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1 hour ago, JFKjr said:


A country with the most expensive and ineffective health care system of all developed nations with poor cost to outcome ratios that is also a price maximizing monopoly at every point in the health care delivery system is concerned about the impact of a potential department of health nominee that will initiate a change in approach and direction? Time to step out of the box.


And two words of advice to this one on an initial action towards a healthy lifestyle, portion control.

  • 3 weeks later...



GOP governor calls on incoming Trump officials to ban junk food in food stamps: 'Make America Healthy Again'

Arkansas Gov Sarah Huckabee Sanders says she is requesting a SNAP waiver to prohibit junk food from the program in her state

By Andrew Mark Miller 





Who's going to pay for my chips and soda pop ??  😭


11 hours ago, B-Man said:



GOP governor calls on incoming Trump officials to ban junk food in food stamps: 'Make America Healthy Again'

Arkansas Gov Sarah Huckabee Sanders says she is requesting a SNAP waiver to prohibit junk food from the program in her state

By Andrew Mark Miller 





Who's going to pay for my chips and soda pop ??  😭


Then what would all those Razorback hillbillies sell to buy their oxycontin?


  • Haha (+1) 1
35 minutes ago, B-Man said:






The Bush Administration's rationale for allowing soda to remain food stamps (SNAP) eligible, c. 2007:


One of the USDA's primary concerns with any new restriction on SNAP is that it could increase the embarrassment and stigma associated with SNAP use and thereby deter SNAP use. SNAP participants who are unaware of the new exclusion of sweetened beverages would attempt to purchase the excluded item, and it would be embarrassing to be told at the cash register that they cannot purchase it. This embarrassment, in the USDA's words, “has the potential to stigmatize participants by singling them out as food stamp participants, and may discourage some eligible low-income persons from participating in the program."

2 minutes ago, B-Man said:


By by Lindsey.


Very rare Lindsay Graham W. 


America has no place in government for vaccine denying, heroin-addicted filth like RFK and his minions. 

Posted (edited)
On 11/1/2024 at 2:17 PM, Tiberius said:

RFK is bonkers, my God, its like they are trying to kill Americans 


MAGA hates America 


WTF you are such a dip S**T it's a wonder you can walk and chew gum !!


The FDA and EPA have been allowing BS to be sprayed on our foods that seeps into the aquifer then only to drink more of these same chemicals that are banded in Europe but RFK is the one your Dum ass is worried about because he wants to stop it ?


You are truly ignorant if you don't know that roundup, and other preservatives put in our foods actually cause disease over time . Many chemicals & even medications have things in them that fix 1 thing but cause 10 others & if you don't believe me just listen to every dam commercial about any nwe med that comes out it has 15 different side effects .


But RFK is the one to worry about because he wants to get rid of as much of these types of things that are making keeping us sick so big pharma can continue to thrive on our sickness .


The American diet is the worst on the planet, & obesity is rampant in this country due to Americans first being lazy & feeling they are entitled and then the amounts of sugars which is actually worse than cocaine when it comes to being addicted to these things and it's apparent by your post that you have no clue how bad this gov't has been when it comes to feeding us things to keep us sick .


If they stop using some of these things RFK wants to keep out of food of course kids won't like it as much because its not sweet and doesn't have high fructose corn syrup in every thing .


My wife recently took one of those weight lose drugs sure it helped but the dam side effects one of them causing problems with the gaul bladder which shortly after taking this drug for a couple months had to spend THOUSANDS to have hers removed but before taking this drug had NO yes NO problems with her gaul bladder .


So ins. companies, Doctors, hospitals, and big pharma all made money because my wife decided to take the easy way or as i call it the lazy way out and that's what America is all about today, just take a pill and it will be all better & the likes of you continue to think these A** holes in our gov't have your best interests at the fore front of their mind .


Man you talk about being lost your the epitome of lost when it comes to this post !!!  With you It's all about keeping the hate narrative alive and well !

20 hours ago, B-Man said:


By by Lindsey.



What companies does he have investments in ? If looked into we might get a answer why he's voting against him ... 

Edited by T master
  • Like (+1) 3
33 minutes ago, T master said:


WTF you are such a dip S**T it's a wonder you can walk and chew gum !!



The American diet is the worst on the planet, & obesity is rampant in this country due to Americans first being lazy & feeling they are entitled and then the amounts of sugars which is actually worse than cocaine when it comes to being addicted to these things and it's apparent by your post that you have no clue how bad this gov't has been when it comes to feeding us things to keep us sick .




My wife recently took one of those weight lose drugs sure it helped but the dam side effects one of them causing problems with the gaul bladder which shortly after taking this drug for a couple months had to spend THOUSANDS to have hers removed but before taking this drug had NO yes NO problems with her gaul bladder .


So ins. companies, Doctors, hospitals, and big pharma all made money because my wife decided to take the easy way or as i call it the lazy way out and that's what America is all about today, just take a pill and it will be all better & the likes of you continue to think these A** holes in our gov't have your best interests at the fore front of their mind .



