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Tom Cruise - The wheels are flying off


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Haha, Devil's Advocate, thy name is Roscoe, indeed!


You're mostly right, Roscoe. No, graduating from high school and/or pursuing biology are obviously not the most important things in life. People can do whatever they want that makes them happy, so long as they are not hurting others in the process. For many people, a high school diploma and mastery of biology are not prerequisites for happiness. So if looking good and banging hot chicks and making money is all that matters to someone, it's none of my business.


[COLOR=red] One's rights end where another's start.  Cruise has not hurt anyone with his opinions or views.  If anything, they may be helping people live happier lives.  Maybe Scientology - while seemingly moronic - is healthy and preaching a good message of unity and community and civility?



But here is where Mr. Cruise bothers me (he also bothers me because he is a horribly overrated actor that is capable of only playing the generic Top Gun hero character type - but I'll save that discussion for another time, if ever):


  I enjoy many of his films and liked him in: The Firm, Born on the 4th Of July, Eyes Wide Shut, etc.  Who has overrated him?  That is a generalization based on what?  is there a study on that purportation?  you assert this, but based on what?  guy acts the best he can and is pretty good at most of his work.  entertaining right?  good action actor?


Tom Cruise, because he is famous, is in a much greater position of influencing the minds of easily impressionable adolescents than any other Joe Schmoe arse-clown with an opinion. Mr. Top Gun should therefore have a much greater sense of responsibility when shouting opinion. It comes with the territory of being an adult. In real life, when the rest of us spew nonsense about stuff we know little about, we get called out on it by other adults. When grown adults tell children that black people are genetically inferior or that gravity is not real, the rest of us have our own obligation to call these a-holes out.


Actors are responsible for their influence on people?  I thought that the media - who acts as a mouth piece for an actor and photos and interviews them , etc --who is reponsible for vetting what the public sees via the FTC?  TOm Cruise is not calling kids and stating derogatory remarks about blacks is he?  if he comments on anything, it is the media who relays it to the ears of the public.  opra is Did Cruise call a radio show or write an op-ed to the NYT re: his views?  So you are holding Cruise responsible for whatever he does and says in HIS private life?  This is high standard.  He is just a person, like you and me.  If people take his opinion one way or the other, that is their fault and their burden.  You live your life and shape it as you see fit.  To watch out for those who can't think for themselves and adhere to what you deem as crack-pot science is their fault, not Tom Cruises.  you can't protect the masses.


And what makes Cruise's position much more dangerous - in my opinion - is rooted in the fact that depression and mental illness have become an epidemic among America's impressionable adolescents. Many young kids today don't get the proper treatment that they need, and this is due in part to the general ignorance of mental illness among the American public. High rates of teenage suicide are the result. So when Mr. Cruise talks of psychiatry as a pseudoscience and as a waste of resources, then these impressionable kids (mainly the kids with poor parenting and/or poor health care coverage) are at a greater danger of not seeking out the proper medical treatment they could need to get better.


A combination of drug therapy and talk therapy is the best means for treating mental illnesses, as opposed to paying a small fee to be a part of this fake Scientology bullstevestojan Church. Virtually 100% of trained medical professionals agree with this view, and the scientific evidence is there to support them.


Peace out,




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I would like to see Jon Stewart interview Cruise.  I think he would hammer him



Yeah, Spielberg must be loving this. Cruise is supposed to be working to promote his movie at these interviews, and instead Cruise is alienating everyone who has ever gone to a shrink. I'll bet he can't wait until some talking head asks Cruise if he thinks scientology is better than Christianity. Can you say box-office poison?

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Scientology’s love affair with Hollywood


Clearing out the thetans

At first blush, Scientology resembles other New Age spiritual practices. The initiate starts with a process of "auditing," which is cross between an interview and confession employing a rudimentary lie detector. The idea is to learn about, target, and shed negative forces — the reactive mind — said to blunt potential. For a regular person, the first step might be a free stress test administered at a public booth in a shopping mall or Grand Central Station.


A Scientologist who is in the beginning stages of auditing — the stage Katie Holmes is reportedly in at this point — would be considered a "pre-clear." If she persists through these lower levels, which address career and other earthly struggles, she will reach the state of “clear.”


Once “clear,” Scientologists work on more otherworldly concerns through a series of levels starting with "Operating Thetan 1." It is only at this point that Scientologists can begin receiving knowledge of confidential teachings of Scientology. Cruise, said to be an OT6, and Travolta — reportedly OT7 — are well into this realm.


Among the secrets revealed to adherents who reach the OT3 level is the incident that led to the current evils of the Earth. In leaked documents now posted on the Internet, this incident  started with a galactic shake-up 75 million years ago, when an alien ruler sent billions of subjects to this planet to solve an overpopulation problem. These "thetan" souls dispersed and invaded humans. Scientology is the means through which one's Body Thetans (BTs) are purged.


