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Your Favorite (best) and worst President Ever?

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Yeah, and this happened over the course of the last 5 years.  I am amazed at the power of a sitting president to encat policy so quickly that it destroys the economy in a matter of months.  W barely had his hand off the Bible being sworn in and people started blaming him for the recession.  He has to be the single handed worst presidnet in history, simply because he is running all over the country changing the prices at gas stations.  I curse his name every time I go to the pump.  I refuse to believe that any other president, or congress for that matter had anything to due with the current circumstances in our country.  Hillary, please save us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




It is amazing isn't it! <_< Just remember that the next time you think about blaiming Jimmy Carter for the dire financial woes that he inherrited from messers Nixon and Ford...


Unfortunately, George Bush is begining his fifth year of running our economy into the ground. He promised tax breaks (what amounts to little more than buying votes from the "hot-pocket" crowd that your circke jerk buddies so delusionaly pretend that they are above), and he kept his promise, despite its' foolishness. It doesn't take nearly as long to blow your lifes' savings, as it does to save it...


Whatever the circumstances, George Bush Jr came into office with the largest surplus in American history, and blew it, to the point where we have the largest deficit ever. You can say it was because of the war, but it is only a drop in the bucket of what was spent. Surplus is built up, to brace for economic hard times, not to spend like some spoiled child at the candy store. Beyond his foreign policy, which seems pointless in debating at this point, the president has been an economic disaster as well. You would think a bunch of conservatives would see that...George Bush Jr seems to have as much fiscal sense as Michael Jackson...


Welcome to the circle-jerk! It goes on 24-7 on the PPP!

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Whatever the circumstances, George Bush Jr came into office with the largest surplus in American history



Let's clarify:


The budget surplus was already gone by the time Bush took office. Why? The internet bubble burst.


Facts suck. Your boy Clinton just happened to luck into one of the largest speculative bubbles in American history. A bubble, I might add, that was created by the Reagan tax cuts of the 80s.

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Well, everything is in the context of what was happening at the time, so I find it hard to say- especially considering my limited knowledge.


I recently read some very good things about Theodorre Roosevelt- so I might try to read up on him.

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Well, everything is in the context of what was happening at the time, so I find it hard to say- especially considering my limited knowledge.


I recently read some very good things about Theodorre Roosevelt- so I might try to read up on him.


He was a big game hunter.

If you feel sad when animals are shot,

don't, I repeat don't, read up on TR.


besides. TR was all mustache, no beard.

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Whatever the circumstances, George Bush Jr came into office with the largest surplus in American history, and blew it




So Bush "blew" the government held surplus of taxpayers' money by returning that money to its rightful owners via tax cuts.


I love the mentality. <_<:lol::P

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Let's clarify:


The budget surplus was already gone by the time Bush took office. Why? The internet bubble burst.


Facts suck. Your boy Clinton just happened to luck into one of the largest speculative bubbles in American history. A bubble, I might add, that was created by the Reagan tax cuts of the 80s.




Ahhh, so it was all luck....thanks for clarifying that!

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He was a big game hunter.

If you feel sad when animals are shot,

don't, I repeat don't, read up on TR.


besides. TR was all mustache, no beard.



Now I dont like hunting for sport, but I think that is a definite oversimplification....I'm sure there had to be more than that to the man if he was elected president

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So Bush "blew" the government held surplus of taxpayers' money by returning that money to its rightful owners via tax cuts.


I love the mentality.  <_<  :lol:  :P



Ya! We should get all the taxes back that we have paid to the government... it's my money! I am the rightful owner! :P

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Um, yeah...when companies that produce NO TANGIBLE PRODUCT are trading a $100 a share, that's luck and it ain't gonna last.




So when a president encourages the importing of jobs overseas, the only thing we are left with to export is knowledge, a non-tangible product. The reason our dollar is valueless (the real measure of an economy) is because we have transformed ourselves into a country of consumers, and very little manufacturing is done here. We have nothing to sell but knowledge, and you can't sell that more than once...Clinton may have benefitted from a speculative economic boom, but he was wise enough to save that money....Bush has shown no such fiscal tendancies.

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President's in my opinion get too much credit and blame

for the economy.


I am very disappointed in the fiscal irresposibility of today.


That would be the congress, and Bush should find his Veto pen.


Someone please explain to the President what a Veto is!

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So when a president encourages the importing of jobs overseas, the only thing we are left with to export is knowledge, a non-tangible product.  The reason our dollar is valueless (the real measure of an economy) is because we have transformed ourselves into a country of consumers, and very little manufacturing is done here.  We have nothing to sell but knowledge, and you can't sell that more than once...Clinton may have benefitted from a speculative economic boom, but he was wise enough to save that money....Bush has shown no such fiscal tendancies.



Mmm-hmm. Let'ps take another quick look at the historical record:


Who signed NAFTA?


Yeah, that's what I thought. And again, the reason heavy industry is gone is the fact that it was IMPOSSIBLE to compete with foreign firms when they produced better quality at 1/4th the cost.


The Union entitlement mentality was almost the entire cause of this problem.

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Now I dont like hunting for sport, but I think that is a definite oversimplification....I'm sure there had to be more than that to the man if he was elected president


Just joking around.


TR was a prolific and fascinating man. Read "Theodore Rex" for a start.


BTW, a bullet in Buffalo was the only vote Teddy needed to become president.

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Mmm-hmm. Let'ps take another quick look at the historical record:


Who signed NAFTA?


Yeah, that's what I thought. And again, the reason heavy industry is gone is the fact that it was IMPOSSIBLE to compete with foreign firms when they produced better quality at 1/4th the cost.


The Union entitlement mentality was almost the entire cause of this problem.



It seems that Republicans are GREAT at the blame game, and shooting the messenger, but hypocritical and irresponsible when it comes to doing what they say they're going to do or accomplishing what they tell us they want to achive... across the board.

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So Bush "blew" the government held surplus of taxpayers' money by returning that money to its rightful owners via tax cuts.


I love the mentality.  <_<  :lol:  :P




You do realize that, in theory, our tax money is supposed to fund the running of our society? Wouldn't you rather have your $300 tax check go toward arming our troops in Iraq, than toward a bunch of lottery tickets, and a couple malt liquors? Where do you think that money comes from?


Tax cuts are all good and fine at the right time. This was not the right time. The only real purpose they served was to get people to vote for the person promising them.

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