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What was the single greatest issue that made you never want to vote for Biden/Harris?

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13 minutes ago, Thurmal34 said:

you dont like the free market anymore?


I have no idea how you came up with that one.  To the point of this thread, the Biden Administration blamed the rise in prices on "corporate price gouging" without ever bothering to explain why the so-called price gouging didn't start until the Biden Administration.   

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Just now, Artful Dodger said:


I have no idea how you came up with that one.  To the point of this thread, the Biden Administration blamed the rise in prices on "corporate price gouging" without ever bothering to explain why the so-called price gouging didn't start until the Biden Administration.   


we can have a dialogue when you show some proof...till then, you cant have record inflation while corps making record profits...


either way, only commies want gov to control economy

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9 minutes ago, Thurmal34 said:

date stamp? i mean...

She's only been the candidate for 4 months. Her price controls is communist and that's how you end up with no food at all or the crappiest food possible. Food service industry margins are already slim. As an investor I'll put my money elsewhere if the government is saying you can only charge X amount in this sector. Same with housing. Rent controls don't work. It's already been proven time and time again. It's like beating a dead horse but it's part of the communist playbook so they keep going back to the well 

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On 10/18/2024 at 8:47 PM, L Ron Burgundy said:

If I say the Bills are going to win this weekend and they lose did I lie?


Well this is just me but if your the leader of the free world (and i mean this for all politicians) if you don't know what your talking about and your basically (As my old man use to say) talking out your ass cause your head knows better you need to shut your pie hole !! 


Especially in their position because your looked upon with a lot more scrutiny, (well unless your Joe) than most others in the political realm ... And that;s exactly why those that hate the orange man rake him over the coals every chance they get for the slightest little thing because of his position ... 

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1 hour ago, T master said:


Well this is just me but if your the leader of the free world (and i mean this for all politicians) if you don't know what your talking about and your basically (As my old man use to say) talking out your ass cause your head knows better you need to shut your pie hole !! 


Especially in their position because your looked upon with a lot more scrutiny, (well unless your Joe) than most others in the political realm ... And that;s exactly why those that hate the orange man rake him over the coals every chance they get for the slightest little thing because of his position ... 

So you're going to say this when you are backing Trump?  OK.  I mean, it's obscenely hypocritical but that's one way to go.

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I wasn't going to vote for them but man the stock market's doing well right now.  Inflation has cooled down too.  Gas is finally below 3 bucks a gallon.  I'd hate to break the momentum.  Now, if Trump can make the McRib and daylight savings time permanent he might get my highly coveted NYS vote.

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14 hours ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

So you're going to say this when you are backing Trump?  OK.  I mean, it's obscenely hypocritical but that's one way to go.


So just because i admittedly vote for someone doesn't mean that i agree with everything that comes out of their mouth, & there has been quite a few times that i wish Trump would STFU and just do the job because IMHO the job he has done is far better and far out weighs the use of his mouth .


And the reason why i voted for him is because he came from outside of DC . Hillary as we all know is as freakin crooked as they come and will look you in the face with you holding the evidence that she lied and she she didn't, Joe well he is a career politician need i say more ? And i personally would rather have a business man that has failed numerous times only to come back in his career than a career politician that has done little of nothing in his career .


Those are the people that have put this country in the place it is today and most of those that voted for them are still ignorant enough to believe them when they say they are all about change WTFE !! And as i have said in past posts Einsteins definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different out come .


So if i voted for someone out side of the normal DC career full of BS politician & there are those who voted for one of the swamp creatures that put the country where it is today who's the insane hypocrite ? Then seeing as i've explained my self about why i backed the orange man but don't agree with everything he says that should tell you just how wrong you are in your assumption of me being a hypocrite .


But if things go as they usually do you will ride that horse till his legs give out despite the explanation and why i voted for one crook over the other and will again because this candidate is more lost than last years easter eggs and is totally being told everything to say by someone other than her self ... 


I wish another business man would run but they usually are way to harsh for todays over sensitive American population because they see through the BS and do what needs to be done even if it does hurt some peoples feelings which is in some part is why the hatred for the orange man is so rampant and any others like him will more than likely not be supported enough to ever win a election . So the swamp will continue on the way it has for many more years . 


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14 minutes ago, T master said:


So just because i admittedly vote for someone doesn't mean that i agree with everything that comes out of their mouth, & there has been quite a few times that i wish Trump would STFU and just do the job because IMHO the job he has done is far better and far out weighs the use of his mouth .


And the reason why i voted for him is because he came from outside of DC . Hillary as we all know is as freakin crooked as they come and will look you in the face with you holding the evidence that she lied and she she didn't, Joe well he is a career politician need i say more ? And i personally would rather have a business man that has failed numerous times only to come back in his career than a career politician that has done little of nothing in his career .


Those are the people that have put this country in the place it is today and most of those that voted for them are still ignorant enough to believe them when they say they are all about change WTFE !! And as i have said in past posts Einsteins definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different out come .


