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24 HRs Later Relooking At The Loss To HOU


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42 minutes ago, corta765 said:

10. Monday night feels pretty massive at this point. Not season ending as much as season altering. A win and your 4-2 with a stranglehold on the division with a lot of home games coming. Lose and your tied for the division along with being 2-3 in conference which starts hurting your playoff chances in general. The Jets are not exactly looking great either but truthfully I think this game is far more about Buffalo coming out with a truly good effort and gameplan across the board then NY. 

The AFC is down is year and it’s hard to envision where the wildcard teams will come from. I think Bills will make the playoffs regardless of what happens next Monday. 

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5 minutes ago, Big Turk said:


Why are you assuming they would have gained yards?  They just as easily could have been stuffed or lost yards.  The run game was NOT effective most of the 2nd half and that wasn't even when the Texans assumed it was coming like they would have down there.


Also, if they didn't get a first down, they are handing the Texans an additional 10-15 seconds of clock time since running plays are only 2-3 seconds most of the time. 


The Bills weren't fighting the timeouts, they were fighting the clock.  They needed to get a first down. Doesn't matter what they did, unless they got a first down the outcomes would have been the same.

You’re fighting field position too, timeouts become an issue if they need more plays to get in range.  We basically gave them the ball in range.  We couldn’t throw the ball for shite all game, the o line’s pass protection was arse and the wr were completely underwhelming.  The result o for 3 on that drive.


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2 minutes ago, PayDaBill$ said:

You’re fighting field position too, timeouts become an issue if they need more plays to get in range.  We basically gave them the ball in range.  We couldn’t throw the ball for shite all game, the o line’s pass protection was arse and the wr were completely underwhelming.  


I agree, but there was no "right" answer that was going to get them out of that situation and end result short of getting a first down. IMO, maybe the thing that would have helped most is josh running out of the pocket and launching the ball as far and as high as he could throw it downfield which would mean that the clock doesn't stop til the ball hits the ground. The Hollins throw took about 8-10 seconds off the clock...they might have been able to get down to around 5 seconds left before punting if they did that

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3 minutes ago, PayDaBill$ said:

You’re fighting field position too, timeouts become an issue if they need more plays to get in range.  We basically gave them the ball in range.  We couldn’t throw the ball for shite all game, the o line’s pass protection was arse and the wr were completely underwhelming.  The result o for 3 on that drive.


Time management was bad in that final drive but at the same time with way our line was getting blown up running it wasn't the best option. In retrospect we should have gotten Cook involved in the short passing game as could kill more clock (granted Houston may have used their timeouts to combat it) so it could have been damned if you damned if you don't. Truth is we lost more because we couldn't get it into the endzone in the drive that we tied it on and Josh and the offense doing little in the first half. 

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The above is reasonable.  This squad as it stand is mediocre.  Josh really doesn’t have confidence in this group of wr’s.  With Shakir out he was lost.  Samuel is a bust, Hollins is washed and MVS is a ghost.  I’m disappointed in our 2 TE’s i expected more especially under these circumstances.  They really could have helped JA yesterday with the shorter game along with Cook.  Tom Brady made a living off those shorter quick hitters. I’m not sure why we can’t build that in.




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Just now, PayDaBill$ said:

The above is reasonable.  This squad as it stand is mediocre.  Josh really doesn’t have confidence in this group of wr’s.  With Shakir out he was lost.  Samuel is a bust, Hollins is washed and MVS is a ghost.  I’m disappointed in out 2 TE’s i expected more especially under these circumstances.  They really could have helped JA yesterday with the shorter game along with Cook.  Brady made a living off those shorter quick hitters. I’m not sure why we can’t build that in.


what happened to the motion from our first 3 games?  Am I imagining it......seemed like we barely used any?   We looked way too predictable 

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1 minute ago, PayDaBill$ said:

The above is reasonable.  This squad as it stand is mediocre.  Josh really doesn’t have confidence in this group of wr’s.  With Shakir out he was lost.  Samuel is a bust, Hollins is washed and MVS is a ghost.  I’m disappointed in out 2 TE’s i expected more especially under these circumstances.  They really could have helped JA yesterday with the shorter game along with Cook.  Tom Brady made a living off those shorter quick hitters. I’m not sure why we can’t build that in.

Coming into the season I was expecting a bunch of short stuff but not sure if Samuel's injury prevented us from practicing it or what. Also Knox needs to be found more. He can be a highly effective weapon and as many have said he just disappeared this season. 

