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Your Favorite (best) and worst President Ever?

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Yeah, but it's so much better now that they added rock music, bad acting, factually incorrect forensics, and changed its name to CSI.


We better be careful...

this could turn into a Quincy vs. Matlock thread

to rival Kirk or Picard.

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We better be careful...

this could turn into a  Quincy vs. Matlock thread

to rival Kirk or Picard.



Let's not go there. I don't think /dev could handle being told Quincy is better than Matlock :doh:

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We better be careful...

this could turn into a  Quincy vs. Matlock thread

to rival Kirk or Picard.


That doesn't work because they don't do the same job. It'd be something like Perry Mason vs Ironside vs Matlock in the steel cage and Quincy vs Horatio in a Texas Death Match.

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Best: Washington, Lincoln

Worst: LBJ, FDR


I changed my mind on not putting FDR in the worst, but it was close.


yea the worst president of all time who got us out of the worst depression in the country's history and set the stage for the greatest victory in the country's history

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Worst: President Woodrow Wilson - Two term President of the USA. He passed  the Federal Reserve Act. Wilson chose to introduce the act in 1913 (first year of his administration) although major tariff legislation was also pending.  If you don't knwo what the Act did to us, Google and find out.  It was the beginning of the end for this country and the source of our National Debt.



I'm almost afraid to ask but what's with all the hatred of Woodrow Wilson? Did he like kill your grandfather or something?

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Worst: President Woodrow Wilson - Two term President of the USA. He passed  the Federal Reserve Act. Wilson chose to introduce the act in 1913 (first year of his administration) although major tariff legislation was also pending.  If you don't knwo what the Act did to us, Google and find out.  It was the beginning of the end for this country and the source of our National Debt.




I actually found a pretty decent link of why people hate the federal reserve. Seems mostly like conspiracy theories.


Criticism of the federal reserve

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Best Washington. He set all precedents, worked with Adams, Jefferson, Hamilton and others to define the role of President. With a few exceptions made critically important decisions for the country. Lincoln is the obvious second choice.

Worst...Bush 2. Then Grant.

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Worst: No question - Washington. He's like so old. Idiot could have been King and turned it down. Of course his nuts were squashed from years of riding in the saddle up and down the colonies keeping warm during the winters of the last ice age and all, so he couldn't have any childrens anyway. Pity. I wonder what the 21st Century version of the American Monarchy would look like - a cross between AlGore and JohnHeinz or RonnieRayGuns and CondyBrownRice?


Best: It's obvious isn't it? Bush II the incumbent. He's here now. Come to think of it, maybe he's the answer to the question above.




HotPockets ready. Goddago!

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