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My biggest Bills question mark

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Of course the performance of JP and the OL will have a great effect on the coming season. Since we really have no way of knowing how those situations will play out I don't view them as question marks. If those two things don't play out well we won't be having that great of a season anyway so the rest of the concerns become irrelevant.


But what if the offensive line does gel and JP is having a solid enough year to get us to the playoffs? The one thing I can see derailing the train is losing Sam Adams. The combination of Sam Adams and Ron Edwards will be strong enough to play the run well, pressure the QB, and keep offensive lineman off our LB's. But if you take Adams out of that equation the interior line becomes well below average. We have guys that can give you some reps but could anybody on this team be capable of filling in for Sam for more then a couple games?


Maybe Tim Anderson comes along, but it's not exactly like he has much experience at the pro level. Bannon could also fill in but how would he look without Pat or Adams drawing the majority of attention next to him. I have hope for this season but I hate to have such large amount of this teams success hinge on one guy. Maybe we can deal Henry for a DT, or pick up some veteran depth; I just know our current situation leaves us very thin at the position.

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I'm worried about the defense, but not because of the loss of Sam Adams. The NFL is a dangerous league to stand pat in. Players age, they get injured, teams figure out how to exploit them, emerging stars have their slumps... I'm not saying we want change for change's sake, but I get very nervous when we say a side of the team is set and assume it's going to perform the same or better.

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There's a bad joke in there somewhere about how losing PWilliams makes us "thin" at that position.... but there is much truth to what you say.


There was a great thread on here last offseason, asking which player the Bills could least afford to lose for any length of time. IIRC, thanks to some really hideous play by the offense while he was sidelined, Eric Moulds topped the list.


This year, Adams might just be the answer to that question.

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There's a bad joke in there somewhere about how losing PWilliams makes us "thin" at that position.... but there is much truth to what you say.


There was a great thread on here last offseason, asking which player the Bills could least afford to lose for any length of time. IIRC, thanks to some really hideous play by the offense while he was sidelined, Eric Moulds topped the list.


This year, Adams might just be the answer to that question.



I remember that thread Lori, and if I recall right I also listed Moulds as the key player. Just remembering a couple years back to how the offense performed with Reed as the go to guy made me cringe.


While Moulds is still very important to this team the emergence of Evans has made it possible to have success if he goes down. But without Williams or Adams this will look like a completely different defense, a far cry from what we have grown to love the last two years. We can continue to be solid if Adams stays healthy, but scratch him out at things will get ugly quick.

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There's no doubt in my mind that short of Tim Anderson being a phenom, something we've seen absolutely no indication of, we're in big trouble this year at the DT spot and it's far and away our biggest personnel problem.


Assume Sam has a Sam year, 10 very solid games and 6 with a little less than stellar effort.


Assume Ron Edwards plays well on passing downs but continues to struggle against the run.


Mix in a good dose of the unknown of Anderson and the likelihood of seeing 2 of the 3 best rushers in the league last year PLUS Ricky Williams 6 times.


One measure is to look at the Pats; they've got Vince Wilfork, Ty Warren and Richard Seymour plus a host of 2nd-tier interior linemen and this is a team that plays a 3-4 predominantly.


The writing on my wall says without some help at DT London Fletcher will be wise to increase his life insurance policy before we hit the pre-season. We're almost promised the worst Bills rushing defense in the recent past and at a time when the quality of running backs in our division is at likely a historical high point. 2005 for the Buffalo Bills may bring new meaning to the phrase "Bad Things".

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I think we're going for the dreaded "stopping the run with numbers" thing that is spewed so often. The scary part of that is how much it ends up affecting pass coverage.


I hope I'm wrong. Of course, I'm also one of the few who thinks our defense last season was for the most part very overrated.

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It's all those ifs and assumes that scare me. I would not be stunned if the offense played explosively this year, but the defense ran out of gas - maybe the defensive line gets soft, and Fletcher and the safety's lose a step maybe... Not predicting it, just saying I could see it.

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There's a bad joke in there somewhere about how losing PWilliams makes us "thin" at that position.... but there is much truth to what you say.


There was a great thread on here last offseason, asking which player the Bills could least afford to lose for any length of time. IIRC, thanks to some really hideous play by the offense while he was sidelined, Eric Moulds topped the list.


This year, Adams might just be the answer to that question.



Lori, imo the player we can least afford to lose is CV.

He is the first good RG that I can remember the Bills having in more than a decade, and good is an understatement.

In the games in which CV was out or playing hurt, MW looked pedestrian at best, and as we know, MW is "eating up" 10% of the Bills salary cap allotment.

Now, we have a first year starter at QB, and my man WM just waiting to explode into one of the best RBs in the NFL. Evans has the potential to score 15 or more TDs, but not if Losman is on his behind, and not if the holes are non-existant for the running game to balance our attack.

There is simply no room to lose CV for any long period of time.

Jmo. <_<

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I think we're going for the dreaded "stopping the run with numbers" thing that is spewed so often.  The scary part of that is how much it ends up affecting pass coverage.


I hope I'm wrong.  Of course, I'm also one of the few who thinks our defense last season was for the most part very overrated.



I agree that were trying that approach right now, and past Sam Adams the numbers have yet to prove much. Out of the DT group Edwards has the best chance at stepping up this year, but even with him playing well were still one injury away from getting ran on like we did in 2000.


I also agree that that the defense was a little bit overrated last year. It's a very good defense, but we relied so much on the blitz that we got beat in the secondary against good offensive lines. Throw in a whole slew of timely turnovers last year, an extra year on the veterans, and the loss of Pat Williams. I just think it would be a mistake to assume the defense we will continue at its prior pace.