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Just now, The Frankish Reich said:

I've said it before: when you have a great QB, a "down" season usually looks like 9-8 or 8-9. See Green Bay with peak Rodgers or NO with peak Brees.

And when your division sucks, sometimes you still make the playoffs. It's kind of looking like that kind of season.

the additional wild card spot makes it truthfully a lot harder for a top QB on a down year/team to also miss now. If there were only 2 wildcards I think the Bills would have more to be nervous about but that additional spot allows for more error.

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37 minutes ago, Big Turk said:


So if they run the ball 3 times and get next to nothing like they had been all 2nd half, especially with the Texans expecting runs down there, force Houston to burn their 3 timeouts AND likely give them an extra 10-15 seconds of clock time since run plays are much quicker than passing plays, how does that change the outcome? The Texans still easily could have done exactly what they did and kicked the FG.


That's something that is lost on most posters. You run 3 times and don't get a first down, you are handing them an extra 10-15 seconds of time on the clock.



that is worth consideration for sure.


to me the simple bit is


you accept the 10 second run off after the grounding call (mcd didn't, which is criminal, because he was banking on driving up the pitch for a fg to win it in regulation when he had zero TOs, they had all 3, and josh was 9 fo 27 to our trash heap wrs all day).


you run the ball to start, make them burn tos, see if you get some yards.  i think you do something that you should have drawn up for an emergency end of game first down, like a roll out w a fast option for josh.  a roll out run play also takes more time and means the d might make a mistake.


generally, you expect to run 3 times, getting like 7 yards, and they burn all 3 to's


w the 10 second run off, they have very little time left, maybe 12 seconds max.  but the few yards you picked up means you are punting from a normal formation, not a compressed one in the back of the end zone.  you blast the ball w an angle, and remember their punt return game was horrible as woods was back there and is not fast nor their normal guy for that, and they get the ball on what, their own 40 at the best?  w an angled kick you also have a shot at them running the clock some too.


so now you have time for 1, at absolute best 2 plays.  no TOs and they need like 15+ yards to have a hope at a FG even with their paul bunyon legged kicker.


well, they can only go sideline, can't really run or scramble, that's good for us.  they make the play fast, more likely to fall incomplete.  then time expires or they do a hero spike to set up the fg.


that's the best chance, that's what every reasonable coach would do, that's what i thought they would do, but in stead they banked on hollis to help josh break his slump from his own 3.


in short, they butchered taht and it's awful

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the 9 for 30 is the most worrying thing to me. It shows that either Brady is in way over his head coaching an offense, Allen is regressing badly into the downside of his career, or we have the worst receiving core in the history of the nfl. maybe some combination. 


It is ridiculous that something like that can happen. Clearly the team is NOT prepared. A lot of people can come up with a playbook, but how do you adjust when you're hit in the mouth. apparently we don't. at all. 

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5 minutes ago, Warriorspikes51 said:


what happened to the motion from our first 3 games?  Am I imagining it......seemed like we barely used any?   We looked way too predictable 

 Last two weeks they were on the road and got down big early. Unfortunately I think it altered the game plan quickly AND Josh this week then got super hero cape on and did not settled down. Mix in the issues the pass catchers had and o line and it was a full on disaster that only turnovers and a bit better play in the 2nd saved from being worse.

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1 minute ago, Man with No Name said:

the 9 for 30 is the most worrying thing to me. It shows that either Brady is in way over his head coaching an offense, Allen is regressing badly into the downside of his career, or we have the worst receiving core in the history of the nfl. maybe some combination. 


It is ridiculous that something like that can happen. Clearly the team is NOT prepared. A lot of people can come up with a playbook, but how do you adjust when you're hit in the mouth. apparently we don't. at all. 

Allen was under siege for half of the plays
He might be a bit weary due to his left hand

He delivered a handful of throws that should have been caught
The WR's without Shakir on the field are a struggling unit
Samuel is not being used properly

MVS is not being used properly

Mack Hollins can't track the ball

Kincaid should be getting 10-12 targets a game 
Dawson Knox should be getting 5-7 targets a game 

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1 hour ago, corta765 said:

Yesterday was the type of loss I have to give another day before I begin commenting otherwise it is just raging words and anger haha, nothing of substance. Here is my thoughts after the Houston game and in general where things are:


