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Once again Charlie Daniels speaks his feelings and once again he is

right on the money. Charlie needs to be writing for a major news



The Straight Scoop from Charlie Daniels


I've just returned from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Naval Air Station base

where we did three shows for the troops and toured several locations

around the post visiting with some of the finest military personnel

on planet earth. The kids seemed to really enjoy the shows and

especially liked "This Ain't No Rag, It's A Flag" and "In America".

We had a great time with them.


We saw Camp X-Ray, where the Taliban detainees are being held only

from a distance, but I picked up a lot of what's going on there from

talking with a lot of different people.


The truth of the matter is that this operation is under a

microscope. The Red Cross has an on site presence there and watches

everything that goes on very closely. The media is not telling you

the whole truth about what's going on over there. The truth is that

these scum bags are not only being treated humanely, but they are

probably better off health wise and medically than they've ever been

in their lives. They are fed well, able to take showers and receive

state of the art medical care. And have their own Moslem chaplain. I

saw several of them in a field hospital ward where they were being

treated in a state of the art medical facility.


Now let's talk about the way they treat our people. First of all,

they have to be watched constantly. These people are committed and

wanton murderers who are willing to die just to kill someone else.

One of the doctors told me that when they had Taliban in the

hospital the staff had to really be careful with needles, pens and

anything else which could possibly be used as a weapon. They also

throw their excrement and urine on the troops who are guarding them.

And our guys and gals have shown great restraint in not retaliating.

We are spending over a million dollars a day maintaining and

guarding these nasty killers and anyone who wants to see them brought

to the U.S.A. for trial is either out of their heads or a lawyer

looking for money and notoriety. Or both.


I wish that the media and the Red Cross and all the rest of the

people who are so worried about these criminals would realize that

this is not a troop of errant Boy Scouts. These are killers of the

worst kind. They don't need protection from us, we need protection

from them. If you don't get anything else out of this soapbox,

please try to realize that when you see news coverage much of the

time you're not getting the whole story, but an account filtered

through a liberal mindset with an agenda.


We have two fights on our hands, the war against terror and the one

against the loudmouthed lawyers and left wing media who would sap

the strength from the American public by making us believe that

we're losing the war or doing something wrong in fighting it.

Remember these are the same people who told us that Saddam Hussein's

Republican guard was going to be an all but invincible enemy and

that our smart bombs and other weapons were not really as good as

the military said that they were.



Here I must commend Fox News for presenting both sides much better

than the other networks. They are leaving the other cable networks

in the dust. People like being told the truth.


Our military not only needs but deserves our support. Let's give it

to them.


The next time you read a media account about the bad treatment of

the Taliban in Cuba, remember what I told you. Been there, done that.


Footnote: I got an e-mail from a rather irate first cousin of mine

the other day who has a daughter who's a lawyer and she seemed to

think that I was painting all lawyers with the same brush. Please

understand that I'm not doing that at all. That would be like saying

that all musicians were drug addicts. There are a lot of good and

honest attorneys out there. I happen to have one of them. But it

seems that they never get any airtime. It's always the radicals who

get their opinions heard, who fight the idea of the military

tribunals and cite The Constitution and the integrity of America as

their source of justifying their opinions. Well, first of all The

Constitution says "We the people of the United States", it doesn't

mention any other country.


And secondly as far as integrity is concerned, I don't think some of

these folks would know integrity if it bit them in the posterior.


What do you think? God Bless America.


Charlie Daniels


P.S. Please consider sending this to everyone you can..the truth

needs to be told.

I think that other than living in prison, these guys might live better than I do currently


Well that and your roommate throwing sh-- and urine around. :devil:




Gotta agree. Good for Daniels for coming forth and preaching the "other" view of the issue, but there wasnt much in that piece one can take home with them, except for the Red Cross thing. If the Red Cross is there every day, why havent they spoken up about the good treatment these prisoners have recevied? Not that their job is to defend the United States. But if groups like AI and others who HAVENT been to GTMO are throwing reckless accusations around, doesnt it indirectly become the responsibility of the group that IS there to speak up and call "bull sh--" to those who are speaking out of turn?

Gotta agree. Good for Daniels for coming forth and preaching the "other" view of the issue, but there wasnt much in that piece one can take home with them, except for the Red Cross thing. If the Red Cross is there every day, why havent they spoken up about the good treatment these prisoners have recevied? Not that their job is to defend the United States. But if groups like AI and others who HAVENT been to GTMO are throwing reckless accusations around, doesnt it indirectly become the responsibility of the group that IS there to speak up and call "bull sh--" to those who are speaking out of turn?


