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The preseason means everything!


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The preseason is truly an indicator of which teams will be good this year and which teams are fake. So far the best teams this preseason are the Broncos and Bears. Expect them to be in the superbowl 


the chiefs, bills, 49ers and Lions all had poor performances. Expect them all to miss the playoffs. The preseason means everything! 

Edited by Bills!Win!
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They may as well just remove the Spleens of every player on those teams, and put them on season ending IR, being that they all suck and won’t be needing them this season… am I right or am I right…, 

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Beane sucks.  Josh can't win without Diggs.  McD will take play calling from BB.  Special teams are a disaster. O line sucks and should be re-aligned.


However I do understand it's just pre-season.  Just a little concerned.



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While the OUTCOMES of preseason games don't matter -- the final scores, the winners and losers -- you still want to see good execution in them. The reps matter. No, you can't glean much when your team isn't gameplanning, particularly if they're going up against a team rolling out stunts and blitz packages and so forth. But you CAN glean things like effort, execution, discipline, etc.

For instance...for YEARS prior to the Sean McDermott regime, the Bills would look terrible in the preseason, and we'd all say "it's only preseason", and lo and behold, they'd be awful in the regular season, too. The past five+ years, the Bills have looked great every preseason, and lo and behold, they've been great every regular season.

Am I saying that a bad preseason performance means your team will stink? No, certainly not. But I AM saying that the reps matter, the execution matters, and that these games CAN be somewhat informative in terms of where your team needs more work. Saturday's game was atypical for the McDermott era of Bills football. We have not typically seen them get blown off the field like that. Frankly, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise, because it's a pretty young, pretty new version of the Buffalo Bills. They have kinks to work out.

If I had one takeaway from Saturday's game, it's that I don't think this Bills roster is nearly as deep as in years past. The reason the Bills tended to win so many preseason games the past few years is that THEIR depth was better than most other teams' depth, so those boring, all-grocery-bagger All-Stars second halves would more often than not be dominated by the Bills. Now? Not so much. The Bears' depth whooped our depth. Will next game be any different? We'll see.

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