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Do Athletes endorsements affect your purchasing?

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Look at Facebook tv and twitter revenues etc.   it’s all ad money.  Most people are not aware of how much they get influenced by marketing.  Athlete specific could be one way or the other depending on the person but all that money is not spent for nothing.  

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I agree with NickelCity that we all like to think we're immune to celebrity endorsements.  After all, we're intelligent, independent strong human beings.

Then again, the reason companies spend millions on celebrities is because their data show our purchasing decisions are influenced over time.  At a minimum, celebrities get noticed so they help build brand awareness, though some of the impact is more subtle than that.  


However, I'm going to claim to be an exception.  Not because I'm any more strong-minded than the rest of you John and Jane Waynes.  But because pretty much the only TV I watch is football and I don't do social media.  I don't actually see a lot of commercials or endorsements.  I don't even know if anything I buy is endorsed by a celebrity.  I lean a lot on online reviews.    

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2 hours ago, Royale with Cheese said:


I once met Travis Henry at a gas station here in Atlanta.

I walked up to him and told him I was a big fan of his.  He was nice.


I asked for an autograph but couldn't find anything for him to sign.  Then he reached into his bag and pulled out a 3 pack of condoms.  He said "I really don't use these any way."  He signed it and gave it to me.


So now I buy Magnum condoms just because of Travis Henry even though they don't fit.

I want this story to be true so bad :lol:

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12 hours ago, Wizard said:

For me, I wanted a pair of Jordan's as a kid because of the school status symbol, Jordan being one of the most recognized athletes and faces in the world, and because the shoes and commercials were cool to a 10-11 year-old kid.


Otherwise, I don't watch a lot of television during the work week, and unless a product is amazing, new, and makes my life quality better, I am not that influenced by what a favorite player endorses.



Wizard, it’s funny you say this as my newlywed wife asked me if I even have regular television.  I told her yeas, but know the shows I love and would rather not watch with commercials at night.  I’d rather just watch on my subscriptions and most of the time that is at 5 am before I go to the gym, then work.

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I really want to say no...but we have also bought Josh Allens cereal...and that isn't even an impulse decision while standing in a grocery store since we are in CA and it is not in stores here...we had to consciously look for it and order it online...lmao

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I don't think any advertisement with any star has that affect on me.

However in the name of brand recognition, it does have an effect. I probably still would not buy the product unless I see lots of feedback from trusted sources. If its a new product and the commercial peaks my interest I might buy and try. 

Edited by ddaryl
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I have and never will be influenced to purchase anything because some famous person, who I don't know and doesn't know me, pushes the good or service.  In fact, I would be less likely to purchase these goods or services because I know that the cost of paying the famous person to push the good or service has been added to the cost of that good or service.  

Edited by kitchen sink
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I bought and use Nugenix because of the endorsement of Doug Flutie and Frank Thomas.  And SHE likes it too!


I kid...I have never purchased Nugenix, but you can be sure that the ads are working because if it wasn't for Flutie and Big Hurt, I would have zero idea of what Nugenix is.  It would just be some random supplement commercial that I ignored.

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