to the payoff of cutting taxes on tips in the growing service-sector economy.

A majority of Americans, including a plurality of Republicans, support raising taxes on wealthier individuals, polls have shown.

It's a good move for the country but it will end up backfiring on them.  It will piss of people like Grover Norquist and the legitimate, real conservatives.  And they're still going to throw people off of Social Security and Medicaid.  So, come 2026, they'll lose a little bit of the actual conservative vote, and have to deal with Democrats running on the social security/Medicaid issue, as well as the point that the rich still weren't allocated enough of the tax burden.  

On 3/28/2025 at 12:30 PM, T master said:


Every thing I have including my house is PAID FOR IN FULL - I busted my ass to do it so even though you might not like that I am definitely opinionated I'm no where close to being lazy . And in fact at my advanced age could probably still out work any youngster today with the knowledge I have acquired in my life time.


I will agree that the prior so called "Parents" of the last couple of generations are responsible for the creation of the youths laziness today, discipline is a thing of the past and the every one gets a trophy movement is total BS ! 


My wife owns a day care and some of the crap that the state comes up with like if a kid breaks a toy or pisses their pants instead of telling them to stop it or that  they did wrong having to ask them


"Now Johnny don't you think that you should have handled that a little different & how would you do it next time" or not being able to tell a kid NO because that is negative reinforcement .


Well last I checked life ain't fair and if your not allowed to do something NO is the appropriate response but todays parents would rather hand them a iPad so they don't have to be parents and correct them or make them pick up their toys and that's where it all starts ...


Then instead of showing those POS people that are keying the Tesla's show the owner going up and knocking the POS in the head, alls it does by glorifying them Ass hats in a video is telling a young kid that there are no consequences and todays laws favor the perp rather than the victim . Just look around the last say 5 or so years .


Then ask one of those kids to go out wash the car or help a neighbor to do hay in the fall to help a farmer keep his animals fed or cut & split wood to keep the furnace in the basement going to stay warm then get back to me or go rake leaves of the neighbor and see what their reaction is  ...


Then get back to me ...


Oh there were some useless people but for the most part in my small community you worked for everything you got & earned it not so much today !!



I actually agree with a lot of this.  What I don't agree with you about is that Trump is the solution or response to any of this.  He's just as bad as the children you mentioned.  And he's not doing anything that's going to help middle America economically,. 

Edited by SectionC3
1 hour ago, BringMetheHeadofLeonLett said:

The older generations oversaw a lot of changes for the worse.  My gut says you and your hay-bailing neighbors turned to the lowball scam which was Walmart for your Chinese made goods, eliminating not only 1/2 the locally owned businesses, but likely 1/2 the retail jobs which would have given your local kids a sense of purpose... and 80% of the manufacturing jobs located in this country.  This is such a mental scam of people ignorantly supporting the Chinese economy and then bemoaning, 'But where did all the USA jobs go'?  bull####.  


Then you all spit at young folks after you saved 2 bucks on your Chinese plastic wheelbarrows.   

Meanwhile, while you've been saving your pittance on disposable hardware, your donations to these mega-companies instantly suck your money straight out of your local economy, and put it directly into the hands of billionaire investors who buy up your land and develop housing at 8 times the previous cost. 

Leaving young folks virtually ZERO chance of being able to build themselves up from scratch into becoming homeowners.  

"I got mine!"  You exclaim to the world. 

Congratulations.  Now go vote for more billionaires and corporate tax cuts, as if they pay any anyways, and pine for the good old days while simultaneously screwing future generations out of housing, clean environments and opportunities.  

You got yours


Well aren't you full of your self thinking everyone is the exact same in this country well your as full of ***** as most of the libs !! Yah I went to Walmart thinking as a younger person that I wouldn't be sold out by greed and only until I woke up like many others did I realize what had already happened and in part was mostly thanks to those in our very own Gov't with their "Global Economy" mind set instead of American independence .


Now that I have turned into my old man and learned from those past mistakes I am who I am some one that you don't like for having and voicing my opinion but you THINK I like you caused this situation & in part are correct, we all did ignorantly !


But now seeing that to be true would rather have a fairly successful business man run the country than some morons like many of those voted in to office in the past only to conform to the direction they wanted the country to go in and those that couldn't run a successful hot dog stand voted into office, because lord knows those elected from the past have shown us that what ever they have been doing sure as hell has worked great or in reality hasn't worked worth a s**t !! 


But moving forward now that there is someone willing to have a set of balls and look into the corrupt & irresponsible gov't spending and putting tariffs on some things that are no longer made in America in an attempt to possibly bring some of the manufacturing back here in the states, then those like you that have probably never sacrificed much if anything at all can only sit back and B word about it because the Chinese BS at Walmart costs more .