Gum? I don’t chew gum. 

Sorry about your wife, hope that turns out ok. 

I have a decent diet, try and get in lots of greens, fiber and variety of plant foods 


Still love chicken wings though 

Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

Gum? I don’t chew gum. 

Sorry about your wife, hope that turns out ok. 

I have a decent diet, try and get in lots of greens, fiber and variety of plant foods 


Still love chicken wings though 


Appreciate your concern thank you ! And you are smart to have green and fiber but go by a corn field or soy bean field and look . If you will notice there are NO weeds in the actual field that they are growing in that is because they are GMO so they can spray round up on them which is a weed killer that causes cancer .


The plant through water that it needs to grow also takes in the chemicals in round up then it goes into our body and hence causes a disease AND THEY KNOW THIS !!! But they continue to feed it to us . Then there is the yellow food coloring that comes from some off shoot of coal that is highly toxic and it's in things such as skittles yellow candies, M&M's yellow candy then preservatives in cereal's and other foods like breads & such .


BPA's in plastics known to cause cancer and everything we eat now is rapped in plastics . Remember when they use to say don't drink water that has been in a plastic bottle that has either been real hot in a car or frozen that sat in your car because it would release the BPA into the water which is known to cause cancer .


So the people in the FDA which stands for Food & Drug administration are allowing our food to be filled & Drugs with bad stuff & the EPA which stands for the Environmental PROTECTION Agency are allowing Round up which when introduced to water can't be filtered out of it and when sprayed by the hundreds of millions of gallons on our food then the rain makes it seep into the aquifer to stay for ever then it is in every thing that needs water to grow including humans & animals .


So that is the kind of thing that RFK is wanting to stop . Stop feeding us & our kids these chemicals to keep us the sick country that we are and in turn that makes drugs less, Doctors costs less, insurance costs less, life expectancy goes up & health over all in America is better for it .


But if you & others want our kids & ourselves to continue to get sick then stay on the same path or allow someone to make the hard changes that need to be made in order to in hopes make things better . 


Insanity is doing the same thing over & over & expecting a different out come !!!  

Edited by T master
2 hours ago, T master said:


Appreciate your concern thank you ! And you are smart to have green and fiber but go by a corn field or soy bean field and look . If you will notice there are NO weeds in the actual field that they are growing in that is because they are GMO so they can spray round up on them which is a weed killer that causes cancer .


The plant through water that it needs to grow also takes in the chemicals in round up then it goes into our body and hence causes a disease AND THEY KNOW THIS !!! But they continue to feed it to us . Then there is the yellow food coloring that comes from some off shoot of coal that is highly toxic and it's in things such as skittles yellow candies, M&M's yellow candy then preservatives in cereal's and other foods like breads & such .


BPA's in plastics known to cause cancer and everything we eat now is rapped in plastics . Remember when they use to say don't drink water that has been in a plastic bottle that has either been real hot in a car or frozen that sat in your car because it would release the BPA into the water which is known to cause cancer .


So the people in the FDA which stands for Food & Drug administration are allowing our food to be filled & Drugs with bad stuff & the EPA which stands for the Environmental PROTECTION Agency are allowing Round up which when introduced to water can't be filtered out of it and when sprayed by the hundreds of millions of gallons on our food then the rain makes it seep into the aquifer to stay for ever then it is in every thing that needs water to grow including humans & animals .


So that is the kind of thing that RFK is wanting to stop . Stop feeding us & our kids these chemicals to keep us the sick country that we are and in turn that makes drugs less, Doctors costs less, insurance costs less, life expectancy goes up & health over all in America is better for it .


But if you & others want our kids & ourselves to continue to get sick then stay on the same path or allow someone to make the hard changes that need to be made in order to in hopes make things better . 


Insanity is doing the same thing over & over & expecting a different out come !!!  

What the heck can he do about plastics? Banning them would not be popular 

  • Eyeroll 2
19 hours ago, Tiberius said:

What the heck can he do about plastics? Banning them would not be popular 


What did we do before plastics, Remember when ?? They have plastics that don't have the chemical BPA in it . I always look for that on bottled water . Plus too maybe there wouldn't be all that plastic floating around out in the ocean in the current .


Oh and remember when they use to put stuff in glass and you can recycle it and it doesn't case any illness but recycling takes way to much time to implement a program then to get Americans to walk the blue tote out to the curb is like . 



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On 12/17/2024 at 10:15 AM, B-Man said:







Not to mention those that sell their food stamps to get beer, cocaine, meth, whiskey and other things . Just like having to register to vote those on a food stamp program should have to show a picture ID that matches their number both on the food stamps & the ID card to the person that is given the food stamps .

  • Agree 1
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  • 3 weeks later...



But he's an extremist !


