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Kamala Harris: Marxist Border Czar, Proposes Government Price Controls, Will Censor "Misinformation"

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14 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

What do you mean by “the middle class…who don’t need it as much.”?  

As for cell phones, this article from 2023 suggests $74 per month v $60 in the States.  Is that after the gouging was addressed?  Also, I always wonder what the impact of taxation is on your monthly bill (before or after).   Back before we used VoI for our office phones, my bill was around $400 per month, but nearly $90 of that was tax/surcharge/fee. 



I mean the higher earning middle are the ones who used the first time home buyers the most. Lower middle and less still can't afford and now the cost is up even more. So, it benefits a few if you are one of the lucky ones that's nice. At the same time, some must now climb even higher than before. I will certainly take advantage when it is my turn to buy.


Cell phone plans. We are notoriously expensive. In 2019 a mid tier plan was ~$75. Everyone knew we were being screwed. Now the same tier (slightly upgraded because tech) is ~$35. in addition, cell companies can no longer charge cancellation fees after 2 years, must unlock your phone upon request, and there is now a cap on roaming and data overage charges. in my case, living in a rural area and using cell data, my bill was around $300 per month for two plans (high even by canadian standards). Now it's about $40 with the occasional overage charges of another $50. My current plan is $20. Add to all numbers 13% tax.



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2 minutes ago, dickleyjones said:

I mean the higher earning middle are the ones who used the first time home buyers the most. Lower middle and less still can't afford and now the cost is up even more. So, it benefits a few if you are one of the lucky ones that's nice. At the same time, some must now climb even higher than before. I will certainly take advantage when it is my turn to buy.

Ah, thanks for the explanation.  I was wondering about the middle class thing, but wasn’t quite certain how someone might qualify for a new home buyer credit if they weren’t first time home buyers regardless of income.  

I think either way, “need” is often relative to who benefits.   Much ado is made about “fair share” and income tax, where someone who makes X is somehow beating the system when the tax paid is 30+ % of income.  


2 minutes ago, dickleyjones said:


Cell phone plans. We are notoriously expensive. In 2019 a mid tier plan was ~$75. Everyone knew we were being screwed. Now the same tier (slightly upgraded because tech) is ~$35. in addition, cell companies can no longer charge cancellation fees after 2 years, must unlock your phone upon request, and there is now a cap on roaming and data overage charges. in my case, living in a rural area and using cell data, my bill was around $300 per month for two plans (high even by canadian standards). Now it's about $40 with the occasional overage charges of another $50. My current plan is $20. Add to all numbers 13% tax.


Yeah that was some serious cash.  I was paying $450/ per month for my family of 5 and was aggravated every time I paid the bill.   Again though, we complain about the cost of services but accept a whopping 13% going to the government, never seeing an opportunity to reduce the tax.



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58 minutes ago, dickleyjones said:

Huh til Nixon was a communist too!


Nixon tried to impose a communist policy to alleviate a problem he largely didn't create, that ultimately had the completely predictable outcome. Crushing inflation. 


Not the case with Harris/Biden. At all.


Nixon also didn't also have a litany of other communist policies and statements on his resume either.



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7 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:


Nixon tried to impose a communist policy to alleviate a problem he largely didn't create, that ultimately had the completely predictable outcome. Crushing inflation. 


Not the case with Harris/Biden. At all.


Nixon also didn't also have a litany of other communist policies and statements on his resume either.



Communist is as communist does. Unless?

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Even CNN Notices How Terrible Kamala's Economic Proposals Are; Hosts Rip Her in Two Separate Segments

by Bob Hoge






Even An Obama Economist is Trashing Kamala's Price Control Plan

by Matt Margolis







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42 minutes ago, B-Man said:



Even CNN Notices How Terrible Kamala's Economic Proposals Are; Hosts Rip Her in Two Separate Segments

by Bob Hoge






Even An Obama Economist is Trashing Kamala's Price Control Plan

by Matt Margolis







how are they allowed to disagree under this communist rule?

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1 hour ago, dickleyjones said:

Communist is as communist does. Unless?


Open borders.


Trans cult.


Blantant open lawfare against political opponent. 


Just to start....


Keep that head buried deep in the crevasse!



