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Hot Pockets?

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An episode of "Arrested Development" last fall had a scene where a character played by Henry Winkler was leaving a room, saw a toy shark on the floor, and then blatently jumped over it.




No way. Very nice!

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also if we "youngsters", with no attention span, drive, and love for reality TV are referred to as the "Hot Pocket" generation...does that make the old crotchidies(I think I just made up a word) who haven't updated their cassette players, think other music than old fashioned RnR is crap, and basically are miserable human beings, the "Pot Pie" generation......click...ooooo have to turn the pot pie in the toaster oven...only 75 more minutes until I can eat......

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Yeah, now that trolls drop it regularly, I would concur.


Of course the pot-kettle-black situation that we now find ourselves in is that those who frequently "drop Hot Pockets" seem to have an attention deficit disorder of their own, which prevents them from posting something well-thought out. :blink:

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also if we "youngsters", with no attention span, drive, and love for reality TV are referred to as the "Hot Pocket" generation...does that make the old crotchidies(I think I just made up a word) who haven't updated their cassette players, think other music than old fashioned RnR is crap, and basically are miserable human beings, the "Pot Pie" generation......click...ooooo have to turn the pot pie in the toaster oven...only 75 more minutes until I can eat......


What about 8 track or reel-to-reel?

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also if we "youngsters", with no attention span, drive, and love for reality TV are referred to as the "Hot Pocket" generation...does that make the old crotchidies(I think I just made up a word) who haven't updated their cassette players, think other music than old fashioned RnR is crap, and basically are miserable human beings, the "Pot Pie" generation......click...ooooo have to turn the pot pie in the toaster oven...only 75 more minutes until I can eat......




I prefer being called the "Jiffy Pop" generation, thank you. Although my generation would be somewhere in between.



Of course the pot-kettle-black situation that we now find ourselves in is that those who frequently "drop Hot Pockets" seem to have an attention deficit disorder of their own, which prevents them from posting something well-thought out.


HAHA. Actually, it has morphed into "You suck, because... well... you just suck, ok?"

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We're Generation Ipodless.


The Hot Pockets thing really manifested itself right after 9/11. In fact, I maintain that the greatest opportunity to rise above the Hot Pockets mentality came to us on 9/11, and we couldn't overcome it.


For a brief period of time, we mourned the loss of life. We raged against the tragedy. The entire Senate stood outside singing God Bless America, and every highway in every city in every state in this union rose up together to fly the flag of freedom...from our houses, from our buildings; hell, we attached them to our car windows and found every imagineable way to let the world know that it'll take a lot more than that to kill our spirit. We stood on street corners with signs proclaiming "God Bless America" and hundreds of people stood across the street from Ground Zero cheering for the men and women working through the rubble to bring out body after body.


Two months later, the Hot Pockets mentality claws its way back in the form of "Well, now that we're done with that, let's find someone to blame."


Two months later you couldn't drive down the road without seeing tattered little flags littering the highways, senators pissing all over each other...and America was right back to where it was on 9/10.


We had our chance. We blew it. That's the Hot Pockets at work, Charlie Brown.


Ding. Time for another fun-filled episode of Paris Hilton on TV. Gotta go!

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We're Generation Ipodless.


The Hot Pockets thing really manifested itself right after 9/11. In fact, I maintain that the greatest opportunity to rise above the Hot Pockets mentality came to us on 9/11, and we couldn't overcome it.


For a brief period of time, we mourned the loss of life. We raged against the tragedy. The entire Senate stood outside singing God Bless America, and every highway in every city in every state in this union rose up together to fly the flag of freedom...from our houses, from our buildings; hell, we attached them to our car windows and found every imagineable way to let the world know that it'll take a lot more than that to kill our spirit. We stood on street corners with signs proclaiming "God Bless America" and hundreds of people stood across the street from Ground Zero cheering for the men and women working through the rubble to bring out body after body.


Two months later, the Hot Pockets mentality claws its way back in the form of "Well, now that we're done with that, let's find someone to blame."


Two months later you couldn't drive down the road without seeing tattered little flags littering the highways, senators pissing all over each other...and America was right back to where it was on 9/10.


We had our chance. We blew it. That's the Hot Pockets at work, Charlie Brown.


Ding. Time for another fun-filled episode of Paris Hilton on TV. Gotta go!


I would just like to point out that this post contained references to Hot Pockets, 9-11, "God Bless America," Charlie Brown and Paris Hilton. I have no idea what it all means, but it's amusing to me anyway.


Ooooh... and "Senators pissing all over each other."

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We had our chance. We blew it. That's the Hot Pockets at work, Charlie Brown.


Ding. Time for another fun-filled episode of Paris Hilton on TV. Gotta go!



The only problem I have when people mention this whole "hot pocket" mentality thing is they usually point it torwards the younger generation. It seems to me EVERYONE has changed to that mentality. It is a sign of the times, not the age group.

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also if we "youngsters", with no attention span, drive, and love for reality TV are referred to as the "Hot Pocket" generation...does that make the old crotchidies(I think I just made up a word) who haven't updated their cassette players, think other music than old fashioned RnR is crap, and basically are miserable human beings, the "Pot Pie" generation......click...ooooo have to turn the pot pie in the toaster oven...only 75 more minutes until I can eat......



Hot Pockets makes a microwavable "Pot Pie" Takes about two mins thirty seconds gramps!


(Is there anything i can do to get out of the "Hot Pocket" generation, or am i guilty by association because of my age?)

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The only problem I have when people mention this whole "hot pocket" mentality thing is they usually point it torwards the younger generation.  It seems to me EVERYONE has changed to that mentality.  It is a sign of the times, not the age group.



You are correct. It is a mentality, not an age thing.

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The only problem I have when people mention this whole "hot pocket" mentality thing is they usually point it torwards the younger generation.  It seems to me EVERYONE has changed to that mentality.  It is a sign of the times, not the age group.


It's not age specific by any stretch of the imagination (at least not by my way of thinking) because the truth is, we're all too lazy to find the answers we need anymore, and rely on the quick bites we get without having to look for them. We could walk by a newsstand or log onto AOL Instant Messenger and have the little window pop up with ten bits of quick information to get you through your day. One piece of national news, one piece of celebrity news, one poll that means nothing and a photo of a person who we're supposed to determine is hot or not. Or is a Britney lookalike.


We're told what to wear, what to listen to, what is good, what is bad, why things are great and why things suck. And we're told all this in tiny bite-sized morsels by people we're supposed to believe.


We're not totally hopeless. If it were all for naught, Dan Rather would still have a job, Paris Hilton wouldn't be getting married, The Honeymooners Movie wouldn't have gone straight to video and Ron Artest would have only been suspended for 10 games and he'd be playing in Game 7 instead of watching from his Barcolounger.


We B word about our government representatives, but do nothing about it. We B word about the crap on TV, but watch it more than ever. We B word about the economy, but buy a bunch of Hummers. We B word about illegal immigrants, but have them mowing our lawns.


It's not age specific. It's mentality specific, and we're all guilty of it at one point or another.


The younger folks, unfortunately, seem to feed on it more than their predecessors, but you have to ask yourself...who was responsible for raising the younger folks?

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