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IOC got X to remove satanic Olympic opening ceremony vids

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RICK MORAN: The Paris Olympics Set a Marketing Trap for Us and We Fell Right Into It.


“Wasn’t it a risky move?” one of my friends asked. “Offending a billion people is not the best way to win friends and influence people, or attract viewers, right?”


It wasn’t risky at all. In fact, it was a guaranteed win for marketing the games.


Christians may be offended, but what are they going to do? It’s not like they were offending Muslims, in which case the organizers would soon be competing in the headless horseman competition. Offending Hindus would lead to all sorts of riots and burnings, and that wouldn’t be good for the TV ratings.


So Christians presented themselves as the most eligible target for controversy. And the rest of us fell into the trap set by the organizers.





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4 hours ago, stevestojan said:


Nice try. The “but I know someone who is gay” is equivalent to “I can’t be racist, my friend is black!”


If you truly mean what you say here, you would have simply used the word “sexuality.” You very purposefully chose to say homosexuality.  

I think what you’re actually saying is that North must communicate in the way you have judged acceptable to be acceptable to you.   

That’s fine, of course, for you.  Beyond that, though, it has nothing to do with anything remotely resembling what you claim it means. 

It seems to me that most people would be appreciative of the light of love and understanding as laid out by North in his post about his family members.  

The arbiter of fairness, equality and decency here would really be North’s brother-in-law and his partner, wouldn’t you agree?  

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14 hours ago, stevestojan said:

How is it not a ghost/zombie story? Dude died and popped back to life 72 hours later. That’s either a ghost or a zombie. 

The craziest part of religion is that 90%+ peoples’ beliefs are based solely by what area of the world they happened to be born in and what their parents believed, based on their parents’ beliefs, etc. 


Some drag queens did an admittedly distasteful scene. How many days should we plan on you all crying about it and saying “bUt wHAt iF tHeY mADe fUn oF iSLaM?” before y’all move onto being offended by the next thing? I thought those of us on the left were supposed to be the snowflakes? 


And… there it is - your real problem with what happened. Heaven forbid (pun intended) your children find out that gay people exist! 


I’m sure his kids will figure it out. But 4 years old it’s probably not the best time to start. Can we just let them be kids for awhile without jamming all your horseshit views down their throat!? Exactly why I home schooled. Some ass hat always trying to tell someone what their kids should and shouldn’t know at a certain age!

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lol love these threads when the usual suspects show up to demonstrate their ignorance. I don’t even have a horse in this race and it’s striking. I can’t imagine what it’s like for you faithful on here. 

Edited by LeviF
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"You might recall the epic 2008 Beijing opening ceremony, which showcased the four great Chinese inventions: the compass, gunpowder, paper, and typesetting."

"This one in Paris, put up last Friday, celebrated analogous French contributions like threesomes, the Minions franchise, and dressing like a clown...."

Begins Suzy Weiss, in

"Was the Opening Ceremony Demonic, or Just Cringe? Don’t feel bad for Christians—feel bad for the French" 



 Very well put.



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