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NFL orders Ja’Marcus Ingram to take drug test immediately after game of his life


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7 hours ago, Bruffalo said:


It's random, but the kind of "TSA random check" when you would always get picked for looking vaguely Middle Eastern post 9/11. 

nothing is truly random. Always a pattern

13 minutes ago, Turbo44 said:

As we all know the NFL are whores in everything they do and everything they don’t do.


btw, after they read this I fully expect to be randomly drug tested

I also am willing to test some of their drugs

5 hours ago, The Jokeman said:

and what about coach Mike, his press conferences are so cringeworthy. I realize he may be on the spectrum yet nothing official. 

Management is treated a tad different dont ya know

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13 minutes ago, That's No Moon said:

To be fair, she was frisking everyone who went into that men's room that day.


Damn, I thought it was just SOP so I went with it.

Sorry TB!

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22 hours ago, SoonerBillsFan said:

Its BS.  The NFL being assclowns again.


Random drug testing is BS?    Hard drugs get abused by millionaire athletes all the time, there are some very immature young dudes in the league and keeping them clean makes sense to me and obviously the NFL players union.    Peeing in a cup takes about 20 seconds, every player once a year mandatory.   

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16 hours ago, Slippery Rubber Mats said:


I'll see if I can find it. I was at the game. 


Keep in mind this is just my opinion. I recall him taking a hit then throwing that bad 3rd pick. I said to my son it reminds me of that late season game in 22 where he threw 3 picks and they were really bad ones after he hit the back of his head.


This game he throws that bad 3rd pick, then battering rams his head into Hamlin's chest.


I got my medical degree from google and my eyes can be bad so don't listen to me.





I'm usually watching the games with the ole beer googles on, so i see a lot of stuff that may or may not have happened.

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