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Arlington Cemetery a clear eyed examination

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This ids what you ass hats should be worried about!

 I’m sure they are not voting for trump ha ha ha ha ha ha.


5 minutes ago, Roundybout said:


Why are you such a pathetic person? 

He completely makes up his own narrative. Lives in a fantasy world. Laughable!

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5 hours ago, Starr-Bills said:

Harris didn't show up to the felons made up wreath laying ceremony? That is your question? Really?


The felon wanted a photo op on the third 'anniversary' of the withdraw (note: a withdrawl after he had released 5000 Taliban prisoners, one of whom is now the leader of Taliban / Afganhistan, he drew down US forces below recommended levels and scheduled the withdraw for after his term regardless of the outcome of the election)  to try and make Harris look bad. He didn't get his way and so he pushed his way in. Now he will take no responsibility and use the families as a shield agains the "mean' media. What a whiny cry baby that guy is.


the ad. (nice of the family to wear a red tie to match)


See below:


3 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:


They invited all 3.  Only one showed.  If you want to call it a photo op, go ahead.  We know the real reason you're all mad.


4 hours ago, Roundybout said:

No it just means that you don’t know how to actually respond to the point at hand so you start barfing out non sequiturs 


And you don't know what the definition of "non sequitur" is.

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4 minutes ago, Doc said:




They invited all 3.  Only one showed.  If you want to call it a photo op, go ahead.  We know the real reason you're all mad.


Desecration plus lies equals you know why we're mad?  I don't think you're on X as much as BB, who obviously needs to be hospitalized at this point, but do you realize how insane you sound?  This guy really f'd you guys up.  For your family's sake,  self evaluate a little.   I honestly hope you're trolling. 

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Just now, L Ron Burgundy said:


Desecration plus lies equals you know why we're mad?  I don't think you're on X as much as BB, who obviously needs to be hospitalized at this point, but do you realize how insane you sound?  This guy really f'd you guys up.  For your family's sake,  self evaluate a little.   I honestly hope you're trolling. 

I'm certain each and every service member buried there would want the comfort for the families of the 11. But yeah, you know better

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8 minutes ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

Desecration plus lies equals you know why we're mad?  I don't think you're on X as much as BB, who obviously needs to be hospitalized at this point, but do you realize how insane you sound?  This guy really f'd you guys up.  For your family's sake,  self evaluate a little.   I honestly hope you're trolling. 


Yeah I know why you're truly mad.  It has nothing to do with "desecration and lies."  That's just a convenient excuse.

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3 minutes ago, Pokebball said:

I'm certain each and every service member buried there would want the comfort for the families of the 11. But yeah, you know better

Lol, he took pictures smiling above Graves giving thumbs up.  What kind of scumbag are you?  How are you so incapable of saying it's moronic?  You f'n people are irredeemable. 

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2 hours ago, Starr-Bills said:

Smells like an ad looks like an ad sounds like an ad. Maybe it’s an ad.


If he took a dump in the middle of the cemetery they would still run to x to find an article deflecting so they can form an opinion.   Like I said some of these people are sick, the rest are just scumbags.  

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15 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

Whether this played out as alleged is hard to say.  However, he took the time to go to the cemetery, meet with the family of fallen soldiers and apparently honored their wish for a photograph.  While apologies may be in order here—I’m not certain a candidate or president could show more respect.  

No one would say a word if he took pictures with the family on their phones and returned them to the family. This is about the Trump team bringing their video crew into the cemetery, intentionally disregarding federal law after they were notified, pushing aside a female cemetery official doing her job, then using the video footage for his campaign. Afterwards team Trump slanders the Arlington official by claiming she had a “mental health episode”. And finally, Trump on the stump claims to not have been aware of anything wrong. If your guy is oblivious to proper behavior in Arlington, maybe he is unfit for the job he is applying for. 

It’s interesting that none of the MAGA crew here can speak one itty bitty critique of Trumps behavior in this incident. The responses seem to be no story, can’t trust the media, cant trust the Army statement, Biden caused their deaths, etc. I guess the orange god king can do no wrong. If a Dem did this, it would be a Fox and Republican talking point from now to the election. If I were on the other side of the aisle, I would look forward to the day when Trump is gone from the stage. It must be exhausting to constantly have to defend him. 

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7 hours ago, Doc said:


See below:



They invited all 3.  Only one showed.  If you want to call it a photo op, go ahead.  We know the real reason you're all mad.