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1 minute ago, BillsFanNC said:


Open borders.


Trans cult.


Blantant open lawfare against political opponent. 


Just to start....


Keep that head buried deep in the crevasse!



but nixon gets a pass for reasons.


let's do roosevelt next? it seems he was more extreme commie than nixon.

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2 minutes ago, dickleyjones said:

but nixon gets a pass for reasons.


let's do roosevelt next? it seems he was more extreme commie than nixon.


No one's giving Nixon a pass for anything.  

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24 minutes ago, dickleyjones said:

but nixon gets a pass for reasons.


let's do roosevelt next? it seems he was more extreme commie than nixon.


How about we compare the Communist party USA platform from 1963 and see how its goals align with the regime of the past four years?


Use the courts to weaken institutions by claiming civil rights violations?




Get control of schools. Use them as belts for socialism transmission. Hello critical theory, DEI.




Infiltrate the press. Reliable Pravda media.




Eliminate laws governing obscenity, calling them censorship. Hello "book burning" of pornographic books in grade school libraries. 





Promote homosexuality, degenerate and promiscuity as normal, natural, healthy. This they've hit out of the park with the LGBTQIA+ culture.




Discredit the constitution by calling it inadequate,  old fashioned, out of step with modern needs.




Discredit the American founding fathers. A lot of statues coming down lately? 




Transfer some of the powers of arrest from police to social agencies. Hello Kamala defunder of police.




Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative effects of parents. Hello state taking kids that want to trans away from parents.




Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate parts of the American tradition. The 2020 summer of love and this week at the DNC are A-ok. J6? Nyet.




Seems the the Harris/Biden regime get an A plus for their commie platform alignment!







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1 hour ago, Doc said:


No one's giving Nixon a pass for anything.  

fair enough. i assume the same applies for the myriads of other politicians over the years, from both sides, who do "commie things"?


it doesn't seem that way. instead it seems like the current enemy is the dems and that yelling commie is a tactic which may get the right out to vote.


either that or there must be a threshold that is crossed where one moves from "doing commie things but not a communist" to "actual communist"

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2 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:


Open borders.


Trans cult.


Blantant open lawfare against political opponent. 


Just to start....


Keep that head buried deep in the crevasse!



open borders like communist China? afaik their immigration is locked down quite hard. doesnt seem very communist to me. 


trans cult in communist china? they dont even allow gay people to marry. being trans appears to be even worse.


lawfare in communist china now thats valid. from what i see you guys have been doing that to each other (rs and ds) for some time. although I absolutely grant you that the president was mostly off limits until recently. 


and thank you @B-Man i love me some beavers.

Edited by dickleyjones
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19 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:

A massive stretch to even suggest that Kamala is a marxist/commie. 


I mean it's just crazy to even think it, let alone say it.



Yeah, the father who has been essentially absent from her life. 
By the same logic:

- Trump is a genetic Racist given his father’s well-documented racism

- Vance carries the opioid addict gene from his mother and the lazy ass no good a-hole gene from his father. 
This is fun. 

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2 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:


How about we compare the Communist party USA platform from 1963 and see how its goals align with the regime of the past four years?


Use the courts to weaken institutions by claiming civil rights violations?




Get control of schools. Use them as belts for socialism transmission. Hello critical theory, DEI.




Infiltrate the press. Reliable Pravda media.




Eliminate laws governing obscenity, calling them censorship. Hello "book burning" of pornographic books in grade school libraries. 





Promote homosexuality, degenerate and promiscuity as normal, natural, healthy. This they've hit out of the park with the LGBTQIA+ culture.




Discredit the constitution by calling it inadequate,  old fashioned, out of step with modern needs.




Discredit the American founding fathers. A lot of statues coming down lately? 




Transfer some of the powers of arrest from police to social agencies. Hello Kamala defunder of police.




Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative effects of parents. Hello state taking kids that want to trans away from parents.




Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate parts of the American tradition. The 2020 summer of love and this week at the DNC are A-ok. J6? Nyet.




Seems the the Harris/Biden regime get an A plus for their commie platform alignment!