The Red Cross doesn't exist for that purpose, as you said and aren't about to get into a public pissing contest on something that doesn't really affect them. That's pretty much the way of the world now. If it was so bad, why hasn't the RC piled on?


The whole G-Mo situation is nothing more than "sound and fury, signifying nothing." That's pretty much the reason Dick Durbin had to play the Nazi card so early in the proceedings.

But if groups like AI and others who HAVENT been to GTMO are throwing reckless accusations around, doesnt it indirectly become the responsibility of the group that IS there to speak up and call "bull sh--" to those who are speaking out of turn?



I actually thought AI's report was pretty tame.

(though a spokesperson is resposible for the Gulag reference which the organization backed off, the report itself is not suprising)




Is there anything in there that is suprising or objectionable?


Sorry, everyone, but I do have a problem with this.


Note: If I'm wrong about any of this, please let me know


Actually this is the part I have a problem with:


We are spending over a million dollars a day maintaining and

guarding these nasty killers and anyone who wants to see them brought

to the U.S.A. for trial is either out of their heads or a lawyer

looking for money and notoriety. Or both.


No, I respectfully disagree. IMO, the various anal-rape wings of our finer penal institutions is exactly where I want to see these enemy combatants end up. And I think Mr. Daniels is selling the piece-of-crappedness abilities of our own home-grown murderers short. There are plenty of people in our prisons today who can murder and slice throats with the best of them.



Some of these Taliban have been at Gitmo since 2002, right? If they have been there this long, then what exactly can we expect to get out of them that we have not been able to yet? We are spending a million dollars a day, what are we getting in return for it? How much intelligence are we getting out of these people after this long? Answers like "you don't need to know, just let the gov to their job" is great for talk radio and the trailer park crowd, but as a potential target of terrorism, I want to know, sorry.


If they really are the killers that we claim (I'm not questioning that), then it can not be that difficult to convict these people with something and get them on thier way to getting their salad tossed at Angola, or Supermax, or wherever, right? And even if it is that difficult, why can't we just use the "Enemy Combatants" angle to throw them into a US-based max security prison? I have a hard time believing there is a "not on US soil" loophole we can't get around.



Bottom line: Forget that media-frenzied torture story crap. What I want to know, at one million per day, is Gitmo as effective as any proper ass blasting pad in the US would be? I mean, anything can be loopholed, why can't we use the prisons that we have?

Sorry, everyone, but I do have a problem with this. 


Note: If I'm wrong about any of this, please let me know


Actually this is the part I have a problem with:

No, I respectfully disagree.  IMO, the various anal-rape wings of our finer penal institutions is exactly where I want to see these enemy combatants end up.  And I think Mr. Daniels is selling the piece-of-crappedness abilities of our own home-grown murderers short.  There are plenty of people in our prisons today who can murder and slice throats with the best of them.

Some of these Taliban have been at Gitmo since 2002, right? If they have been there this long, then what exactly can we expect to get out of them that we have not been able to yet?  We are spending a million dollars a day, what are we getting in return for it?  How much intelligence are we getting out of these people after this long?  Answers like "you don't need to know, just let the gov to their job" is great for talk radio and the trailer park crowd, but as a potential target of terrorism, I want to know, sorry.


If they really are the killers that we claim (I'm not questioning that), then it can not be that difficult to convict these people with something and get them on thier way to getting their salad tossed at Angola, or Supermax, or wherever, right? And even if it is that difficult, why can't we just use the "Enemy Combatants" angle to throw them into a US-based max security prison? I have a hard time believing there is a "not on US soil" loophole we can't get around.

Bottom line:  Forget that media-frenzied torture story crap. What I want to know, at one million per day, is Gitmo as effective as any proper ass blasting pad in the US would be? I mean, anything can be loopholed, why can't we use the prisons that we have?



Isolation. People in prisons with the opportunity to get out can be recruited for the "cause", actually pretty easily.

Isolation. People in prisons with the opportunity to get out can be recruited for the "cause", actually pretty easily.




I'm sorry, but I respectufully just don't buy the argument. Celebrities, death row inmates, child molesters, police officers who are convicted of crimes, etc. can and are isolated. I mean, ok, there goes the whole destruction of virgin ass potential that only the US penal system can offer these folks, but I really believe that we have a prison system that we already invest heavily in that can do this job without creating a place like Gitmo that is only going to succeed in both legitimizing the the liberal left and rallying the insurgency.

