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At Friday protest, demonstrators defy new UB assembly policies


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I remember being one of the leaders of a protest at UB when UB decided to take away our student union, a student union paid for by student fees, to be used for dental school. 



Squire Hall, built as a student center, was originally called Norton Union. A plan to close the student union in 1978 led to years of protest, but in 1986 Squire re-opened after extensive renovations and an 80,000 sf addition as the home of the School of Dental Medicine. It contains clinics and labs, as well as offices for faculty and staff.


University promised another student union but most of people using student union lived off campus in North Buffalo.



We occupied it with campus police at each entrance to prevent people from entering although allowing people to leave.  Finally there was an announcement - anybody not leaving leaving would be arrested. 


When final call for people to be led out two security guards came in one one pointed to me and said "When it is his turn he is MINE!"


Some people got very nervous at this point and I told them these are the same people who work for college and they are not going to harass anyone. Same people who helped handle drunks on campus, unlocking cars, etc.  They are getting paid for their job but it is nothing personal.  



I stated at that point I would go first and the two campus security guys (same two who showed up at pub when I literally threw racist drunk out) and I was told they would be taking photograph with student with two security personnel for identification and be released with warning but if something reoccurred I would be processecuting for trespass.


Each one stood on either side of me and I put an arm over shoulder of each one. Both looked like extras for a football team - I am 6' and one was 6'2 and other was at least 6'3 with big bushy beard with nickname "red bear".  Both tried to keep a straight face while I was smiling.  Photo was taken after several attempts to get me not to smile.  I asked for a copy and my request was denied.  I then stood aside with those outside.  Security people took students out one at a time for photographing.  One student was very nervous and I was asked to help with him so I went in with security guys and said I told him it was nothing - they take your picture with student id, sign a  piece of paper and you are released.  He said he was not a student and red bear said any id will do.  He then went with security guys to be processed.

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44 minutes ago, teef said:

i had no idea squire hall was a student union.  i'm assuming this is when there was no north campus?


Squire Hall was a student union before I got there and I started college in 1979.   North campus was fully built then except maybe football stadium.  SUNY created a second campus in 1970 in Amherst, just 3 miles north of Buffalo, following the trend of urban flight that shattered most American cities in the 1960s and 70s.  Webarchive

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