1. The offense will not be as bad as they were the last two weeks, BUT it is not as good as they showed either in the first 3. Tape is out on how to slow the offense by pressuring Josh and betting that the Bills pass catchers even with Shakir will not separate in time. I will say this the Ravens and Texans have two very good defensive lines that can cause pressure in way most can't. But if you are part of the camp like I was that this offense was hurting itself by removing Diggs and never adding a true proven veteran or double dipping in the draft you feel sadly justified right now. Hollins has cost the team back to back weeks, Kincaid has regressed badly, MVS apparently exists, Samuels is colossal failure at this point. The two bright spots are Shakir and honestly Coleman who while not perfect has at least made some true plays. The offense may grow, they will have better weeks, and I am sure Brady will figure some things out but the lack of talent at WR brings this team down to an early exit in the playoffs as currently constructed and opens the division up in a way it shouldn't be. I will get to coaching in later but the dashboard on the most important part of the team is blinking in bad way right now.


2. Calling a spade a spade 17 needs to be better. Two weeks back to back he has been anywhere from average to atrocious. I understand the issues at line and pass catcher, but he was paid to also be the guy in these games vs top teams. BAL I am less angered at because he seemed far more dialed in and until the epic trick play went down I think he was fine. But yesterday made me question for the first time in years if Josh can go the distance as the guy. For as many issues and lack of support he had, he also caused his own errors and just seemed lost in a very bad way. The critics of Josh not being at Mahomes level or Lamar will have a field day and justifiably so. I am sure that Josh will rebound eventually and have bunch of good games, but days like yesterday are why he has never won an MVP and why people say he is overrated or will not carry the water to get them over the hump. I have tried to ignore that for a bit, but when you are now in the record book for worst completion % in history that is saying something.


3. Coaching AGAIN. I feel like I am repeating myself but this is why they have never got the 1 seed, it feels like a yearly occurrence this staff successfully cost this team a win that matters big time standings wise and this time nationally they got roasted. I resigned myself last year that McD is probably not going anywhere unless they miss the playoffs badly, so I won't waste time on the issues and errors again. Babich I will give some flowers to because the defense other then the blown coverage on Collins TD (which was bad) did a nice job keeping them in this game and disrupting Stroud in the 2nd half. The injuries are known with what they are dealing with so given that I thought they did as well as expected given the kids.




5. The rushing attack will need to be used more whether I like it or not. Cook has had a good season, Johnson & Davis need to be used more. When they get the rushing attack going good things have been happening. I expect when the offense refinds itself it will become like last year the final 6-7 games where they run a lot and pass when it has opportunity. I think your wasting Joshs talent but so be it I guess if that is your best way to win.


6. Dwanye Carter looks like a potentially very good DT. One game I know, but very much liked his play and aggression. He blew up their rushing attack a bunch and kept moving the pocket back. I honestly would rather he stays in over Oliver or Jones at this point who both have been shaky this year.


7.  Kincaid. Honestly the greatest disappointment for me this year is him. He showed so many flashes last year and looked like at least a quality starter long term. This year he isn't catching the ball, isn't breaking coverage, and in general at times feels like a liability. They really need him to pull a 180 because a lot of this offenses potential relies on him becoming a focal point.


8. LB doesn't feel too bad right now. I miss Milano, but Dorian Williams has showed some nice growth and with Bernard back feels like a solid duo. Bernard was great yesterday and maybe Williams can grow into a quality starter where those two are the future together long term.


9. The AFC sucks this year which makes the last two losses even more frustrating. If ever there was a year where the 1 seed might be really open (KC will lose some games coming up) or even the 2 seed for gosh sakes this year really feels like it and they are blowing that opportunity. 


10. Monday night feels pretty massive at this point. Not season ending as much as season altering. A win and your 4-2 with a stranglehold on the division with a lot of home games coming. Lose and your tied for the division along with being 2-3 in conference which starts hurting your playoff chances in general. The Jets are not exactly looking great either but truthfully I think this game is far more about Buffalo coming out with a truly good effort and gameplan across the board then NY. 


I know the Jets are bad right now but I have zero faith in this team taking care of business. The Jets D is tough, will play emotional, and sadly Brady has shown no signs of being able to adjust. 


I think he'll go in and do exactly what he's been doing = run, run, pass to Hollins. If Shakir is back that helps, but I just see them beating our offense up, getting couple of turnovers and say what you want about Rodgers but he will engineer a couple of TD drives plus a few FGs

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 Great take Corta! 


Look, McD and Bean have a vision of what this football team needs to be, and they have been driving that vision for the last 7 years. I commend them for sticking to this vision but at some point, you need to adapt. People have DIED in this area waiting for a championship and all you need is one. You can be 1-17 after that, no one will care, I promise.