And you don't know what the definition of "non sequitur" is.

Lol…So true…


The botched Afgan withdrawal is such a sore spot for the Left…They know it was god awful, and they are so desperate to change the narrative…


All you can do is, sit back, watch them snarl like lunatics, and enjoy the show…🤣🤣🤣


Michael Jackson Popcorn GIF

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3 hours ago, Andy1 said:

No one would say a word if he took pictures with the family on their phones and returned them to the family. This is about the Trump team bringing their video crew into the cemetery, intentionally disregarding federal law after they were notified, pushing aside a female cemetery official doing her job, then using the video footage for his campaign. Afterwards team Trump slanders the Arlington official by claiming she had a “mental health episode”. And finally, Trump on the stump claims to not have been aware of anything wrong. If your guy is oblivious to proper behavior in Arlington, maybe he is unfit for the job he is applying for. 

It’s interesting that none of the MAGA crew here can speak one itty bitty critique of Trumps behavior in this incident. The responses seem to be no story, can’t trust the media, cant trust the Army statement, Biden caused their deaths, etc. I guess the orange god king can do no wrong. If a Dem did this, it would be a Fox and Republican talking point from now to the election. If I were on the other side of the aisle, I would look forward to the day when Trump is gone from the stage. It must be exhausting to constantly have to defend him. 

Ya know, it might be a little easier for Trump supporters to call out Trump on this issue if we could rely on the media’s reporting of the story…


But the unfortunate fact of the matter is that they cannot be trusted when they pushed:


-The fake Russia/Collusion hoax for 3 years


-The fake “Very fine people” hoax


-The fake “Inject bleach into your body” hoax


-The fake mocking a disabled person hoax https://videopress.com/v/aMQHXhsE


-The fake “bloodbath” hoax


-The fake Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation hoax


…And on and on and on…


The media has already shown they are not only going to be unfair when reporting on Trump doing something, but they are also going to create their own lies to disseminate for the public to consume…


And the worst part? Even when those lies are proven false, the media will not even retract them…


So don’t blame Trump supporters for not calling out Trump…Blame your buddies in the fake news media…


All we can do is follow patterns of behavior…And if history has shown us anything- it is that the media relentlessly lied to us before, and the odds are, they will continue lying to us into the future…👍

Edited by JaCrispy
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3 hours ago, JaCrispy said:

Lol…So true…


The botched Afgan withdrawal is such a sore spot for the Left…They know it was god awful, and they are so desperate to change the narrative…


All you can do is, sit back, watch them snarl like lunatics, and enjoy the show…🤣🤣🤣


Michael Jackson Popcorn GIF

First. Dems aren’t trying to make hay with the death of 13 (or any service members).  Second The felon left a time bomb for Biden. He could have done differently maybe, but he was potus so buck stops with him. Third the felon isn’t concerned about respecting the families it was a photo op made up by a failing campaign to try and fling mud on Harris who they have yet to have an attack work on. No plans, flip flopping on IVF, racism sexism… that’s all they got. 

So cool, MJ gif eating popcorn about the death of 13 service members, you’re no better than the felon. You cool bro.

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6 minutes ago, Starr-Bills said:

First. Dems aren’t trying to make hay with the death of 13 (or any service members).  Second The felon left a time bomb for Biden. He could have done differently maybe, but he was potus so buck stops with him. Third the felon isn’t concerned about respecting the families it was a photo op made up by a failing campaign to try and fling mud on Harris who they have yet to have an attack work on. No plans, flip flopping on IVF, racism sexism… that’s all they got. 

So cool, MJ gif eating popcorn about the death of 13 service members, you’re no better than the felon. You cool bro.

Good point.  This isn't about assigning blame, but accepting responsibility.  Rational people wonder what they could have done better when they have or may have involvement in a situation such as this one.  Maybe leaving that hard deadline for someone else wasn't a great plan.  And maybe there's a little bit of responsibility to be accepted there.  And maybe, just maybe, if a rational actor had been president from 2016-2020, that person would not now exploit that situation given the possibility that they should accept some responsibility for what occurred.  


I don't know who is responsible for what in this scenario.  But if I might have played even a small role in the deaths of 13 service members, there's no way I would be politicking in front of one of their tombstones.  Not a chance.  And that's the difference between rational people and the weirdos like Trump. 

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