So if i voted for someone out side of the normal DC career full of BS politician & there are those who voted for one of the swamp creatures that put the country where it is today who's the insane hypocrite ? Then seeing as i've explained my self about why i backed the orange man but don't agree with everything he says that should tell you just how wrong you are in your assumption of me being a hypocrite .


But if things go as they usually do you will ride that horse till his legs give out despite the explanation and why i voted for one crook over the other and will again because this candidate is more lost than last years easter eggs and is totally being told everything to say by someone other than her self ... 


I wish another business man would run but they usually are way to harsh for todays over sensitive American population because they see through the BS and do what needs to be done even if it does hurt some peoples feelings which is in some part is why the hatred for the orange man is so rampant and any others like him will more than likely not be supported enough to ever win a election . So the swamp will continue on the way it has for many more years . 



I'm just saying if you hold your example against dems, which i think is unfair, you should hold 10k things against Trump (actually 30k but who's counting).  It doesn't really make sense voting for him if you value honesty in any way, shape, or form.   It's not just about him bsing.  He lies incessantly and this was true about covid and is why his admin is thought of as a failure when it comes to covid.


I think that example is unfair because they were wrong.  They didn't lie.  They were given information on how the vaccines work, not to mention most previous vaccines work that way, and that's what they told people.  They were wrong because the info they were given was wrong.  I'd rather government provide info based on what experts provide rather than, you know, all the right wing disinformation on ivermectin/hdc/disinfectants/using the sun.  If you compare all the moronic things Trump said vs Dems, it's not even close.  


I wish another businessman would run too.  One who isn't a complete moron.  I don't insult just because I don't like him.  He is truly unintelligent.  

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3 hours ago, L Ron Burgundy said:


I'm just saying if you hold your example against dems, which i think is unfair, you should hold 10k things against Trump (actually 30k but who's counting).  It doesn't really make sense voting for him if you value honesty in any way, shape, or form.   It's not just about him bsing.  He lies incessantly and this was true about covid and is why his admin is thought of as a failure when it comes to covid.


I think that example is unfair because they were wrong.  They didn't lie.  They were given information on how the vaccines work, not to mention most previous vaccines work that way, and that's what they told people.  They were wrong because the info they were given was wrong.  I'd rather government provide info based on what experts provide rather than, you know, all the right wing disinformation on ivermectin/hdc/disinfectants/using the sun.  If you compare all the moronic things Trump said vs Dems, it's not even close.  


I wish another businessman would run too.  One who isn't a complete moron.  I don't insult just because I don't like him.  He is truly unintelligent.  

This disinformation thing is basically he said she said ! Fauci had interest in the entire covid thing and put money over to china for it and lied through his teeth that he didn't, and he was the one feeding the orange man & Biden his "Expertise" on the matter so blast that SOAB !!


But no even if Fauci was feeding Trump the info that he was making decisions on it's always Trump & it could be in no way anyone else because of the hate that those that love Joe have for him & I'll just bet most all of those in DC have to because he won't do as he's told . But don't worry if Kamala wins she'll be their next puppet and things will all be back to normal in DC . 


If Joe was so freakin good why were the poles for what he has done while in office so low ???


You wouldn't believe anything about HDC  if it was presented to you in black and white by a expert on the subject IMHO ! If that drug was on the market for 60+ years and NEVER had any adverse side affects on any one in that amount of time why did they all the sudden make it that you couldn't get it to treat covid ??


My cousin got some prior to them making it much harder to get and his symptoms were gone in 2 days after taking it but every body related to the gov't made it sound as, if you took it you were going to die from taking it or it wouldn't help at all which was total BS !! The only thing that would help was "The Vaccine" !!! 


And i have another cousin that because of a health problem is prescribed HDC and never even got covid 1 time and was around those that had it, plus i know more people that got covid because they took the vaccine (& a couple that may have died from the booster) than those that didn't, it was a lie from the start with Trump and it was carried on through out Joes time too .


Then there is Damar Hamlin that took 4 boosters from what i read, but that was never mentioned at all to this day ! It was passed over as if it had absolutely nothing to do with what happened to him and no one was ever allowed to ask him any questions about that, because the NFL like many other employers made it mandatory which was in part the reason for the hatred toward Beasley because he spoke his mind . Then like many others that wouldn't take it he was black balled and some that i know even fired from jobs because they refused to take it .


Then from the BS that Fauci was feeding Joe the same way he was feeding it to Trump, Joe lied on national TV but that was because poor old Joe was told the wrong information so he couldn't have lied he was just misinformed . But THAT SOAB TRUMP IS A TOTAL POS for doing the exact same thing ...


The only thing is every body always finds some BS excuse to forgive poor old Joe instead of putting him under a microscope because they don't hate him, he's doing what he's told to so they love him but hate Trump which i feel is why the orange man is so scrutinized for every single thing no matter what it is . 


So much so they even make S**T up and run with it . Sorry about the rambling mind dump but 1 thing led to another .


If all things were equal i wouldn't be so effected by things said but they are not, and in the case of Trump never will be .


I for real just can't wait till all the BS goes away but i will NEVER trust a career politician because they are the entire reason for this countries debt, it's division, it's entitlement mentality, and is the reason why other countries hate America instead of look up to it as they use to .

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