Senate Democrats Open to Confirming RFK Jr.

by Sean Moran


Some Senate Democrats are reportedly open to confirming Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to be the next Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary, according to a report. The Hill reported that many sources state that Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and John Fetterman (D-PA) are considering backing Kennedy. The sources believe that the Democrats and Kennedy share concerns over how corporations heavily influence food and how processed American food is now. This comes as other Democrats have questioned Kennedy’s skepticism towards vaccines.








On 11/1/2024 at 2:33 PM, Joe Ferguson forever said:

this could be good.  Evolution in real time could recur.  He'll give crackpot, dangerous advice and policies and the dummies will follow them.  People with any brains will listen to their doctors 99+ percent of whom were immunized against Covid and every other preventable disease.


Yah so lets bring back Fauci he would never lead us down the wrong path right ? WTF !!! I suppose you got how many booster shots to & are planning on getting more .


If you do any research at all on all the BS these food companies put in the food to preserve the freshness & shelf life, not including what Round up (which keep in mind is banned in many European countries) all as it seeps into the aquifer only to be picked up in other plants to continue to cause cancer in other ways you might find that your reply is based on ignorance !! 


Side note - Round up has been found in Wines in Cali that the grape farmers have not used Round up to keep their weeds in check but it has still been found in the wine . But How did that happen ?


Plus BPA's in plastic that in some cases are transfer'd from the plastic into the food we eat and things like high fructose corn syrups that help cause obesity and  is another food being corn based that is a GMO to except round up which is in most all soy & corn products that we take in and is in most foods if you just read labels . 


You apparently just listen to them (like a good little citizen) to all that they want you to believe and think they have your best interests in mind - HAH ! when in fact all's they care about is keeping us sick as to profit from it in one way shape or form .


So you just keep believing little buckeroo and you might see who the crackpots truly are in time while you laying in a bed with a terrible disease .


Which i pray you don't !! 





4 hours ago, T master said:


Yah so lets bring back Fauci he would never lead us down the wrong path right ? WTF !!! I suppose you got how many booster shots to & are planning on getting more .


If you do any research at all on all the BS these food companies put in the food to preserve the freshness & shelf life, not including what Round up (which keep in mind is banned in many European countries) all as it seeps into the aquifer only to be picked up in other plants to continue to cause cancer in other ways you might find that your reply is based on ignorance !! 


Side note - Round up has been found in Wines in Cali that the grape farmers have not used Round up to keep their weeds in check but it has still been found in the wine . But How did that happen ?


Plus BPA's in plastic that in some cases are transfer'd from the plastic into the food we eat and things like high fructose corn syrups that help cause obesity and  is another food being corn based that is a GMO to except round up which is in most all soy & corn products that we take in and is in most foods if you just read labels . 


You apparently just listen to them (like a good little citizen) to all that they want you to believe and think they have your best interests in mind - HAH ! when in fact all's they care about is keeping us sick as to profit from it in one way shape or form .


So you just keep believing little buckeroo and you might see who the crackpots truly are in time while you laying in a bed with a terrible disease .


Which i pray you don't !! 





Well I actually went to medical school, passed all the exams and requirements and passed the boards 3 times. So no, I don’t listen to “them”. Where did you obtain your expertise in medicine and health?  I’m guessing some far right site with authors who know nothing about health sciences like most moron anti vaxers

Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

Well I actually went to medical school, passed all the exams and requirements and passed the boards 3 times. So no, I don’t listen to “them”. Where did you obtain your expertise in medicine and health?  I’m guessing some far right site with authors who know nothing about health sciences like most moron anti vaxers


No from personal research and i have people like you in my family that have went to medical school and passed all of the required testing & such to now work in the profession every single day & when covid came about and the vaccine started they told me that it wasn't safe because of the lack of testing .


And now we know that covid was no worse than the flu so who's looking foolish now ? Then with all of the of the info floating around of things that have happened to those that took the jab having major side effects & some even dying and my old ass sitting here as healthy as i was before it all I'm glad i took my chances rather than listen to Fauci & the crack pots trying to sell their narrative .


But you do you And if you still don't know anything about the different chemicals in our food that can make us sick i think you need to do some more research and stop drinking the kool aid . And im glad i don't attend the clinic you work at because of your sheeple type mind set . 


Just do what ever they say it will all be okay .... And if you think the FDA & EPA have your best interest in mind your more foolish than even you know !! 



Edited by T master
17 hours ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

Well I actually went to medical school, passed all the exams and requirements and passed the boards 3 times. So no, I don’t listen to “them”. Where did you obtain your expertise in medicine and health?  I’m guessing some far right site with authors who know nothing about health sciences like most moron anti vaxers

Significant accomplishments to be sure.  That said, like every other aspect of life, there are excellent doctors, good doctors, average doctors, below average doctors, and poor doctors--all of whom went to medical school, passed exams, etc.  Using the opiod crisis as one example, what one has to hope for is that in a time of need, their phyiscian researched, analyzed, considered their situation and made the appropriate recommendation for the patient at the time.   Blind faith is never the answer, though I would agree lots of people of all political stripes take information from sources that are not reputable.  

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