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No joke I was driving yesterday night and " this friggin abortion" kept popping in my head and I kept smiling and chuckling. I think my wife thought I was losing it....

  CentralVaBills said:
Even now, a full two days later.......I'm not dying laughing, but just knowing that you just read and laughed at the post made me re-laugh at it also.


I think the post should be pinned somewhere permanently.  It has even spunoff into other off-shoot posts.  It even took over FAT. 


Perhaps the most influential post of all time.  Maybe not thread, but no single individual post may have done more damage than this one.



AD's post that makes me still laugh thinking about it, belgongs where onyl 1 other post has gone to, with regards to completely changing a thread and the tune of the board...and that other post was the now famous Cutting Drew with Dignity...


"Are you missing a chromosome, or do you just continually want attention"


Great stuff AD... :(:doh::D

  eball said:
ROFLMAO....and he succeeded in finding the stupidest thing ever.  well done AD.


i can't believe i missed this yesterday.  how do you get coffee off an LCD monitor screen and keyboard?  i had to share this one with my wife (a gourmet cook) and she was crying with laughter.


DING!  that's the timer.  the 30 minute noodles are almost done.  another 30 and the retard frittata will be ready!  damn, i wish the recipe wasn't so complicated...



You better hope you and I never meet. I mean that whole heartedly.

  CentralVaBills said:
Even now, a full two days later.......I'm not dying laughing, but just knowing that you just read and laughed at the post made me re-laugh at it also.


I think the post should be pinned somewhere permanently.  It has even spunoff into other off-shoot posts.  It even took over FAT. 


Perhaps the most influential post of all time.  Maybe not thread, but no single individual post may have done more damage than this one.



You are the kid in the back with ADD that just won't shut up. HEY HEY HEY OVER HERE, LOOK AT THIS, LOOK AT THIS!!!!!


GOD SHUT THE F U C K up already

  BF_in_Indiana said:
You better hope you and I never meet.  I mean that whole heartedly.


Wow, that sounds serious... I'd be careful. I see BF has a free afternoon, and his tupperware and travelling spoon are ready to go.

  Puhonix said:
Wow, that sounds serious...



I am serious. Maybe someday you will be lucky enough to recieve PM's from eball telling you how he really doesn't care that your relative just passed away and that you posted about it just for attention.


Maybe you will be so lucky.

  BF_in_Indiana said:
All I can say is that it's quite easy to entertain monkeys.  You guys prove that fact every day.



Don't know how you find the time when you spend so much boiling elbow macaroni.


C'mon, man..an hour???? :(


(I already know your answer, too..."Well, you gotta FRY them too..." :doh:)

  Crap Throwing Monkey said:
Don't know how you find the time when you spend so much boiling elbow macaroni. 


C'mon, man..an hour????  :(


(I already know your answer, too..."Well, you gotta FRY them too..."  :doh:)



Well cook it yourself (hell throw it out when you are done if it looks horrible to you) and tell me you can do it in any less than 45 minutes. It's not possible.

  BF_in_Indiana said:
I am serious.  Maybe someday you will be lucky enough to recieve PM's from eball telling you how he really doesn't care that your relative just passed away and that you posted about it just for attention.


Maybe you will be so lucky.


You mean like when you told Tom to kill himself? :(

  BF_in_Indiana said:
Well cook it yourself (hell throw it out when you are done if it looks horrible to you) and tell me you can do it in any less than 45 minutes.  It's not possible.



"Are we to believe that boiling water soaks into a noodles slower in Indiana kitchens than in any other place on the face of the earth? Or perhaps the laws of physics cease to exist on Indiana stoves! Were they magic noodles?"

  BF_in_Indiana said:
You are the kid in the back with ADD that just won't shut up.  HEY HEY HEY OVER HERE, LOOK AT THIS, LOOK AT THIS!!!!!


GOD SHUT THE F U C K up already


Let's try and remember when I told you to be a good sport. What are you, twelve?

  BF_in_Indiana said:
You are the kid in the back with ADD that just won't shut up.  HEY HEY HEY OVER HERE, LOOK AT THIS, LOOK AT THIS!!!!!


GOD SHUT THE F U C K up already


And this is precisely why, I played the "look over here" card on your dumb ass. You can just never shut up.


Seriously "dipshit" ......did you notice "this friggin abortion" to be dying down today, until you again just stirred the pot?



  VABills said:
"Are we to believe that boiling water soaks into a noodles slower in Indiana kitchens than in any other place on the face of the earth? Or perhaps the laws of physics cease to exist on Indiana stoves! Were they magic noodles?"


My Cousin Vinny.... well done. I was thinking the same thing reading where this was headed.

  Puhonix said:
My Cousin Vinny.... well done. I was thinking the same thing reading where this was headed.


But was it a good movie? :(

  VABills said:
But was it a good movie?  :(


I'll just say its an academy award winner... by accident or not, is not for me to decide. :doh:

  Mike in Syracuse said:
I'm just curious, after reading this monstrosity is it possible that "pickle juice" is a euphamism for "man pudding"?



  Alaska Darin said:
You mean like when you told Tom to kill himself?  :(



Two things.


I wasn't too much of a chikenshit to say it out in front of EVERYONE like eball is. Secondly, that has no real bearing on this situation, because I felt bad after doing what I did. I apologized and it was accepted. eball still wants to get into it with me. I'm more than happy to oblige with that !@#$.

  CentralVaBills said:
And this is precisely why, I played the "look over here" card on your dumb ass.  You can just never shut up.


Seriously "dipshit" ......did you notice "this friggin abortion" to be dying down today, until you again just stirred the pot?





That's because I will NEVER allow you hate mongers to get the last word in. When you decide to screw with me, you better be prepared to do it a long time, because I'll go the distance with any of you !@#$s.

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