I'm sorry, but I respectufully just don't buy the argument.  Celebrities, death row inmates, child molesters, police officers who are convicted of crimes, etc. can and are isolated.  I mean, ok, there goes the whole destruction of virgin ass potential that a nice "Em City" like dorm would create, but I really believe that we have a prison system that we already invest heavily in that can do this job without creating a place like Gitmo that is only going to succeed in both legitimizing the liberal left and rallying the enemy.



That's only one thing that pops into my mind-but not an insignificant aspect. Recruitment of domestic terrorists is a scary thought. Isolation is critical for other reasons, as well. As far as I have been led to believe, our existing prison system is already stretched beyond capacity. Also, how many cans of worms are opened by interjecting them into our domestic prison system, legally? And, these are military detainees...at best, they would have to go into the Federal System, not a State Prison, once again, capacity. And, "normal" prisons are not ammenable to the style of detention required, or interogation issues.


After we're done with them, we should just kill'em. It would save money, no? :P




I was walking through a warehouse last week with a couple of business partners when we saw a rat that had been caught in the snap trap. While its neck was caught perfectly in the trap, the little bastard was still alive. I grabed a Broom handle that was near by so I could finish the job. Well the two people I was with started going awwwwwwwww, dont, awwwwww. I nearly blew out a vein in my neck. " I said are you kidding me????? Its a !@#$ing Rat for Christ sake!!"

So that got me even more pissed. So I jamed the Broom handle right trough the little !@#$ers head, and his little eye balls came flying out, sweet. I thought the other two were going to puke.





After we're done with them, we should just kill'em. It would save money, no? :P

I was walking through a warehouse last week with a couple of business partners when we saw a rat that had been caught in the snap trap. While its neck was caught perfectly in the trap, the little bastard was still alive. I grabed a Broom handle that was near by so I could finish the job. Well the two people I was with started going awwwwwwwww, dont, awwwwww. I nearly blew out a vein in my neck. " I said are you kidding my????? Its a !@#$ing Rat for Christ sake!!"

So that got me even more pissed. So I jamed the Broom handle right trough the little !@#$ers head, and his little eye balls came flying out, sweet. I thought the other two were going to puke.



Sounds like you can be pretty lethal with a broom.


Charlie Daniels understands why Gitmo is important. He understands why it should remain open, and why its a good thing that we have it.


However, like most people who support Gitmo, he misses the boat on why these abuse allegations are so important.


The argument here, and from most people who view this situation the same way he does, is that Terrorists are bad people and are treated well for the most part. We also are better then any other country out there. If abuses did happen, then boohoo, we're the best you're gonna get and the world should realize this.


But the reality is that isn't the way everyone views it. America needs to hold itself to a higher standard then just being better then everyone else. America needs to hold the standards at a higher level then just being better then everyone else. We're the leaders of the free world, we set the standard. Everyone else isn't going to be as good as us, thats a given. What will happen, though, is the strength of democracies all over the world are directly influenced by what standard we hold ours to.


The problem is that we (the common citizen) don't really know if we are or we aren't, which I directly blame on this administration. There should have been an independent review of the guantanamo situation as early as 2 years ago, but most likely around 1 year ago after the British prisoners that alledged abuses. The review should have done two things:


1.) Reviewed policies at the prison

2.) Reviewed abuse allegations, how these allegations were handled (including any disciplinary investigations or punishments)

3.) Reviewed proposals for increasing the security of the camp


This should have been made public, allowing everyone to base their opinions on facts and not speculation, instead of very few facts and lots of speculation.


President Bush says that democracies and America are transparent in issues like this, and that the public will know if something is wrong. Yet he fails to live up to these statements by providing simple communication that could clear up this complete mess of a PR situation.

before he died, i wonder if anyone forwarded that to...

Corwyn (Cory) William Zimbleman of Tucson, AZ (formerly of Champaign, IL)



Nope, went by turtle. It's enroute, though.


We need to do one thing:


Win this war on terror.


If some of these disgusting sub-humans have to die, well, so be it.



Remember libs, singing Kumbaya will not stop them from slitting your throat.

We need to do one thing:


Win this war on terror.


If some of these disgusting sub-humans have to die, well, so be it.

Remember libs, singing Kumbaya will not stop them from slitting your throat.



It could cause it. Ever hear some of them sing?

before he died, i wonder if anyone forwarded that to...

Corwyn (Cory) William Zimbleman of Tucson, AZ (formerly of Champaign, IL)



Champaign, IL?!? That's right next to me :D

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