Hubbard was a science-fiction writer and self-styled philosopher and scientist who died in 1986. Though he spent his later life lecturing and writing about what he called the "applied technology" of Scientology and Dianetics, he never won over the scientific community. Instead, in 1993, Scientology won status as a tax-exempt religious organization.




I just can't wait for the criminal who makes the defense -"It wasn't me who did the crime, it was my Thetan Soul!"

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!@#$ L Ron Hubbard and

!@#$ all his clones.

!@#$ all those gun-toting

Hip gangster wannabes.


Learn to swim.


!@#$ retro anything.

!@#$ your tattoos.

!@#$ all you junkies and

!@#$ your short memory.


Learn to swim.


!@#$ smiley glad-hands

With hidden agendas.

!@#$ these dysfunctional,

Insecure actresses.

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That's not a picture of Dan Gross!  :doh:



I knew I could count on you Rock.


As far as Cruise goes, at least he didn't call Lauer a jerky-jerk like the water guy.

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I've had enough of this idiot. he doesn't have the balls to go on John's show.


Tom Cruise was on the Daily Show about a month ago. It was disappointingly tame. I learned 2 things though... 1. John Stewart is too much of a nice guy to attack a guest of his. 2. Tom Cruise is more vacant than I thought (and I've hated that fugger for decades).

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Tom Cruise was on the Daily Show about a month ago.  It was disappointingly tame.  I learned 2 things though...  1. John Stewart is too much of a nice guy to attack a guest of his. 2. Tom Cruise is more vacant than I thought (and I've hated that fugger for decades).


Actually, it was more like a couple months ago... It was before the ghosts of trillion-year-old space aliens got to Katie Holmes.

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!@#$ L Ron Hubbard and

!@#$ all his clones.

!@#$ all those gun-toting

Hip gangster wannabes.


Learn to swim.


!@#$ retro anything.

!@#$ your tattoos.

!@#$ all you junkies and

!@#$ your short memory.


Learn to swim.


!@#$ smiley glad-hands

With hidden agendas.

!@#$ these dysfunctional,

Insecure actresses.




A fellow TOOL fan ...


Cool :doh:

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ok, so he knows nothing about neuroscience/biochemistry/psychiatry, and he is a scientologist.  and he flunked high school.  but he still bangs hot chicks, is super rich and looks great for his age.


The way he looks or how much is in his wallet has nothing to due with the statements he makes. I loved the guy in "Born on the forth of July" but he's clearly lost his mind and needs to shut his pie hole. Lets all get excited because Toms in love. Forget about world peace. Katie Holmes is not hot. Nicole Kidman is not hot. Mimi Rogers was hot. You see it seems to me he can't get the real good looking ones to stick around long because he's so over bearing and they want a mind of their own.

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War of the Worlds is supposed to be HORRIBLE! A $200million flop! Will rank up there with Ishtar and Waterworld. Reviewers need to sign a confidentiallity contract that they will post review until after Monday. Tom Cruise is all done. Not even his insanity being paraded on tv nor his faux marraige to Katie Holmes gonna save his career

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Katie Holmes is not hot.



Nicole Kidman is not hot.

Nicole Kidman is very hot...even though she has small boobies

what makes her even hotter is that she didn't stand for his scientology BS


Mimi Rogers was hot.


Mimi Rogers is also very hot...and she has huge bazongas

but she's a scientology nut...I'm not sure why Cruise left her


you left out Penelope Cruz...hot, but has a nose like a toucan


rumor has it that Cruise unsuccessfully tried to hunt down Lindsay Lohan and Scarlett Johanson before settling on Katie Holmes

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Nicole Kidman is very hot...even though she has small boobies

what makes her even hotter is that she didn't stand for his scientology BS

Mimi Rogers is also very hot...and she has huge bazongas

but she's a scientology nut...I'm not sure why Cruise left her


you left out Penelope Cruz...hot, but has a nose like a toucan


rumor has it that Cruise unsuccessfully tried to hunt down Lindsay Lohan and Scarlett Johanson before settling on Katie Holmes



If I had to choose, I would definitely take Katie over Lindsay any day of the week.

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what is really really really funny,.....is this line:




No, you see. Here's the problem. You don't know the history of psychiatry. I do.

How much do you want to bet that the next person with any intelligence that interviews Cruise is going to bone up on the study of the history of psychiatry and make this moron look like a complete monkey.



i'm hardly a specialist, but i do know something about case histories in psychiatry in berlin and vienna in the late 19th and early 20th century. let's bet mr. risky business has nary a clue ...

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