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Well they could restrict that just like alchohol.  You can't make your own legally.  But no they don't do that becuase the drug is addictive, and serves no purpose.



There's a lot of chemo patients who might disagree with that.

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For the same reason most people don't make their own beer or vodka, and yet they can easily make their own in the garage LEGALLY if they so choose!


You really, really, really need to bone up on basic economics before you start talking out your ass like this.



Even that comparison doesn't stack up. It would be much harder for someone to create good quality booze in their garage than it would be for me to grow a friggin plant.

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Why would I go pay the government 30 dollars for 6 joints when I can grow my own?


And you came to this cost how? The government would not make, sell and distribute the dope, dope. Companies would do it...probably tobacco companies...and then there would be this thing called "competition." Now, see, competition is very important to our economy and we actually have laws which keep companies from monopolizing...


Oh, christ, I can't believe I have to explain this to you.

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Even that comparison doesn't stack up.  It would be much harder for someone to create good quality booze in their garage than it would be for me to grow a friggin plant.


Do you get out at ALL? I have a number of friends who make their own beer and its ten times better than any mass-produced beer. But that's not the point. The simple fact that YOU grow your own dope doesn't mean everyone will. You have to stop thinking that whatever you would do is what the rest of the world would do because I can absolutely promise you that you are NOT an example of joe consumer.
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And you came to this cost how? The government would not make, sell and distribute the dope, dope. Companies would do it...probably tobacco companies...and then there would be this thing called "competition." Now, see, competition is very important to our economy and we actually have laws which keep companies from monopolizing...


Oh, christ, I can't believe I have to explain this to you.



Marijuana would not be sold in a competitive manner. The government would pick and choose the companies which it allowed to sell the product, and would then pretty much set a price (most likely one standard price).


The cost I gave is just street price for about that many joints.

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Not to take sides since I really don't care, but "competition" isn't doing a lot to keep the price of cigs down.


They aren't making a lot more money either. It is sin taxes that are driving the prices up.

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Not to take sides since I really don't care, but "competition" isn't doing a lot to keep the price of cigs down.


Then let's just have one manufacturer and see how the price changes. Everything is relative. Plus, look at how much of the cost for a pack of cigarettes goes to Phillip Morris and how much goes to local, state and federal taxes. You'll be surprised.
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Do you get out at ALL? I have a number of friends who make their own beer and its ten times better than any mass-produced beer. But that's not the point. The simple fact that YOU grow your own dope doesn't mean everyone will. You have to stop thinking that whatever you would do is what the rest of the world would do because I can absolutely promise you that you are NOT an example of joe consumer.



You obviously don't know many marijuana users than do you? A good percentage grow their own.


Let's look at one reason. The cost of purchasing the "drug".


Let's say you smoke one joint a day. A 30 dollar bag will get you six joints or so. so after 6 days you have spent 30, after 12 you have spent 60, after 18 you have spent 90, after 24 you have spent 120, and after 1 month you have spent 150.


150 dollars a month? That's 1800 dollars a year. Growing your own costs far less.

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Marijuana would not be sold in a competitive manner.  The government would pick and choose the companies which it allowed to sell the product, and would then pretty much set a price (most likely one standard price).


The cost I gave is just street price for about that many joints.


Is that what the government plans to do with dope? Exactly when did the US become a socialist country?


And in what other area of our country is there a price set by the government for any given product? Concert tickets. DVDs? Movies? Cigarettes? Booze? Cars? Food? Gas? Clothes? Health care? Insurance? Can you name me ONE?


Suddenly they'll do this with dope?

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Then let's just have one manufacturer and see how the price changes. Everything is relative. Plus, look at how much of the cost for a pack of cigarettes goes to Phillip Morris and how much goes to local, state and federal taxes. You'll be surprised.



If there were one supplier of cigarettes they would run about 4.00 a pack in Indiana. Currently a pack of Marlboros cost 3.00 plus sales tax. 3.18 total. If not for buydowns allowing stores to sell at state minimums they would cost 4.09 a pack at the moment.

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Is that what the government plans to do with dope? Exactly when did the US become a socialist country?


And in what other area of our country is there a price set by the government for any given product? Concert tickets. DVDs? Movies? Cigarettes? Booze? Cars? Food? Gas? Clothes? Health care? Insurance? Can you name me ONE?


Suddenly they'll do this with dope?



The only item that could be compared to marijuana in this fashion is liquor. It's the only case in which a prohibitted item has been allowed back on the market after a public uproar. So if that is precedent than you would be making a good point.

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You obviously don't know many marijuana users than do you?  A good percentage grow their own.


The simple fact that you make this statement only proves how few people you know who smoke dope. Either that, or you hang out with a bunch of teenagers who can only buy it $30 at a time. I happen to know dozens of people who smoke dope. Many of them smoke it daily. Only one grew it on his own, and it just became a pain in the ass for him when he could just as easily buy a bag.


But my friends don't buy $30 bags, so it's obvious you hang out with people who don't have enough money to buy enough to get a better deal. Or, more likely, you don't hang out with any at all.


If there were one supplier of cigarettes they would run about 4.00 a pack in Indiana.
You can't possibly make this statement because (a) you have no evidence to support this theory and (b) there is a difference between a supplier and a manufacturer, and in either case there would never be just one of each for a single product so again, you can't possibly say what a pack would cost because there is no way to prove it.


The only item that could be compared to marijuana in this fashion is liquor.
And yet you can go to one store and pay $9.99 for a six pack of Bass Ale and go to a 7-11 and pay $12.99 for the same six pack. I fail to see how this points out that the government would set a price on dope. It would never, ever happen in this lifetime. They'd tax the living crap out of it, but they would NOT set the price for it. Where are you getting this information from?


Can you explain Microsoft to me please? sad.gif
I wish I could. A time will come, though, when that changes. The Apple Resistance is strong! They refuse to go away! They will fight Darth Gates to the end.
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HAHA you are great LA.


First off, I'm pretty sure I know more people that smoke marijuana than you do. Secondly, usually the ones that buy it that I know buy in larger quantities than 30 dollars. I used that as an example because even as "just" 30 dollars a pop, over the course of a month that's almost 200 bucks. Most people in America could use an extra 200 dollars a month don't ya think?

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Kirk: I think I'll bang the hottest chick on this planet.



and you guys make fun of Mike Vick for having herpes. i don't even want to know alien venerial diseases Kirk picked up on his 5 year mission (which didn't last 5 years btw :ph34r:)


Picard = Healthy

Kirk = Dirtier than Ron Mexico


Advantage Picard


Kirk = Cancelled

Picard = Not Cancelled



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