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Recession is upon us - disastrous economic data

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Brought to you by Covidiots led by Biden-Harris

They never took it seriously as they distracted you with 3 years of lawfare vs Trump and the war in Ukraine 


Sahm Recession Indicator signals the start of a recession when the three-month moving average of the national unemployment rate (U3) rises by 0.50 percentage points or more relative to the minimum of the three-month averages from the previous 12 months.














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An inverted yield curve is one of the largest indicators of an upcoming recession. Every recession has been preceded by an inverted yield curve, but there have been a few times the yield curve has gone negative and reverted back without a recession, so it doesn't guarantee it will happen. The 2/10 spread has been inverted for well over two years now. I think it might even chart the longest and deepest negative trend we have had. It has snapped back in the other direction very quickly over the past few weeks. That is not a good sign of things to come. 

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You guys understand how media works to shape opinions right? 


Just like advertising they will repeat repeat repeat (7x is the old saw) so that you will have the word or brand in you mind when you actually need to make a decision to buy. 


good example what so many insurance ads? Why are they so weird and not actually about insurance. They want to make an impression on you, hell if I mention cavemen you all know what company that is for. same as the gecko. 


So they (who own the large media companies) what to sell an narrative they give their highly paid (and that is important if their are not highly paid they don't have as much to lose and so are less controllable) talking heads to repeat it. 


don't believe me. (btw this was the first link in my google search "sinclair media"


so they will repeat "recession" a million times because noting else is working for trump right now and everyone will say session is bad, must do different so we'll go back to trump. sigh. 




Note how yes there was a dip today, and back in 2022, but eventually the money guys need this to go up for their own stock option compensation to be valuable. Don't be played. (that said the FED should have lowered rates today like they were going to)


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Mild recessions are a necessary part of the business cycle and are not a bad thing. They shake out the bad companies in the economy and push capital, labor, and resources toward more productive companies.  On the other hand, severe recessions are a bad thing and inflict a lot of pain.


What's interesting is that the US is currently running a $2 trillion deficit at a time of close to full employment.   During recessions, deficits go up due to automatic stabilizers and fiscal stimulus.  I can't imagine that there's room for much more fiscal stimulus that would increase our current $2 trillion in deficit spending.  We've been stimulating the hell out of the economy for the last four years and we may be getting a recession anyway.   At some point, the bond markets will revolt.  We're on pretty shaky ground right now.  

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Unchartered territory.  AI is going to be the dagger.  

I saw a chart - I’m looking for it - The phrase “increasing corporate efficiency” increased in Google search dramatically this year.  


It’s bad in deep blue dumps.  

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Posted (edited)

Good morning to you to Japan. 




No one knows who is playing President and Hiding Harris hasn’t taken questions in the 2 full weeks since a coup in the United States that we have to pretend was normal.   








I'm going to fact check this.


Partly True - not full blow.  Not yet.  

I feel like we’re just a few small steps away from waking up one day and we’ve become Venezuela.   

The economy will get so bad we’re going to start seeing the 1% bail and get out while their industries become fully nationalized.  




Edited by Big Blitz
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25 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

Good morning to you to Japan. 




No one knows who is playing President and Hiding Harris hasn’t taken questions in the 2 full weeks since a coup in the United States that we have to pretend was normal.   








I'm going to fact check this.


Partly True - not full blow.  Not yet.  

I feel like we’re just a few small steps away from waking up one day and we’ve become Venezuela.   

The economy will get so bad we’re going to start seeing the 1% bail and get out while their industries become fully nationalized.  




Nothing like a little hyperbole to cheer up your Sunday!

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Starr-bills has already taken a swing at making it a media-driven matter. Laughable, obviously, but it’s nice that he put the “thought” out there. The entertainment question now - which of the board’s “progressives” will be the first to blame Trump if the market takes a dump? Truly hoping it doesn’t happen but it will be interesting to watch the lefties spin. 

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Monetary policy was not the only issue especially here in the U.S.




Man.  It’s like we all knew this would happen once 15 days turned into indefinitely.  The scariest part about this is we truly don’t know how horrific it could be it’s not like 1929 - it’s much worse.  We already spend beyond our means - interest on the debt continues to skyrocket.  

What has the Regime done to prepare for what everyone knew was coming?  

Indict Trump again? 

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