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Hollywood slumping


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Hollywood is out of touch with what people want- they give us fluff....we want substance- imaginiative storylines that make you think!!!


Don't forget nudity. People (at least those I've asked) want nudity. More substance and more nudity.

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I enjoyed Batman Returns at the drive in this weekend. It's 6 bucks for adults and 2 bucks for 11 and under. Cost us 18 to get in and we bring our own food. Great fun. Plus, they play two movies. So we get there at 7 to get great parking, movies start at 9 don't get done until 2. We lay in the back of the truck with our sleeping bags under the stars. So, we usually spend about 30-40 bucks for 7 hours of fun under the stars.


Going to the theater? I only went once in the last 12 months and that was to see Star Wars. They had one special at the concession stand. 3 sodas, large popcorn and three candy bars for a wonderful price of 34.99. Unfreakingreal.

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They had the same problem with "A Beautiful Mind".


Reality:  There aren't many movies worth paying the $20 a person it takes to see them at the theater.  I can buy the DVD when it comes out for less than that and watch it whenever I want for pretty much the rest of my life.


Ever see Finding Forrester? As far as I'm concerned a terrific movie. Sean Connery is magnificant. I had never heard of it until it I happened to catch it on cable. Two thumbs up.

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The problem as I see it with Cinderella Man is that it's playing at the wrong time of year.  I want to see it, but can never seem to get myself into the mood to go sit through a serious movie like that.  I suspect there are many that are of the same mindset.


That is an interesting topic and a hot debated one now here in Hollyweird. Personally, I never understood it although i know it to be true. I figure if a film is great it's great, and if it's bad it's bad, and it doesn't matter what time of year I see it in. I guess living in sunny and warm climates for a long time has clouded my judgment. :blink:


Universal had a dilemma on their hands. A lotta people thought "Cinderella Man" was better suited as a fall release. But on Nov. 11, Universal has Sam Mendes' Gulf War story "Jarhead," with Jaime Fox. Dec. 14 is Peter Jackson's "King Kong," followed by Christmas releases: Steven Spielberg's Munich Olympics film and Mel Brooks' "The Producers." Four big releases in less than two months of the fall. Slotting pictures is a science but there are a ton of factors, like whether an actor has another film to do instead of going out and promoting the one released. Frankly, the public complains about no great movies but when they are out don't buy tickets to them.

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Well, when you have movies like "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" it comes as no wonder. Keep making crap like that and you'll have a drop off for sure. Also insert, Honeymooners and The Longest Yard and you have a whole lotta junk up right now at the theatre!



Ok, the Longest Yard was not going to be Casablanca. It has Sandler in it. It was a good, funny, remake.


I personally liked Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The play between Pitt and Jolie was very good and the action was fun to watch.


Saw Batman Returns last night. It was good and the story was dark like the first 2 original Batmans movies, which I like.


Eh, Honeymooners? That just looked dumb, even in the previews.

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They had the same problem with "A Beautiful Mind".


Reality:  There aren't many movies worth paying the $20 a person it takes to see them at the theater.  I can buy the DVD when it comes out for less than that and watch it whenever I want for pretty much the rest of my life.



Don't say that out loud or they will up the DVD prices. :blink:

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thats because the general public doesnt want to think about a movie or anything with good writing...they dont know it when they see it, because it "wasnt filled with enough special effects"...but put some computer generated effects in, and the public will warm their hot pockets and come in droves...



And who exactly is the "general" public? Movies today are targeted to the 18-35 year old demographic, period. People older than 45 actually going to the movie theater are becoming rarer than hens teeth:




The 18-35 age group doesn't care about good writing...they want action. They also don't want to be challenged, so you get a lot of formula and "pre-sold" premises like "The Longest Yard" and "Dukes of Hazzard" remakes.


On the other hand, this strategy seems to be working, based on the number of tickets sold (the last 17 weeks aside), so it's doubtful that Hollywood will do anything drastic like making more films targeted to "adults" (and I don't mean NC-17!):



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Princess Bride was great because the story is fantastic.


Then there are the movies that everyone thinks is great but suck. Titanic is a perfect example. Horrible, horrible film.


There are also adaptations of books that end up being horrible because Hollywood sucks. The Scarlet Letter is a good example. They changed the damn ending of the friggin Scarlet Letter? Ugh. A movie for the mentally inept.


Don't get me started.


Ahh, but the princess bride was an adaptation. Just bought the new DVD, great commentaries and such. This movie is in my top 5, and whtas great is the kids just love it!!!!


