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All Corporate Commie Media Examples of propping up (lying for) Harris

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17 minutes ago, Tommy Callahan said:


I like to watch the news if only to catch the subtle and not so subtle biases in the media. And not just when it comes to Trump. 

But the above is easy. Both tax on tip proposals are basically the same but only Trump's mentions any cost to tax revenue. The Harris blurb is all hearts and flowers. Maybe notice she is back grounded by a diverse group of enthusiastic supporters and Trump stands alone with a MAGA hat to boot. (FUNNY WHEN I TYPED MAGA HAT MY PHONE AUTOCORRECTED TO MAGA HATE, is that a feature with google?)

His new theme MAAA, make America affordable again might throw them a bit.

One hilarious thing with the local news is they won't identify crime suspects by race or other visible characteristics.  They say the suspect was wearing black pants and a white tie shirt. If viewers have seen this suspect contact police. I saw 20 such suspects over the course of 5 minutes yesterday. Should I call it in? 

Edited by All_Pro_Bills
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We call it low info news for a reason 


A significant new Media Research Center poll finds that large majorities of registered Democrats and Independents who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 — exactly those who would be expected to support Vice President Kamala Harris in this year’s contest — are mostly in the dark about many of the controversial and radical positions Harris has taken.


When asked about ten different aspects of Harris’s public record — on issues as varied as her sponsorship of the Green New Deal, abolishing ICE, and eliminating private health insurance — between 71% and 86% of these Democrats and Independents said they either had not heard of Harris’s position or were unsure.


When these voters were asked about where they got most of their news about political elections and candidates, by far the top answers were broadcast television (ABC, CBS and NBC) or cable news (such as CNN and MSNBC). This suggests that the knowledge gaps found by our poll reveal a failure of these outlets to report on radical positions once (and perhaps currently) supported by the now-Democratic nominee for President.

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Here’s How The Media Are Lying Right Now: ‘Violent Crime Dropping’ Edition

by Eddie Scarry


Axios headline, April 12: “New data shows violent crime dropping sharply in major U.S. cities.” That assertion, the article merrily stated, “puts a serious dent in one of the most frequently used lines of attack by former President Trump and his allies, who have sought to tie Democrats to the issue since 2020.” And it comes surely by coincidence as freshly anointed Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris gives herself a makeover as a hard ass on crime rather than the effusive “defund the police” candidate she ran as in 2020.





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