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Bad News Bears Trailer

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That's the problem that I have with remakes. Some movies NEED to be remade and the remake can actually be a welcome breath of fresh air. However, Bad News Bears was not one of those movies. The original holds up just fine. No need for a remake. Billy Bob Thornton might be able to put in a solid performance in this, but I guarantee that the little kids in the movie won't even come close to the ones in the original.

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WTF? Bad News Bears? Bewitched? War of the Worlds? Can anyone in Hollywood have one original idea? WTF? How long until we see a remake of Pulp Fiction? Million Dollar Baby? I got it- lets do a remake of Gone with the Wind, Casablanca, Rebel Without a Cause and Citizen Kane- :(;);) No wonder I much prefer foreign and independent films- who gets to play Richard Hatch in the Survivor movie? :lol::lol::lol:

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Bad News Bears Trailer


I doubt if it could ever live up to the original.  ;)



And The filmakers wonder why sales (revenue) is slumping - too many repeats :(


Batman was everything it should be and hopefully F4 will be too (because they have never been told before)


Rewriting "The War of The Worlds" will work with Gen X but you can never replace the original


How many times can you remake "Dawn of the Dead" ?


Special FX Can only get you so far


Forbidden Planet anyone ?



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How many times can you remake "Dawn of the Dead"  ?





Is the answer once? Because the remake of Dawn of the Dead was a kickass movie and one of the few times where a remake is justified.


This summer seems to be the summer of the remake, however. And you make an excellent point about Hollywood just not getting it. They make crap movies and then B word that revenue is down and use the convenient scape goat of downloading to explain their continued underperformance. Give us more movies that are quality and the people will come to the theater. Continue to remake movies like Herbie and I think you're starting to understand where that leads.

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That's the problem that I have with remakes.  Some movies NEED to be remade and the remake can actually be a welcome breath of fresh air.  However, Bad News Bears was not one of those movies.  The original holds up just fine.  No need for a remake.  Billy Bob Thornton might be able to put in a solid performance in this, but I guarantee that the little kids in the movie won't even come close to the ones in the original.



My thoughts exactly!!!

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