Bean isn't worried about a championships, he is all about sustainability (said so himself) - that means can we keep asses in the seats and Terry has PSL's to sell. Sorry, that's just the reality of the business side of things, that's why he doesn't go all in - ever. He needs those draft picks and big occasional big names to get that done and if he gets a ring, so be it. Make the playoffs every year, keep the excitement there and sell hope.


Defensively, McD is simple, hard-nosed smashed mouth tough play, he says it every year. Everybody talks about him being an Andy Ried product, and he is not - he is a Jim Johnson guy, through and through, who was a defensive genius and one of the best. Jim was a zone blitz master so I am kind of surprised we don't see more of that. You can say what you want about McD, nobody disguise's a defense like him, we just don't have the personnel to run it this year - they should probably be on the phone with Hyde, if at the very least, to settle that defense down on field. No teams should be hitting the 3rd and longs like that every time. The D looks confused, and the D line plays dumb and lazy most of the game, so busy rushing up field to pad that sac total, the nickel breaks when it gets to the second level because no Milano or Bernard to bail them out. (Insert screen or RB flairs here) 


Offensively, his QB is not built for dink and dunk move the chains ball and nobody is afraid of him anymore. Why should they be?  Christ, he threw for 119 yards on Sunday, that's on Brady, who just like Daboll was forced into this bull#### offense where you need to bring out 12 personnel to get 3 yards - if you're lucky...

Ultimately, the O-LIne needs to get mean, you need a solid #1 guy and Josh needs to be Josh. You can watch his thought process when he is ready to take off and force himself not to. The run run pass is getting old too, there has been no motion, play action, use of the TE's or change in the game plan from week to week. Teams are throwing the kitchen sink at Josh and he can't make them pay because 3 of the 5 wr's should be on a practice quad somewhere. We all KNOW we need a #1 WR that needs to be doubled or accounted for to keep defenses honest, but he won't give up the mediocre or draft picks to do it and never has since he's been here and he gave away Diggs, no matter the issue, Diggs is a pro and would have calmed down when the winning started. 


Game day - the Bills coaching absolutely takes bad decisions to a new level it seems every year, it's just assumed at this point. No matter what personnel you have, you fail to plan, plan to fail. In today's NFL, you can't spot teams 14 points and adjust at half time, those days are over. This coordinator (insert name here) experiments we've been doing, waiting for guys to learn on the fly, is old and wasting Allens career and believe me, there are people in his ear now about it, if I were his friend, I would be. He brings in "yes" men because ex head coaches might question him I guess (Frazier?) Who gets thrown under the bus this year?


I think this season is like the others, even if they figure it out, I don't believe we have the depth to overcome it. I hope I am wrong, but I am pretty sure they will beat the crappy teams they should, win the East because it's just so bad and again one and done in the playoffs These guys will get another pass and we are one more step towards the next Phillip Rivers. 


Just my take 

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4 minutes ago, RobbRiddick said:


I know the Jets are bad right now but I have zero faith in this team taking care of business. The Jets D is tough, will play emotional, and sadly Brady has shown no signs of being able to adjust. 


I think he'll go in and do exactly what he's been doing = run, run, pass to Hollins. If Shakir is back that helps, but I just see them beating our offense up, getting couple of turnovers and say what you want about Rodgers but he will engineer a couple of TD drives plus a few FGs

Oh this game is far far from an easy win. I am just looking that they are not a great team compared to BAL/HOU, IF BUF can do some good things they will have their chance to close. We are 2-2 vs NY the last two years so nothing is for granted here nor do they have the luxury to think so.

6 minutes ago, ren1701 said:

 Great take Corta! 


Look, McD and Bean have a vision of what this football team needs to be, and they have been driving that vision for the last 7 years. I commend them for sticking to this vision but at some point, you need to adapt. People have DIED in this area waiting for a championship and all you need is one. You can be 1-17 after that, no one will care, I promise.


Bean isn't worried about a championships, he is all about sustainability (said so himself) - that means can we keep asses in the seats and Terry has PSL's to sell. Sorry, that's just the reality of the business side of things, that's why he doesn't go all in - ever. He needs those draft picks and big occasional big names to get that done and if he gets a ring, so be it. Make the playoffs every year, keep the excitement there and sell hope.


