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Arlington Cemetery a clear eyed examination

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5 minutes ago, Starr-Bills said:

How is it possible that a thread about the ***** show at Arlington Cemetery wasn’t started/


How is it possible?  Well start with hundreds of thousands of conservatives with internet brain.  To the point where if there's anything negative about their master, it's fake.  Anything positive for dems?  It's fake.  People that belong in a psych ward have an uncanny ability to ignore facts they don't like.  Or make up realities they do like.



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6 minutes ago, Starr-Bills said:

Mind blown.

Waiting for B-man, Doc and NC to tell me how much of stupid lib commie I am. 

I dont know if it's real or not.  But there will be zero condemnation.   They will deny or deflect if it happened and believe whatever bs Trump says.  These people don't just have a different opinion on how the country is run.  They are sick.

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Our MAGA crew here has been real quiet about this incident. There has been continual denial about his disrespect for the military and those who served. This is just the latest disrespectful incident of many that Trump has done through his words or actions. Maybe it’s starting to sink in now with this latest incident.

He decided that getting the video and pictures he wanted was more important than honoring these buried there by following the federal law banning filming for political purposes. They pushed aside the cemetery official doing their job to stop the filming. He then immediately used the pictures for his campaign to raise money off the images of the gravestones of those vets. And to further insult the Arlington Cemetery staff, Trump staff claim that the cemetery official had a “mental health episode” which caused the conflict.

It’s hard to do something that shows less respect for veterans than that. Team Trump claimed to have video supporting their side. We are all waiting for them to release the video and a formal apology to the Arlington staff would also be appropriate. 

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This thread is hilarious, the very people who are voting for a women who had 600 convictions overturned because she used information from a known crooked source thinks I should be more bothered by Trump not following social convention. Y'all defended Biden when he checked his watch  but are upset Trump wanted pictures 

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8 minutes ago, Orlando Buffalo said:

This thread is hilarious, the very people who are voting for a women who had 600 convictions overturned because she used information from a known crooked source thinks I should be more bothered by Trump not following social convention. Y'all defended Biden when he checked his watch  but are upset Trump wanted pictures 

You mean broke the law.  And is a ***** bag.

7 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

Not sure but here’s how you end it




This is actually a good point is the operation wasn’t about Trump disrespecting soldiers it was about trying to keep Trump front and center to suck the oxygen away from Harris now everybody’s talking about Trump again rather than her policies any good as she sat down for an interview or whatever the other bull####, the right wing Was drumming up the campaign is all about Ken Trump. Keep the spotlight on him.

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49 minutes ago, 4th&long said:

It must be hurting trump bad because musk put a warning on x for people who search for the npr story that the link they are looking for contains spam. Bunch of losers.


Did they decide to get rid of people behind Trump because of all the people looking bored behind him at the other rallies or can he just not find people to come?

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42 minutes ago, Orlando Buffalo said:

This thread is hilarious, the very people who are voting for a women who had 600 convictions overturned because she used information from a known crooked source thinks I should be more bothered by Trump not following social convention. Y'all defended Biden when he checked his watch  but are upset Trump wanted pictures 

There is the deflection, as predicted.

40 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

Not sure but here’s how you end it




That won't end it.  


Trump's team was told that they could not take pictures or film in Section 60.  There are reasons for this.  Arlington Cemetery performs 27 funerals per day.  For those who were not cremated, all the coffins end up getting buried in the same section side by side by side.  As a result, it is impossible to perform all those funerals in the location where the burial will take place.  The funerals are thus spread around to different sections of the cemetery with multiple ceremonies happening at the same time or overlapping in time.  People are told at the end that this is not where their loved one will be buried but are given the plot number for future visits.  Also, families may be visiting their loved ones in Section 60 and some level of solemnity, respect and privacy is expected.


Whether or not the Gold Star families invited Trump really isn't relevant.  It certainly shouldn't give him a free pass.  While I am sorry for their loss, these families aren't thinking through the ramifications of holding a campaign event where funerals are happening.  Those families are not respecting the families and loved ones of other deceased servicemen.


Trump could have quietly paid his respects in Section 60 without cameras.  he could have just paid his respects.  But NOOOOO!  Paying respect is not what this was about.  Trump used this only for his benefit only.  He used this for a photo op.  He is using those servicemen and their families.  


Hiding behind the Gold Star families is even more pathetic.  Have some decency.





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5 minutes ago, Orlando Buffalo said:

I am sure someone can explain why these are ok but Trump is the problem.


Someone from the left?  LOL!  Good luck with that one!


Just more of the same hypocrisy we've come to expect.

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11 minutes ago, Orlando Buffalo said:

I am sure someone can explain why these are ok but Trump is the problem. 


Why did he need to take pictures to pay his respects?

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21 minutes ago, Doc said:


Someone from the left?  LOL!  Good luck with that one!


Just more of the same hypocrisy we've come to expect.

There is a reason for the law. The law bans filming for partisan political purposes. Trumps cameras were there specifically for partisan political purpose. This country has a long history of separation of politics from the military. There are both democrats and republicans buried there. No one is asking them if they consent to being used for a political campaign. For those who don’t know, this is called respect for our dead veterans. Media have filmed Presidents there during the course of their duties. That footage is called reporting and is not used for political campaigns. 

Now one would expect that someone who has had four years of education about the military and politics in the role of the President would know about this. Apparently Trump and his team of only the best and smartest were clueless.  Now if they didn’t know, they are idiots. But then, when informed by cemetery officials, they said F-it - “We will do what we want”. So that makes them scum who don’t respect veterans. If a Dem pulled this stunt, Fox entertainment would be talking about it for months nonstop, and you know it. 

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1 hour ago, Big Blitz said:

Not sure but here’s how you end it





You mean a few loser grifters? This also does not explain him shoving the cemetery worker, which the U.S. army confirmed happened.

1 hour ago, Orlando Buffalo said:

I am sure someone can explain why these are ok but Trump is the problem. 


These took place on Memorial Day. Trump showed up for no reason and shoved a worker trying to stop him from breaking the law. 


I know it’s hard for you to understand since MAGA folk are lead-damaged mongoloids, so I can refer you to online therapy if you need. 

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8 minutes ago, Roundybout said:


You mean a few loser grifters? This also does not explain him shoving the cemetery worker, which the U.S. army confirmed happened.

These took place on Memorial Day. Trump showed up for no reason and shoved a worker trying to stop him from breaking the law. 


I know it’s hard for you to understand since MAGA folk are lead-damaged mongoloids, so I can refer you to online therapy if you need. 

did you just call the families of gold star families loser grifters?  jfc man

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2 minutes ago, aristocrat said:

did you just call the families of gold star families loser grifters?  jfc man

The ones trying to get clout though Trump? Hell yeah I am. ***** ‘em for using their loved ones for their bizarre obsession with Donny 


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12 minutes ago, Roundybout said:

The ones trying to get clout though Trump? Hell yeah I am. ***** ‘em for using their loved ones for their bizarre obsession with Donny 


That’s a bridge too far man. Who knows what they were thinking. Maybe team Trump reached out to them to do the event so they could get the images they wanted. Maybe they are star struck by the orange idiot. It really doesn’t matter what the family wanted. Trump and his team have the responsibility of following the law and acting appropriately. They are at fault, not the family. 

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