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Individual Game Tickets


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Usually the Bills have set the 2nd Saturday in July as the first day we can buy individual game tickets but I haven't seen any announcements yet. This is killing me my buddies and I want to road trip in to New England or Denver game and I am afraid we won't get tickets. Last year we bought Steelers game tickets and the stadium was half yellow and black. Anyone know what is up with this?

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Blame it on scalpers selling tickets on ebay.  Buffalo isn't like New England, who revokes season tickets for those who sell them to make a profit.



Most games wouldn't be televised if it weren't for scalpers... So i actually appreciate their busienss, it keeps the bills in buffalo. If Buffalo had a solid season ticket base, there wouldnt be room for scalpers... just a thought

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Just show up at the game of your choice and buy from one of the many "admission technicians" lined up along Abbott Road or Southwestern Boulevard. Depending on your poker skills, and your willingness to wait to until 5 minutes before kickoff, you could get some nice seats cheap.


And if you fail...there's always a plate of wings and a pitcher of Genny Cream waiting for you at the Big Tree Inn with the game on the big screen.



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