T master Posted January 17 Posted January 17 With all the history that the US has made in the lifetime of the country there have been some really good decisions although they have been few and far between, and some really bad decisions made which there has seemed to be many more of through out the history of the country . Just a few, The Federal Reserve act of 1937, removing the gold standard causing uncontrolable deficits, opening SS for the gov't to abuse, & so on . Those are some things that no one person can be persecuted for after the fact of those things being put into law, but my question surrounds things that involve decisions that can cause a loss of life or cause diseases and those in power knowingly allowing these things to be used . One of the biggest in my lifetime and it is still being used in a slightly different form that being Agent Orange used in Vietnam which was chemical war fair forbidden by the geneva convention & is still being used in a slightly different form still being applied out west in Washington & Oregon & now given a name change known to be round up . The chemical in this is glyphosate, which Monsanto knew that causes cancer which helped it to be banned in many countries in Europe but the US gov't agency the EPA still allows it's sale even with the proof of it's effects . I personally had a family member killed because of round up . Also another that i remember from my youth that the FDA talked about banning because it again knew that it caused cancer in lab animals that being Red dye #3 which is in a bunch of candies, drug coloring, and food colorings . Here it is some 30+ years later and IMHO because of the appointment of RFK the FDA has finally decided that they will take it off the market but they will wait for another 2 years of causing disease to children & grown ups alike before it is actually if ever taken off the market . Then one of the retired gov't officials that is now retired that helped to get sweeteners such as equal, Aspartame being one of the biggest . Back before Rumsfeld became a full time politician he had his hands in helping make some of these sweeteners to pass (If i remember correctly) it didn't pass at first so the gov't i believe it being Rumsfeld hired another scientist that sided with the gov't to off set the decision to allow it to pass despite the known effects, & i bet Rumsfeld along with that scientist are living pretty cushy lives from that point after . Then if the FDA was involved in allowing the chemical C8 to be used in producing Tephlon knowing that the chemical caused many diseases and birth defects and now every human being has C8 in their blood stream, that chemical is still in use sold to Bayer and made a slight chemical change and is now called by a different name but is still produced in NC with the exact same effects . The C8 is even found in new born babies, the only blood found that didn't have that chemical in their blood stream was blood from soldiers pre Korean war soldiers . So these people knowingly for the only reason being profit/greed allowed in some cases the entire planet to be changed and be able to contract who knows how many different diseases from these decisions, then sat back and watched as all of this was going on . Not only the owners of Monsanto, Dupont, & other huge companies but our own gov't officials and agency's that were suppose to stop the use of such things that knowingly hurt or alter American/human life sat and did nothing . Then with agent orange and now Round up Mosanto offered a monetary settlement to the Vietnam vets knowing that if it was excepted that the evidence in that case could never be used again and there are still Vietnamese people of all ages suffering from the direct use of this and have NO recourse what so ever against the US gov't and have been trying to sue the US for it's use ever since . If you don't believe any of this there are many documentary's out explaining all of what i have listed : The Devil We Know The People vs Agent Orange The Poison Papers, are just a few if you have the time to watch & want your eyes opened a bit . But how can these things be used knowing there effects on human life and not 1 person in any of these companies be held accountable ? Not even a scape goat, nothing ? The proof of this stuff being poison known before it's implementation yet still being pushed through gov't agency's for full use . Every time i see a commercial for St. Jude which is a awesome hospital which i have made donations to in the past & i see Margo Thomas ask for us to make donations to stop childhood cancer i think, Go after the FDA & EPA, tell them to stop red dye #3 which kids and adults alike eat in candies & such that would be a great start . Recently Glyphosate has been found in some california wines that are "None GMO" how did that happen ? They know exactly how it happened and that it would . Sure Newsome, Shiff, Waters, & OAC will all complain about global warming but what about in some cases if the numbers were looked at and added up the mass murder of these folks that died as a direct result of using these things . Seeing as they knew this would be the direct result of using these chemicals prior to their use wouldn't that be considered premeditated murder in some circles or at the ver y least criminally negligent homicide but no one has ever been brought up that i have heard on any kind of charges to date . I know there will be a couple of thumbs up reply's, maybe 1 or 2 typed responses, but for the most part those that complain here the loudest over trivial subjects will sit back and not say a word other than "Orange man bad , Kamala good" - because they don't have spine enough to stand up for the things that are truly a travesty or tragedy in our country ! When the rubber hits the road and they should stand up for what they think big brother could quite possibly be reading their reply's so they will more than likely say nothing but i for one don't give a S**T and am asking the question any way . I figure with in a couple of days this post will fall to the way side and life will continue but i hope at least some may read it, look at some of those documentaries and pass it on some how so others know exactly what has happened so their young members of their families can grow up knowing all is not ponies & pixie dust here & when the y grow up can make personal health decisions by doing a bit of research on those that are & have been put in positions to protect & serve the American people rather than screw them . 1
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