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Just a reminder: Jesus is Lord!


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5 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

Know your audience. 
I do that for your benefit. There are no Cardinals here, just a dozen bored football fans. 

You are supposed to be witty. Clever. Funny. Not a blowhard bully.


Nuance has never been MAGA's strong suit, nor anything resembling intelligence.

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MAGA stands for make America great again. That seems like something all Americans would want regardless of intellect. Safety for our families, innocence for our children and freedom of speech without government censorship; aren’t these things we all value? If so then there is only one “choice”


I do hope one day there is an expanded process like college football did for the playoffs lol. It’s sad that we get pushed into only 2 candidates because you know if it were a bigger selection the campaigns would be less attack and hatred and more about substance that Americans really care about. 

Edited by NeverOutNick
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8 minutes ago, NeverOutNick said:

MAGA stands for make America great again. That seems like something all Americans would want regardless of intellect. Safety for our families, innocence for our children and freedom of speech without government censorship; aren’t these things we all value? If so then there is only one “choice”


I do hope one day there is an expanded process like college football did for the playoffs lol. It’s sad that we get pushed into only 2 candidates because you know if it were a bigger selection the campaigns would be less attack and hatred and more about substance that Americans really care about. 


If only MAGA's actions matched MAGA's words. Sadly, they do not, but whatever makes you feel better.

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5 hours ago, NeverOutNick said:

MAGA stands for make America great again. That seems like something all Americans would want regardless of intellect. Safety for our families, innocence for our children and freedom of speech without government censorship; aren’t these things we all value? If so then there is only one “choice”


I do hope one day there is an expanded process like college football did for the playoffs lol. It’s sad that we get pushed into only 2 candidates because you know if it were a bigger selection the campaigns would be less attack and hatred and more about substance that Americans really care about. 

America is great.  This economy everyone ***** about is the best in the world by far and the beat it’s been since ww2. For example California has the fourth highest gdp in the world! Freedom of speech? Trump wants to sue cbs for the Harris interview, he wants them all to lose their license!! Free speech for me not for thee! People need to educate themselves.

Just now, 4th&long said:



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1 hour ago, 4th&long said:

America is great.  This economy everyone ***** about is the best in the world by far and the beat it’s been since ww2. For example California has the fourth highest gdp in the world! Freedom of speech? Trump wants to sue cbs for the Harris interview, he wants them all to lose their license!! Free speech for me not for thee! People need to educate themselves.


Stock market isn't the economy.  


The rest is your tds 

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8 hours ago, NeverOutNick said:

Amen brother! Hopefully most church goers vote this election. 🙏 

Love your neighbor as yourself (including immigrants/foreigners)

In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’

“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”

The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”

Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” (Luke 10:29-37)


So, yes, hopefully most devout church goers vote this election.  We should all try our best to imitate...

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3 minutes ago, EasternOHBillsFan said:


Go complain to the fetuses you call babies and report back if they heard you or not 😂

When does life begin? Do you have kids? If you did you would know they can hear you in the womb at 18 weeks. Dems think it's ok to kill those babies at 30+ weeks. Colorado and Minnesota for instance have no limit on late term abortion. It's murder bro

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1 hour ago, Tommy Callahan said:

Stock market isn't the economy.  


The rest is your tds 

I’m not talking about the stock market fool. If I was talking about the stock market I would have said that. Like it or hate it, America has by far the best economy in the world. California has the 4th highest gdp in the world! Trump can call America ashit hole all and he is the only one who can fix it all he wants. But people with a brain, who actually do some research see through his BS. You know what you can do with that stupid tds. That just shows how stupid you really are. 

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23 minutes ago, K D said:

When does life begin? Do you have kids? If you did you would know they can hear you in the womb at 18 weeks. Dems think it's ok to kill those babies at 30+ weeks. Colorado and Minnesota for instance have no limit on late term abortion. It's murder bro

When does life begin?


at inception? Well Trump supports IVF now apparently. Do you know that process?


The eggs get fertilized several become embryos and then they implant. Any embryos not implanted would usually be destroyed.


So if you’re voting for Trump you’re voting for someone who supports killing inception embryos. 

oh Trump not only supports it but he’s the father of it. So he’s the father of killing babies in your definition of when life starts.

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Can't eat gdp.  Market and federal/state spending is driving gdp.  


And the for majority of Americans.  Their personal economy sucks.  


But like you said.  The investor class and fortune 500 companies receiving our money are doing well. 


And probably why that same group is working so hard to continue the gravy train.  Ie.  Harris 

Anyone else notice the lefties on this thread are using some next level propaganda, come off very hostile.    It's like this topic triggers them. 

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7 minutes ago, Backintheday544 said:

When does life begin?


at inception? Well Trump supports IVF now apparently. Do you know that process?


The eggs get fertilized several become embryos and then they implant. Any embryos not implanted would usually be destroyed.


So if you’re voting for Trump you’re voting for someone who supports killing inception embryos. 

oh Trump not only supports it but he’s the father of it. So he’s the father of killing babies in your definition of when life starts.

Yes very aware of the entire process. I have family members who have done it. They retrieve a handful of eggs and of those only a few are fertilized and of those you are lucky if 1-2 are viable for long term pregnancy and even then it's usually a 50/50 shot. Much different than a baby that has "hatched" and formed and can hear you talking to him/her. I'm not a "conservative" so I honestly don't care much either way about IVF. I do care about fully formed babies being murdered as a form of birth control. Lefties are sick and deranged to have no limits on this stuff. No matter what side you are on there is common sense that says a fully developed baby being killed is murder.

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1 minute ago, Tommy Callahan said:

Can't eat gdp.  Market and federal/state spending is driving gdp.  


And the for majority of Americans.  Their personal economy sucks.  


But like you said.  The investor class and fortune 500 companies receiving our money are doing well. 


And probably why that same group is working so hard to continue the gravy train.  Ie.  Harris 

Which side proposes a living minimum wage?   Progressive tax policies that demand the wealthy pay more?

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9 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

Which side proposes a living minimum wage?   Progressive tax policies that demand the wealthy pay more?

And that quick more are on the floor. We already have a progressive tax policy. 


Tax and spend is the policy of the States people are fleeing from. 




That's the result of your bs msm narrative 


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