This season is going to be about much more then the OL and JP Losman, it will also be about whether or not the defense can continue to perform at high levels.

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I think we're going for the dreaded "stopping the run with numbers" thing that is spewed so often.  The scary part of that is how much it ends up affecting pass coverage.


I hope I'm wrong.  Of course, I'm also one of the few who thinks our defense last season was for the most part very overrated.



I think that we do tend to over rate the defense. I also do not think that losing Pat Williams will matter very much. He didn't move all that well, and imo it is good to have 2 young players to step up.

Remember, Gray was also a relatively new DC, and TV and LM suffered serious injuries.

I expect the defense to be about the same as last year if they stay healthy, perhaps better.

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Lori, imo the player we can least afford to lose is CV.

He is the first good RG that I can remember the Bills having in more than a decade, and good is an understatement.

In the games in which CV was out or playing hurt, MW looked pedestrian at best, and as we know, MW is "eating up" 10% of the Bills salary cap allotment.

Now, we have a first year starter at QB, and my man WM just waiting to explode into one of the best RBs in the NFL. Evans has the potential to score 15 or more TDs, but not if Losman is on his behind, and not if the holes are non-existant for the running game to balance our attack.

There is simply no room to lose CV for any long period of time.

Jmo.  <_<


You and your blessed obsession with the OL. :D

You do make a valid argument for #58, although I'd still lean towards the Keg. Next time I see Chris, I imagine the first question I'll be asking will be how that elbow's doing.


At work last night, someone asked me my thoughts on the upcoming season. Like most, he was focused on how JP will do, and seemed somewhat surprised when I told him I'd be spending most of my time at training camp watching the OL and DL.... just like last year.... and the year before that... etc. ... etc. ...

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You and your blessed obsession with the OL. <_<

You do make a valid argument for #58, although I'd still lean towards the Keg. Next time I see Chris, I imagine the first question I'll be asking will be how that elbow's doing.


At work last night, someone asked me my thoughts on the upcoming season. Like most, he was focused on how JP will do, and seemed somewhat surprised when I told him I'd be spending most of my time at training camp watching the OL and DL.... just like last year.... and the year before that... etc. ... etc. ...



And we will continue this discussion on 10/16. That is our game this year, the dreaded jests. :D

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And we will continue this discussion on 10/16. That is our game this year, the dreaded jests.  <_<


Aw, I thought you guys were coming up for Squish-the-Fish week. Oh well, Jets it is... and Chad Pennington is 0-2 in Ralph Wilson Stadium....

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Conceding an opening day performance limiting Domanick Davis to 100 yards simply based on the field and opening day adrenaline, I'm guessing the New Orleans Saints game will be that last game of the year before it becomes evident that the moniker for our '05 defense against any decent rushing attack should be "The 4th Quarter Fold".

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I think that we do tend to over rate the defense. I also do not think that losing Pat Williams will matter very much. He didn't move all that well, and imo it is good to have 2 young players to step up.


I totally agree. The loss of the aging, declining PW might actually help our defense.


I think our D was better statistically last year than its actual performance on the field. How many times did we allow key 3rd and even 4th down conversions on late game drives that ultimately beat us, not to mention that 50 something yard run by the Steelers' practice squad RB when a stop would have kept us in the game.

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There's no doubt in my mind that short of Tim Anderson being a phenom, something we've seen absolutely no indication of, we're in big trouble this year at the DT spot and it's far and away our biggest personnel problem.




What did Pat Williams do against the steelers OL in a must win game...He

let a 4th string RB run over him for 60yard gain....


PW was a good player...not a great player....the giy was a undrafted FA

who benefited playing along with Ted Washington....The years when Pat

did not have Sam Adams alongside him, he struggled MIGHTILY....As

I said, Pat was a good player...not a great player.....but will be average

if Sam Adams is not by his side.


Tim and Ron are young players...and you have to play your young players

to see what they provide...NFL is all about youth and speed.....At some

point you have to replace aging players with younger ones....You won't

know what they have, if you don't give them a chance.....the exact

chance give to Pat Williams....If PW was not gien the same chance coming

in as a UDFA, then we would not have known that he is a good player...

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I think we're going for the dreaded "stopping the run with numbers" thing that is spewed so often.  The scary part of that is how much it ends up affecting pass coverage.


I hope I'm wrong.  Of course, I'm also one of the few who thinks our defense last season was for the most part very overrated.



And the two biggest weakness I saw was:


1. Consistently stopping the Run.

2. Inability to get off the field on 3rd and longs....

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PW was a good player...



Pat Williams remains a "quality" run stopping interior lineman with excellent hands in the running game, giving him both the ability to force plays away or make tackles.


Ron Edwards is a known quantity- he's become a solid passing down lineman who plays too high to be effective in the run game and consequently too many running plays go right over him. He is NOT a good run tackler.


We know virtually nothing about Tim Anderson.


Even in the weakest divisions in the league, a rotation including AT LEAST two "quality" interior linemen is the absolute minimum for being competitive today. No objective source would make the claim that we have two "quality" interior D Linemen when in fact we merely have one. The last time a team even got to the Super Bowl with one "quality" interior linemen we watched Tampa run the ball down the throats of Sam Adams and a group of role players like we're looking to put on the field this season.


We'll see Corey Dillon twice, Curtis Martin twice and almost surely Rickey Williams twice this season plus Priest Holmes, LaDanian Tomlinson, Stephen Davis and Rueben Droughns. A good case could be made for us being non-competitive against any of those teams- leaving us lucky to win 7 or 8 games this coming season. It's safe to assume that finishing .500 in the AFC East will be a dead end, and without adding at least one solid interior D Lineman our schedule of potent running offenses will simply destroy the most humble hopes of the 2005 Bills.

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