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Tips for parking on Abbott Rd.???


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Hey gang, 


My wife surprised me with tickets to Miami @ Buffalo in November. We got group seating and I am bringing about 20 of us for my 50th Bday. We are renting a house near by and going to make a weekend out of it. About half the people going are fans of other teams but very much into the Bills. They really want the full experience so I plan to spend some time over at Hammers of course. 


My question is now that they close Abbott Rd how early do I need to get there to get one of the yard lots on that side of things? I used to park there back in the day but haven't since the change. Also if there are better places to park to get over there I am open to any suggestions. 


I really appreciate the help.



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It depends how long your tolerance is for sitting in traffic or how far you're willing to walk to and from the stadium.


We usually park at the corner of California & Southwestern.  Usually, it's critical to get there before 8:30 since the lines to get into the stadium lots are already backed up a long way and it's difficult to get to the lot.  

This week, we got to the area around 8:15, and still sat in traffic on California for about 15 minutes.  But any later and it would have been a whole ton worse


I think that everyone is agreeing that you need to plan 30-45 minutes earlier than what you were previously accustomed to.  That's just the reality of what we're facing the next several years until the old stadium is torn down and parking spaces are back to pre-2023 levels


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  • Simon changed the title to Tips for parking on Abbott Rd.???
13 minutes ago, thenorthremembers said:

The traffic is brutal right now. 


Yeah, traffic at the opener was the worst I've ever seen it, or at least that's what it felt like. Like others have just said, get there early and have patience when leaving.

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Depends where you are staying but I abhor traffic and avoid Abbott anywhere close to Southwestern. There are private lots on Sheldon Rd (parallel and 1 block north of Southwestern) where I typically park. I approach it from Brompton Rd and turn L onto Sheldon. For the opener I got to Sheldon just before 9 am and very little traffic. Anytime after that will be a traffic delay. Always expect a delay leaving these lots. Once in a while if we did not eat much at the game, we will stop at Louie’s Texas Red Hots on Southwestern just a short walk from the stadium and get a snack and wait out the traffic.

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4 hours ago, Mr Info said:

Depends where you are staying but I abhor traffic and avoid Abbott anywhere close to Southwestern. There are private lots on Sheldon Rd (parallel and 1 block north of Southwestern) where I typically park. I approach it from Brompton Rd and turn L onto Sheldon. For the opener I got to Sheldon just before 9 am and very little traffic. Anytime after that will be a traffic delay. Always expect a delay leaving these lots. Once in a while if we did not eat much at the game, we will stop at Louie’s Texas Red Hots on Southwestern just a short walk from the stadium and get a snack and wait out the traffic.

I used to live in the 2nd house from Abbott on Sheldon,  40 years ago,  we still park next to that house 

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