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Trump: Dyslexia and Adult ADHD? (and/or dementia)

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Trump famously doesn't read. As in read anything. 


When asked about his reading habits, he has suggested that he reads the Bible. But don't expect to get any significant understanding of a Bible passage from him.




He was a bad student who apparently had trouble focusing. His family sent him away to military school because of this, where he fit in much better, but without apparent improvements in his grades or behavior.



Despite the family's wealth and connections, he couldn't get into an Ivy League college. (And look at the stats: it wasn't nearly as hard to get into an Ivy, particularly what were considered the lower-tier Ivies like Penn, at that time.) He went to Fordham instead. His niece claims that it is family lore that he paid someone to take the SAT for him. A prof who remembers him claimed that he was "the dumbest goddamn student I ever had" at Penn.




As President, he astounded his staff by being unable to make it through even a two-page briefing paper. He did seem to have some interest in graphs and charts rather than the written word. His lack of focus on policy briefings is legendary. He gets his news through television, which he watched incessantly while President.




His manner of speaking has changed over the years, to a new kind of repetitive, lower grade-level communication. It is obviously effective with his core audience, but it is unclear whether he is doing it for political purposes or because he now lacks the capacity to communicate in more formal, Presidential ways.

https://www.newsweek.com/trump-fire-and-fury-smart-genius-obama-774169#:~:text=Trump clocked in around mid,nearly a sixth-grade level.



People have suggested for a long time that he is dyslexic. I believe this to be true. He is, at a minimum, an extreme auditory learner, unable to process the written word. People have also suggested ADHD/ADD, and his behavior - from his school days to the present - strongly supports this. And now we have seen a degradation in his language skills too.




I don't want to suggest that a dyslexic or someone with ADHD is unfit for the presidency. Nor do I want to suggest that someone who is losing some linguistic agility is unfit (after all, that is Biden). But the key here is that he seems to have no insight into these issues. The dyslexia/ADHD appears to have been recognized early on (hence, the military school) but has gone completely untreated/unaddressed. It impact his ability to understand and focus on the critical - and complex, regardless of how Trump dismisses them as "very easy" - issues that every President must deal with. 



There are at least as serious questions about his fitness to serve another 4 years as there were with Biden. Here we have aging combined with life-long, untreated learning disabilities, rather than just the aging curve alone.


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His policy answers always struck me as the equivalent of a 6th grader doing a book report on a book they didn't read. Not sure if that's a competency issue or just laziness.


He almost definitely has narcissistic personality disorder though.

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16 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

The difference between Trump or Biden and someone like Ramaswamy is astounding. I wish we had a candidate who could communicate normally at the very least.


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It takes a special kind of simple to diagnose someone with a medical condition based on what you saw on TV.


But is the norm for bottom barrel trolls to parrot bottom barrel propaganda


then you notice that half the crap they are posting are from paid DEM content creators.







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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Tiberius said:



Good Lord. Absolutely amoral.

1 hour ago, Tommy Callahan said:

It takes a special kind of simple to diagnose someone with a medical condition based on what you saw on TV

That kind of doesn't seem to fit with what I've been reading from you and your ilk re: Joseph R. Biden.

In fact, one of your esteemed colleagues with 40 years of experience working in a lab without advancing to any kind of supervisory role has provided very specific medical diagnoses.

Edited by The Frankish Reich
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