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80 year old Adelphia founder & looter John Rigas Sr. was just sentenced to 15 years in prison. Tim Rigas will be sentenced later this afternoon. Johnny was looking at a 215 year sentence so he got off easy. I think Timmy will get at least 50 years.

80 year old Adelphia founder & looter John Rigas Sr. was just sentenced to 15 years in prison. Michael Rigas will be sentenced later this afternoon. He was looking at a 215 year sentence so he got off easy. I think Mikey will get at least 50 years.



80-year-old man | 15 years in prison = death sentence

80-year-old man | 15 years in prison = death sentence




BS!!! He'll be out by next Christmas. 18 months for a few billion $$$$ is a good trade

and these people are???



Rigas Sr. owned the Sabres. His company (Adelphia Cable) made all these promises about building an office building in downtown Buffalo that was supposed to provide a bunch of jobs. Buffalo needs every job it can get. 215 years would have been better. All those jobs would have been best.


Part of the story:




Something terribly wrong happened in a company headed by a man who had rightfully gained a great reputation as an American war hero, a hard worker and a generous benefactor. How it spun out of control is not clear, but I will say this- John's wife was virtually never thought of in the same manner and she drove her children to "succeed" in ways even bigger than their father. The incredible ethic and ideals of John's parents James and "Yiya" are still visible in the family of Gus, John's brother, where a different approach to their children took place in a parallel family universe. Gus and Reba Rigas raised their kids to be happy first and successful second, and the results are clear now- John, being dragged down to some (likely large) degree by his loyalty to his sons will pay a huge price. The probable influence who had more to do with their whole undoing will be sitting comfortably at home.


Gus and Reba's kids, like their parents, remain down to earth; one of the finest families you could ever know. They're approachable, decent and as generous as their grandparents taught them to be. A different approach, a different outcome.


It would be reckless to condemn the name of a fine family by the actions of a few, and I for one find the broad stroke condemnations incredibly myopic. The real shame may be that there's not a cell next to Tim Rigas set aside for his mother Doris.


Amen, brother AKC. As you can well imagine, not much in the way of schadenfreude down in this neck of the woods today....

Amen, brother AKC. As you can well imagine, not much in the way of schadenfreude down in this neck of the woods today....



One entry found for schadenfreude.



Main Entry: scha·den·freu·de

Pronunciation: 'shä-d&n-"froi-d&

Function: noun

Usage: often capitalized

Etymology: German, from Schaden damage + Freude joy

: enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others


Thanks for stretching me vocabulary!


It was a wonderful story in the beginning.

Considering how little violent criminals get, I fail to see the logic behind the 215 year sentence.




Think of the number of people they stole from, 100's of thousands...ALl teh shareholders, employees, etc...

Something terribly wrong happened in a company headed by a man who had rightfully gained a great reputation as an American war hero, a hard worker and a generous benefactor. How it spun out of control is not clear, but I will say this- John's wife was virtually never thought of in the same manner and she drove her children to "succeed" in ways even bigger than their father. The incredible ethic and ideals of John's parents James and "Yiya" are still visible in the family of Gus, John's brother, where a different approach to their children took place in a parallel family universe. Gus and Reba Rigas raised their kids to be happy first and successful second, and the results are clear now- John, being dragged down to some (likely large) degree by his loyalty to his sons will pay a huge price. The probable influence who had more to do with their whole undoing will be sitting comfortably at home.


Gus and Reba's kids, like their parents, remain down to earth; one of the finest families you could ever know. They're approachable, decent and as generous as their grandparents taught them to be. A different approach, a different outcome.


It would be reckless to condemn the name of a fine family by the actions of a few, and I for one find the broad stroke condemnations incredibly myopic. The real shame may be that there's not a cell next to Tim Rigas set aside for his mother Doris.

Who wrote that?


Tim Rigas only got 20 years and John Rigas got 15. Max was 215 years each. Tim was the "Brains" behind the operation and he only got 20 lousy years for 18 felony convictions. Ridiculous. The old man will get out within two years if he is near death. They also made a deal and surrendered 95% of their assets to appease Adelphia shareholders. If you steal three billion dollars and give back 95%, how much do you still have left? Only $150 million. How will the rest of the family survive on $150 million that wasn't their money to begin with?

Tim Rigas only got 20 years and John Rigas got 15. Max was 215 years each. Tim was the "Brains" behind the operation and he only got 20 lousy years for 18 felony convictions. Ridiculous. The old man will get out within two years if he is near death. They also made a deal and surrendered 95% of their assets to appease Adelphia shareholders. If you steal three billion dollars and give back 95%, how much do you still have left? Only $150 million. How will the rest of the family survive on $150 million that wasn't their money to begin with?



The sad thing is that it will all be forgotten how John Rigas built his company from the ground up. Simple explanation though....greed. Enough was never enough for the Rigas clan......


Sad end. Also see: Bernie Ebbers....

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