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Just a reminder: Jesus is Lord!


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1 hour ago, K D said:

Yes very aware of the entire process. I have family members who have done it. They retrieve a handful of eggs and of those only a few are fertilized and of those you are lucky if 1-2 are viable for long term pregnancy and even then it's usually a 50/50 shot. Much different than a baby that has "hatched" and formed and can hear you talking to him/her. I'm not a "conservative" so I honestly don't care much either way about IVF. I do care about fully formed babies being murdered as a form of birth control. Lefties are sick and deranged to have no limits on this stuff. No matter what side you are on there is common sense that says a fully developed baby being killed is murder.

When does life begin than for you?


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12 minutes ago, Backintheday544 said:

When does life begin than for you?


I don't know I'm not a doctor, I only play one on TV. But it's pretty clear that once the baby has developed and can hear you talking to it then it's too late to kill it for selfish reasons. At the very minimum that should be the cutoff. So anything past 18 weeks and you are officially a baby killer in my book and should be in jail. Maybe even before then but I don't know enough about it. But then the Dems try to play the what about'ism game where the girl gets raped by her brother and dies on the way to Ohio to get an abortion because it's illegal in Kentucky. Ok so for the 0.0001% of cases we should allow for it all the time? Makes no sense.


Trump is for IVF and against abortion unless rape/*****/medical reasons. Pretty liberal if you ask me. But Krazy Kamala has ads on TV saying he's going to pass a national abortion ban. That's fake and would be against the law now that it's with the states to decide.

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“Thou shalt not commit adultery.”

Exodus 20:14

Men and women make promises to each other when they are married. These promises are important, and breaking them causes deep sadness. Keeping those promises help men and women have happy marriages and happy lives.



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3 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

“Thou shalt not commit adultery.”

Exodus 20:14

Men and women make promises to each other when they are married. These promises are important, and breaking them causes deep sadness. Keeping those promises help men and women have happy marriages and happy lives.



If the Mrs. was keeping her promises and keeping that gun unloaded at home, he wouldn't need to take the show on the road.


Just saying ;)

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9 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

The Cult will make ANY excuse 

Not in the cult, I think I've told you that before. I never chastised Clinton about it. With that face? Oof - who could blame him.


And to me, regardless of political affiliation, it's a damn valid excuse. What's the point of wealth, power, and fame if you can't cash it in on some tail?

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2 hours ago, Tommy Callahan said:

Can't eat gdp.  Market and federal/state spending is driving gdp.  


And the for majority of Americans.  Their personal economy sucks.  


But like you said.  The investor class and fortune 500 companies receiving our money are doing well. 


And probably why that same group is working so hard to continue the gravy train.  Ie.  Harris 

Anyone else notice the lefties on this thread are using some next level propaganda, come off very hostile.    It's like this topic triggers them. 

Topic? The topic is Jesus is lord, if that’s the case why do you worship trump?


tds=trump dick sucker=you

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Just now, 4th&long said:

Topic? The topic is Jesus is lord, if that’s the case why do you worship trump?


tds=trump dick sucker=you

Welp.  If that's some new rule.  You and your are the ones that talk and post about him non stop.  Even in threads and narratives that have absolutely nothing to do with the orange guy.  


So following your rule. 



You got some on your chin 

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Do people honestly believe the people were ejected from the rally because of what they said and not because they were disrupting the event?


There’s a saying I heard recently: “When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.”


MAGA seems to always think zebras…

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1 minute ago, ChiGoose said:

Do people honestly believe the people were ejected from the rally because of what they said and not because they were disrupting the event?


There’s a saying I heard recently: “When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.”


MAGA seems to always think zebras…

They do sound hideous  to be sure, Chi. 

But to be fair, KH made it quite clear that their type was not welcome there.   What she meant exactly is anyone’s guess but some felt she was going with a Deep South 1950s vibe.  Some probably felt that mentioning “The Lord” was über-disruptive.  

That lady in the Titanic movie said something like “A woman’s heart is a deep ocean…” , and that’s probably true.  

Best to report the story and let people make up their own minds. 

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Huge number of voters of faith sitting this election out




About 102 million people of faith—including "32 million self-identified Christians who regularly attend church"—are likely to abstain from voting in November, according to a new study from Arizona Christian University (ACU). Many, including the study's lead researcher, are encouraging churches to "pull it together" to get their congregations out of the pews and into the polls.

The ACU study indicates that enthusiasm for this election among people of faith—defined as someone who associates with a recognized religion, such as Christianity, Judaism, Mormonism, and Islam—is lower than usual and much lower than in 2020, with 57 percent of respondents offering dislike for both former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris as the reason for their apathy. About 55 percent also said none of the candidates reflected their most important views, and half of the expected nonvoters said the election has become too controversial.

The researchers, led by George Barna, director of research at ACU's Cultural Research Center, surveyed 2,000 adults during August and September 2024. Barna pointed out that more narrowly defined segments of "people of faith" have different expected turnout rates. Among self-identified Christians who regularly attend church services, 32 million are not expected to vote. At least 14 million adults who regularly attend specifically an evangelical church are expected to not vote. An additional 19 million who regularly attend Catholic services are not likely to vote.

There was some indication that this drop-off in enthusiasm from Trump's faithful fans was possible. The former president has been trying to distance himself from his past anti-abortion statements and policies (to align better with the majority of Americans), but 41 percent of Christians who regularly attend church services told surveyors that abortion was an issue that most significantly influenced who they would vote for (and a majority of whom oppose abortion). In August, Trump faced backlash after initially opposing Florida's six-week abortion ban, prompting him to later support it. A few weeks later, he posted "My Administration will be great for women and their reproductive rights" on Truth Social. Days later, Trump's running mate, J.D. Vance, was asked by NBC's Kristen Welker, "Can you commit…that if you and Donald Trump are elected that you will not impose a federal ban on abortion?" Vance answered, "I can absolutely commit that."

This attempt to moderate was a bridge too far for some prominent anti-abortion activists, including Lila Rose, the founder and president of Live Action, a nonprofit that claims "the largest digital footprint for the global pro-life movement." Rose is also a Catholic who advocates banning abortion with no exceptions, opposes the use of in vitro fertilization (another disagreement with Trump), is against birth control, and even says that women who get abortions should receive "criminal penalties." She retweeted Vance's comments on a federal abortion ban saying, "If you don't stand for pro-life principles, you don't get pro-life votes."

Of course, plenty of Trump's religious supporters split with Rose on this point. Many also seem worried by the findings of this study. Barna himself went on The Charlie Kirk Show to discuss the survey's findings, calling the potentially 41 million "born-again Christian" nonvoters a game-changer. "When you look at who those people would be likely to vote for, by a large margin, they would back Mr. Trump. By their refusal to show up in this election…Mr. Trump is going to be very, very hard-pressed to win

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