Defensively, McD is simple, hard-nosed smashed mouth tough play, he says it every year. Everybody talks about him being an Andy Ried product, and he is not - he is a Jim Johnson guy, through and through, who was a defensive genius and one of the best. Jim was a zone blitz master so I am kind of surprised we don't see more of that. You can say what you want about McD, nobody disguise's a defense like him, we just don't have the personnel to run it this year - they should probably be on the phone with Hyde, if at the very least, to settle that defense down on field. No teams should be hitting the 3rd and longs like that every time. The D looks confused, and the D line plays dumb and lazy most of the game, so busy rushing up field to pad that sac total, the nickel breaks when it gets to the second level because no Milano or Bernard to bail them out. (Insert screen or RB flairs here) 


Offensively, his QB is not built for dink and dunk move the chains ball and nobody is afraid of him anymore. Why should they be?  Christ, he threw for 119 yards on Sunday, that's on Brady, who just like Daboll was forced into this bull#### offense where you need to bring out 12 personnel to get 3 yards - if you're lucky...

Ultimately, the O-LIne needs to get mean, you need a solid #1 guy and Josh needs to be Josh. You can watch his thought process when he is ready to take off and force himself not to. The run run pass is getting old too, there has been no motion, play action, use of the TE's or change in the game plan from week to week. Teams are throwing the kitchen sink at Josh and he can't make them pay because 3 of the 5 wr's should be on a practice quad somewhere. We all KNOW we need a #1 WR that needs to be doubled or accounted for to keep defenses honest, but he won't give up the mediocre or draft picks to do it and never has since he's been here and he gave away Diggs, no matter the issue, Diggs is a pro and would have calmed down when the winning started. 


Game day - the Bills coaching absolutely takes bad decisions to a new level it seems every year, it's just assumed at this point. No matter what personnel you have, you fail to plan, plan to fail. In today's NFL, you can't spot teams 14 points and adjust at half time, those days are over. This coordinator (insert name here) experiments we've been doing, waiting for guys to learn on the fly, is old and wasting Allens career and believe me, there are people in his ear now about it, if I were his friend, I would be. He brings in "yes" men because ex head coaches might question him I guess (Frazier?) Who gets thrown under the bus this year?


I think this season is like the others, even if they figure it out, I don't believe we have the depth to overcome it. I hope I am wrong, but I am pretty sure they will beat the crappy teams they should, win the East because it's just so bad and again one and done in the playoffs These guys will get another pass and we are one more step towards the next Phillip Rivers. 


Just my take 

I will say this, I think the offense is a good WR away from being far better and the WR corp being more set then it is now. They just need more talent and I am nervous Beane fails to address it this year and we waste a season because of it.

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1 hour ago, corta765 said:

Yesterday was the type of loss I have to give another day before I begin commenting otherwise it is just raging words and anger haha, nothing of substance. Here is my thoughts after the Houston game and in general where things are:


1. The offense will not be as bad as they were the last two weeks, BUT it is not as good as they showed either in the first 3. Tape is out on how to slow the offense by pressuring Josh and betting that the Bills pass catchers even with Shakir will not separate in time. I will say this the Ravens and Texans have two very good defensive lines that can cause pressure in way most can't. But if you are part of the camp like I was that this offense was hurting itself by removing Diggs and never adding a true proven veteran or double dipping in the draft you feel sadly justified right now. Hollins has cost the team back to back weeks, Kincaid has regressed badly, MVS apparently exists, Samuels is colossal failure at this point. The two bright spots are Shakir and honestly Coleman who while not perfect has at least made some true plays. The offense may grow, they will have better weeks, and I am sure Brady will figure some things out but the lack of talent at WR brings this team down to an early exit in the playoffs as currently constructed and opens the division up in a way it shouldn't be. I will get to coaching in later but the dashboard on the most important part of the team is blinking in bad way right now.


2. Calling a spade a spade 17 needs to be better. Two weeks back to back he has been anywhere from average to atrocious. I understand the issues at line and pass catcher, but he was paid to also be the guy in these games vs top teams. BAL I am less angered at because he seemed far more dialed in and until the epic trick play went down I think he was fine. But yesterday made me question for the first time in years if Josh can go the distance as the guy. For as many issues and lack of support he had, he also caused his own errors and just seemed lost in a very bad way. The critics of Josh not being at Mahomes level or Lamar will have a field day and justifiably so. I am sure that Josh will rebound eventually and have bunch of good games, but days like yesterday are why he has never won an MVP and why people say he is overrated or will not carry the water to get them over the hump. I have tried to ignore that for a bit, but when you are now in the record book for worst completion % in history that is saying something.


