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All Corporate Commie Media Examples of propping up (lying for) Harris

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Forgive us if we're skeptical here, but when has Kamala Harris shown any leadership qualities? She failed as the border czar, has stranded astronauts on the International Space Station as chair of the National Space Council, and can't even pretend to be on a phone call to avoid the press.


She's fake and unqualified and unprepared to lead a lemonade stand, let alone the country.


But here's The Hill, telling us she'll be in charge of the military.



They write:



No woman has ever been America’s defense secretary. No woman has been chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And no woman has ever served as commander in chief, the president.

This is the bullseye. It has to be hit to crack the fabled Glass Ceiling, which has kept any woman from winning the presidency.

Do you trust a woman to fight and win for America?

In next week’s presidential debate, voters will see a sharp contrast in the candidates competing to be the next commander in chief. On one side will be a heavyset 78-year-old man who ducked military service during the Vietnam War and has a history of disparaging prisoners of war. He even puts down soldiers who died in war.           Standing on the other side will be a woman.




Good Lord.


It has nothing to do with the fact Kamala Harris is a woman, and everything to do with the fact she's an incompetent moron.


Kamala Harris took a month to prepare for an 18-minute puff interview. She's not ready to lead a bake sale.



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