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Group eying a minority stake in Bills includes Vince Carter and Tracy McGrady.

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I think guys like Vince Carter can help the cool factor of the Bills and help FAs want to play here.

Before Josh, FAs had a low opinion of Buffalo. Any celebrity ambassadors for the team — now and when Josh declines in, hopefully, a decade) — can only help.



Edited by Nephilim17
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3 minutes ago, peterpan said:

Being worth 5 billion is bonkers.  Do the Bills not cashflow or something? Why ever sell? Why not just leverage the value of the team for cash, retain full ownership, and avoid taxes??


Pegula can diversify $500M into other investments.  I would do it if I was him.

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The way I see it is that Vince Carter, Tracy McGrady and the soccer guy don’t have $1B between the three of them. 

There’s probably big money behind them like there is with most of the other athlete minority owners. 

The one thing tying the 3 of them together is Toronto. And anything that has Toronto and the Bills in the same sentence gives me the creeps. 

Maybe it’s nothing, but I don’t remember seeing Vince Carter at Twin Oaks during the drought. 

Hopefully I’m wrong. 

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3 hours ago, ColoradoBills said:


Pegula can diversify $500M into other investments.  I would do it if I was him.


what else is going to triple his money in 10 years?




Guy is getting 27% for $750 million---this is a team that has been valued at 5.8 billion!  That's a huge wake up call for these crazy valuations that Forbes and CNBC and others are tossing around.


big investors are not going to pay based on these imaginary valuations.  This guy made his offer based on a valuation of 4 billion----and still got another billion knocked off of that.  He got 27% based on a less than 3 billion valuation on a team that the press had at 5.8.


I would think these 3 dudes will look a that and tell Pegula they want 20% for 500 million.  Why not?  

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