Had to change my avatar in its honor :blink:

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They had the same problem with "A Beautiful Mind".


Reality:  There aren't many movies worth paying the $20 a person it takes to see them at the theater.  I can buy the DVD when it comes out for less than that and watch it whenever I want for pretty much the rest of my life.


Here is something i heard at a Hollywood dinner party the other night, from the ex-head of the Academy. Maybe it has been all over the news but not sure, I haven't seen it. It seems that a lot of studios are going to start selling DVDs in China and other places like that at the same time the films open in the US, trying to capitalize on the illegal pirating. An "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em policy". Personally, at first blush, I think this is stupid and will backfire. Maybe I am missing something but it seems to me one of the two big reasons that more kids and others don't download DVD pirates is the crappy quality of them.


I would have mentioned my feelings to him but he even though i know him well he just talks and talks, he never listens to a thing anyone else says. :blink:

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Here is something i heard at a Hollywood dinner party the other night, from the ex-head of the Academy. Maybe it has been all over the news but not sure, I haven't seen it. It seems that a lot of studios are going to start selling DVDs in China and other places like that at the same time the films open in the US, trying to capitalize on the illegal pirating. An "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em policy". Personally, at first blush, I think this is stupid and will backfire. Maybe I am missing something but it seems to me one of the two big reasons that more kids and others don't download DVD pirates is the crappy quality of them.


I would have mentioned my feelings to him but he even though i know him well he just talks and talks, he never listens to a thing anyone else says.  :blink:


Well, what they are doing is selling the DVD for about $2.00. The pirated ones sell for about $1.25, and the quality is generally less than stellar. Their reasoning is that people will pay more for the legal, better quality copy. They are releasing them on the same day as the movie is released in the US to try to beat some the pirates to the punch. And while .75 might not seem like a big differance, it is when you are making $150 a month.


However, the worry is people will but thousands of them, ship to the US, and then sell them for 8 bucks a pop, beating the price and release date here in the US

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So many people are just rude at theatres. Cell phones, talking, eating popcorn loudly, getting up. Its like they are in their freakin living room!!


And yes, the concession prices are like going to the Emergency Room. $300 dollars later. I mean, it is getting ridiculous for soda, candy and popcorn. Like $20 for three people. Sick, sad and greedy society.


So do like I do; load up at home with some candy bars, can of soda, and any other smaller snacks that fit in your coat or pockets and bring it in with you. I'll pay $9 for a movie but another $20! Screw You theatres! :blink:


Oh and one last thing. How many people get to the theatre early and have to sit thru that agonizing pre-pre view called "THE TWENTY"? Basically its 20 mins of TV ads, dumb shows, and teeny bopper music videos and songs. GOD I hate that!! Anyone agree with me! I think Brenden Theatres has it. Awful!

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So do like I do; load up at home with some candy bars, can of soda, and any other smaller snacks that fit in your coat or pockets and bring it in with you. I'll pay $9 for a movie but another $20! Screw You theatres! :blink:




Thats the way to go. You want candy, hit the dollar store on the way to the theater...also you'd be amazed at where you can fit a bag of popcarn and some cans of pop (yes i know that comment is asking for it, so go ahead)...

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They cant figure it out.  We saw the movies the first time around and dont care for your remakes





A couple of thoughts on the subject.


Hollywood goes for the easy money, i.e., go for name recognition. Old Tv shows, comic books, remakes of other movies.


Here's a thought - how about some original scripts with good acting. I don't care if it's from a novel - just make some good adult level films. Hollywood keeps catering to the kids, teens, chicks, and special effects geeks.


It's great that Hollywood finally figured out that kids flicks means big money. 10-15 years ago, there was a huge outcry that there were few G rated films to take kids to. Now. there are lots of them.


Teen movies- Most are really stupid, filled with juvinile sex and toilet humor. Mildly amusing for a brief time, but very predictable. Quickly forgotten. Most SNL alum flix fall into this category. Big money makers at the box office because the kids will go see these retarded efforts multiple times.


Chick flix are usually a winner. Chicks go out to movies together on chick dates. After boring each other to death over dinner with talk of hair and nails and whose fat, they can at least go to a movie and not have to say anything (other than to comment on the actresses hair, nail, and weight). I mean, I haven't been to a movie with another guy since I was about 15. Chick flix are financial winners.