It is an interesting list. and let me say i do appreciate you conversing with me honestly about your position. i really do seek to understand.


i wish we could find the actual list or minutes from the communist party from back then to see how it aligns. in their own words. as it stands this is the work of an author who may very well have been in the know. he probably has some bias because of his strong faith.


one thing that strikes me is the many ways the list is unlike the current Chinese gov: eliminating oaths, eliminating censorship, promoting pornography and LGBT, promoting riots, defunding police, discrediting family.


the list mostly reads as a guide for any political force to take power. plenty of this list applies to both Rs and Ds and govs across the world: permit free trade, foreign aid, control schools, promote protests, control media, control unions, control big business. none of this is unique to communism.


the pro LGBT and pro social religion stuff just the other side of promoting religion which are all forms of controlling others (especially children, in schools, in media...). i mean, sure, atheism and communism go together, but atheism is not prevalent. i suppose you can add non-religious which IS increasing. but non religious is not necessarily communist. the original author of this piece was a very religious person, his views come through in the list. communist China agrees with him on the LGBT issues.


ok, i had better stop or @B-Man is gonna shoot more beavers at me. i really would like to hear your thoughts on Roosevelt being a communist (or not).


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6 hours ago, dickleyjones said:

open borders like communist China? afaik their immigration is locked down quite hard. doesnt seem very communist to me. 


trans cult in communist china? they dont even allow gay people to marry. being trans appears to be even worse.


lawfare in communist china now thats valid. from what i see you guys have been doing that to each other (rs and ds) for some time. although I absolutely grant you that the president was mostly off limits until recently. 


and thank you @B-Man i love me some beavers.


Communist China has already had its revolution. Oppressor vs. Oppressed was based on economic class.


CCP has been in full control since that time.


The oppressed vs. oppressor paradigm of economic class  revolution was recognized as not being the route that would work in the west long ago.


The American middle class was much too content for that to work here, therefore they went to CULTURAL Marxism and the long march through the institutions.


DEI, race, climate, trans is how they've instigated the warfare here.


Read their goals from 1963 and WAKE UP.

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On 8/17/2024 at 5:39 PM, dickleyjones said:

if that's all it takes you guys were communists back in ww2. 


or heck, before that even with minimum wage. or breaking up monopolies.


so i guess by that standard this means Roosevelt was your OG communist? i really dont know here, genuine question.


Trump is their OG communist, actually! Anyone else remember Executive Order #13948 back in the summer of 2020?? Oh, Commie Kay remembers… Right-wingers were praising this price control on prescription drugs because political tribalism often trumps (pun delightfully intended!) political principles. “Communist” is just a label now that has been rendered devoid of any meaning beyond “someone conservatives don’t like.”


My very limited (and possibly erroneous) awareness of Kamala’s grocery price control proposal is that it would be a sunset provision reserved specifically for proven food price gouging. Temporary price controls do have a history of success when restricted to societal emergency situations. Permanent price controls, on occasion, can also work; you already mentioned such an example involving a price floor (minimum wages) and one involving a price ceiling (trust busting).


But while price collusion is a type of market failure like any other, it can sometimes be difficult to prove conclusively. So one’s educated opinion of Kamala’s policy efficacy will depend on how obvious one thinks the evidence of collusion may be (based heavily on corporate profit margin histories), along with what one thinks are the causal factors of our present inflation: corporate price gouging (yes), lingering cost-push international supply chain issues (yes, somewhat, due to strife abroad and what not), cost-push energy supply shocks (LOL…an eyeroll for those who don’t understand how international energy free markets work yet dogmatically cling to them…), demand-pull stimulus effects (sure, though not in the way right-wingers think because CARES and ARP also prevented dangerous deflationary collapses), a lax monetary policy (certainly not ruling out artificially low interest rates and aggressive money supply expansions), etc.


Kamala is also proposing a price control on rent, and right now I’m equally unfamiliar with the details of this particular policy. My firm belief, however, is that you can’t just throw government subsidies at this problem without addressing root causes (namely: corporate oligopoly effects on local housing markets). Furthermore, I’m an unapologetic tree-hugging eco-fascist who rages deliriously at the specter of creeping suburban sprawl; when I so much as hear mere MURMURS of lowering housing costs via a widespread government promotion of increases to the supply…BIG TROUBLE.



EDIT: Misspelled “murmurs.” Terrible.

Edited by ComradeKayAdams
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