I have and will continue to shop other places than Walmart always looking for the Made in America sticker even if it does cost more because if you want change you are going to have to sc=acrifice something in order to get it but that's the problem every body today wants their cake and wants to eat it too !! 


But none of this still changes a thing the younger generations still have little if any motivation for any kind of physical work at all, the schools have taken many different shop type classes or as they use to be called Skilled trades out of their programs and put computer type classes in their place, then add in "Smart phones" and the dumbing down and infusion of American laziness continues marching forward .


Then add into it a parental mind set that doesn't believe in discipline/consequences or as they call it today "Negative reinforcement" by telling a child NO or STOP or YOU CAN"T DO THAT, yet giving every one of them a trophy weather they try hard or just sit there only again reinforces laziness and teaches those young kids that sometimes in life your going to fail but you need to use that as motivation to do better instead of not doing anything at all and still getting rewarded .


I've personally watched little kids at my grandsons baseball games throw the bat and a fit crying when they couldn't hit the baseball and the parents telling them it's okay as they throw a tantrum, instead of telling them to knock it off and practicing with them in their off time to get better . Which is a huge reason why I quit going to the games because it's not the kids fault IT'S THE PARENTS !!! 


And your dam right I GOT MINE AND I BUSTED MY ASS FOR ALL OF IT , weather it be through learning from stupid mistakes and paying for it in that way or in others through sacrifice and doing with out somethings to get to a better place & teach my kids by my actions instead of doing the same thing over and over again .


What's your debt status ? By the sound of your bitterness your probably like most American's today up to your neck in debt with no light in the future of getting out,  just like the example our gov't has lead us with but by the grace of god I have learned from my ignorants and am still learning every day which is where this very long winded response has come from .


But to continue with that, I taught my Daughter at a very young age to my my mason tender and carry brick for me and mix my mud and then at the end of the day paid her as a teen the same as a adult show her if you work hard you can be paid well for your efforts and in most NORMAL cases is the only way you can get a head in life, that along with her mothers fierce work ethic has made her the person she is today .


A mom of 2 kids that wakes every morning gets the kids and her husband things ready for the day, takes the kids to school goes to the gym and works out for a hour then only to come home and get ready for her work day while taking care of the some of the home chores, and then when the work day is done picking up the kids to go to their sports and when that has ended and every one else is a sleep then to studies her college work all with the thoughts of furthering her self in todays world .


But as I have said for the most part that kind of drive isn't taught by parents today, there are exceptions as there is to every rule but the over all mind set of "I'm a American & I am Entitled to all American perks" mentality instead of what use to be the thought that Hard work is part of the American way then the fact that those that are the ones selling the housing inserting their enormous GREED into the equation those young folks that are willing to work don't have a snow balls chance in hell of making it financially but if they are those hard workers will find a way to.do just that as hard as it may be .



2 hours ago, SectionC3 said:

It's a good move for the country but it will end up backfiring on them.  It will piss of people like Grover Norquist and the legitimate, real conservatives.  And they're still going to throw people off of Social Security and Medicaid.  So, come 2026, they'll lose a little bit of the actual conservative vote, and have to deal with Democrats running on the social security/Medicaid issue, as well as the point that the rich still weren't allocated enough of the tax burden.  

I actually agree with a lot of this.  What I don't agree with you about is that Trump is the solution or response to any of this.  He's just as bad as the children you mentioned.  And he's not doing anything that's going to help middle America economically,. 


Everything to this point in America has been given away with a Global economic mentality and the thought of American independence being pushed aside, which was the reason for the push from some against the global economic mind set ! The pandemic brought that into full view, America is now more dependent on other countries than anytime ever before in history which IMHO is a dangerous place to be !! 


That being said if the country is to resemble anything of what it was in the past as far as being independent that will take a certain amount of sacrifice in some way shape or form which is no longer in the American vocabulary and has been replaced by the word entitlement .


This country has been run for many years by a bunch of morons that wouldn't know how to run a successful hot dog stand & make promises only to break them once elected . I'm not sure if what is being done now will be the right thing (only time will tell) but one thing you can say is this is a different path than the norm that has gotten this country some $32 Trillion in debt .


I am willing to and have been blessed by my god to have the wherewithal to get my self to a place financially to be able to sacrifice to some extent to get back some of what past politicians have given away, but more so than not Americans have followed the example of those politicians and can't afford to or aren't willing to be able to sacrifice anything and I pray for our country to be able to be woke up (or should a say waken up) to what has gotten us here .


We could continue down the same path that the country has been on but the proof has been shown that only leads to destruction and can't be sustained if you were to write checks like our gov't you would be broke like our gov't but you couldn't just print more money and you along with your family would be where a lot of Americans are now today living under a bridge .


Real change hurts ! But the promises from the past of Hope and Change rings as a false hope and is more along the lines of definition of insanity by Einstein .


SO I'm strapping in because it may be a bumpy ride but hopefully worth it in the long run !!! 

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