Special effects movies usually suck. The geeks at Special Effects and Magic (or whatever computer effects lab) are so wrapped up in the effects and the wow factor, they completely forget to add a plot. These pictures bore the living hell out of me, especially after I've already seen one of those "the making of" specials. It's like going to see David Copperfield after he's supplied the audience with a program explaining how each illusion is created. Duh. Kind of hard to get sucked into the illusion when you know all the tricks.


The other thing is overexposure of the star actors. They're such promotion whores, showing up on every morning show, late night show, Entertainment Tonight, magazine, etc

Again the illusion problem. After seeing them show up on every possible show, unless they're really really good actors, it's hard to seperate the TV whore from the character in the movie. I'd much rather see a performance by a good unknown. That was one of the things that made Rocky and Slingblade so great for me. I'd never before heard of or seen Stallone or Billy Bob Thornton. They really made the characters come alive, largely because I didn't have to seperate their image from something known previously.


I just wish that Hollywood would put out a few more movies with intelligent plot twists, lesser known actors, well-crafted plots, and development of characters rather than special effects. I can't think of too many recent movies that fall into that category.

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A couple of thoughts on the subject.


Hollywood goes for the easy money, i.e., go for name recognition. Old Tv shows, comic books, remakes of other movies.


Here's a thought - how about some original scripts with good acting. I don't care if it's from a novel - just make some good adult level films. Hollywood keeps catering to the kids, teens, chicks, and special effects geeks.


It's great that Hollywood finally figured out that kids flicks means big money. 10-15 years ago, there was a huge outcry that there were few G rated films to take kids to. Now. there are lots of them. 


Teen movies-  Most are really stupid, filled with juvinile sex and toilet humor. Mildly amusing for a brief time, but very predictable. Quickly forgotten. Most SNL alum flix fall into this category. Big money makers at the box office because the kids will go see these retarded efforts multiple times.


Chick flix are usually a winner. Chicks go out to movies together on chick dates. After boring each other to death over dinner with talk of hair and nails and whose fat, they can at least go to a movie and not have to say anything (other than to comment on the actresses hair, nail, and weight). I mean, I haven't been to a movie with another guy since I was about 15. Chick flix are financial winners.


Special effects movies usually suck. The geeks at Special Effects and Magic (or whatever computer effects lab) are so wrapped up in the effects and the wow factor, they completely forget to add a plot. These pictures bore the living hell out of me, especially after I've already seen one of those "the making of" specials. It's like going to see David Copperfield after he's supplied the audience with a program explaining how each illusion is created. Duh. Kind of hard to get sucked into the illusion when you know all the tricks.


The other thing is overexposure of the star actors. They're such promotion whores, showing up on every morning show, late night show, Entertainment Tonight, magazine, etc

Again the illusion problem. After seeing them show up on every possible show, unless they're really really good actors, it's hard to seperate the TV whore from the character in the movie. I'd much rather see a performance by a good unknown. That was one of the things that made Rocky and Slingblade so great for me. I'd never before heard of or seen Stallone or Billy Bob Thornton. They really made the characters come alive, largely because I didn't have to seperate their image from something known previously.


I just wish that Hollywood would put out a few more movies with intelligent plot twists, lesser known actors, well-crafted plots, and development of characters rather than special effects. I can't think of too many recent movies that fall into that category.


Here are a few tips:


1. Do not go see a flick on the first two or three weekends. That is the reason you get star-TV whores. It is required of them because the first weekend of the release the studio gets a huge percentage of the ticket sales. The second week that percentage goes down, and the third down more, etc. That is why the opening is crucial to a release for the film companies. That is where they make a lot of their money. If you go on week 3-4 the theatre gets more, the studio doesnt bank those stars and star vehicles as much and the TV whore importance goes way down. They flood the talk shows and entertainment shows because of those opening two weeks.


2. Buy a ticket for a lesser known film with no stars and a good story but then walk into whatever theatre you want and see the film you want. That way, the big film doesn't make the money and the smaller films make more and the more likelihood the studios will rely less on the big TV whore opening week special effects blockbusters.


3. Teach your teenager not laugh over jokes like "You coming, Jimmy?" "Yeah, ma, I'm comin'... I'm comin' in my pants!" and all teen flicks won't be about farts and tit jokes.


4. Skip all remakes and sequels and prequels and films based on crappy TV shows and they soon won't make them anymore.

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So you're telling me that you would have known to greenlight $200 million dollars worth of three films with Peter Jackson directing who had made a couple cool movies, only one of which was good and the Hollywood one a huge flop? And if it didn't work you would likely lose your job for life?



Well, it WAS the LOTR.

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