3. Coaching AGAIN. I feel like I am repeating myself but this is why they have never got the 1 seed, it feels like a yearly occurrence this staff successfully cost this team a win that matters big time standings wise and this time nationally they got roasted. I resigned myself last year that McD is probably not going anywhere unless they miss the playoffs badly, so I won't waste time on the issues and errors again. Babich I will give some flowers to because the defense other then the blown coverage on Collins TD (which was bad) did a nice job keeping them in this game and disrupting Stroud in the 2nd half. The injuries are known with what they are dealing with so given that I thought they did as well as expected given the kids.




5. The rushing attack will need to be used more whether I like it or not. Cook has had a good season, Johnson & Davis need to be used more. When they get the rushing attack going good things have been happening. I expect when the offense refinds itself it will become like last year the final 6-7 games where they run a lot and pass when it has opportunity. I think your wasting Joshs talent but so be it I guess if that is your best way to win.


6. Dwanye Carter looks like a potentially very good DT. One game I know, but very much liked his play and aggression. He blew up their rushing attack a bunch and kept moving the pocket back. I honestly would rather he stays in over Oliver or Jones at this point who both have been shaky this year.


7.  Kincaid. Honestly the greatest disappointment for me this year is him. He showed so many flashes last year and looked like at least a quality starter long term. This year he isn't catching the ball, isn't breaking coverage, and in general at times feels like a liability. They really need him to pull a 180 because a lot of this offenses potential relies on him becoming a focal point.


8. LB doesn't feel too bad right now. I miss Milano, but Dorian Williams has showed some nice growth and with Bernard back feels like a solid duo. Bernard was great yesterday and maybe Williams can grow into a quality starter where those two are the future together long term.


9. The AFC sucks this year which makes the last two losses even more frustrating. If ever there was a year where the 1 seed might be really open (KC will lose some games coming up) or even the 2 seed for gosh sakes this year really feels like it and they are blowing that opportunity. 


10. Monday night feels pretty massive at this point. Not season ending as much as season altering. A win and your 4-2 with a stranglehold on the division with a lot of home games coming. Lose and your tied for the division along with being 2-3 in conference which starts hurting your playoff chances in general. The Jets are not exactly looking great either but truthfully I think this game is far more about Buffalo coming out with a truly good effort and gameplan across the board then NY. 


I don't disagree with anything you said.  This is a big game on the road against a defense allen has struggled with, its not going to get easier for him - honestly probably harder.  


My additional thoughts:


We need some adjustment to snap counts on the road because its part of why the offensive line is struggling.  The ends were getting far up field creating a lane for josh to take - and then adjusting to his lane with the spy.  He has to just stay put on some of these to make it hurt when they use a spy.  Scrambling just cuts away half your receivers.  


Taking too long to get plays in. With the team having a ton of offensive turnover, you need motion - ours looked half-assed at times because we only had 4 seconds, and it felt like the defense didn't give anything away.  We also haven't been using motion as well on the road.  Get to the line quick, give yourself time to get your alerts in.  


Keon in the slot.  Boundary guys are struggling, and if shakir is out this week I want to try and manufacture targets for Keon.  If you want to put sauce or Reed on kincaid, so be it.  Samuel almost needs to start in the boundary for this to happen.  I'm not sure they'll do this because its wholesale changes but it needs to happen.  


No Huddle.  Hard to do on the road but hand signals can help here.  Just get them off their gameplan, and you have to avoid penalties and negative plays.  Manufacture some completions by getting to the line quickly.  

Edited by Bleeding Bills Blue
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Offensively played about as bad as you'll ever see and still almost won the game against a team that is supposed to be a top-tier team but honestly doesn't really look like one.  


The offense needs to come up with a better plan.  Not sure what it is, but whatever they have done the past 2 weeks clearly isn't working.


It might be even worse next week. The Jets defense is no joke and full of studs.

Edited by Big Turk
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10 minutes ago, Big Turk said:

Offensively played about as bad as you'll ever see and still almost won the game against a team that is supposed to be a top-tier team but honestly doesn't really look like one.  


The offense needs to come up with a better plan.  Not sure what it is, but whatever they have done the past 2 weeks clearly isn't working.


It might be even worse next week. The Jets defense is no joke and full of studs.

Divisional games are always different as both teams know each other pretty well. Josh has done well vs NY when they run at them and he stays patient. Their d line is good but lacks the depth of prior years and their safeties are shaky. Much relies on finding a rythem and not falling down 14 early

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