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3 hours ago, B-Man said:






But he's just a folksy, midwest guy, y'all.






Will Tim make it to the convention ?




Ok, but have you considered he owns a camo baseball cap?

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No, but seriously, who vetted this guy?


How do you have not one, but multiple, stolen valor accusations to clean up on the day after you’re chosen for Veep?



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23 hours ago, SCBills said:

Problem is.. you’ve moved the Overton Window.   We no longer argue about gay marriage.  Now we’re arguing about children being allowed to access life altering treatments that are banned now in Europe.   Tim Walz signed a law allowing the state to take away your children if you don’t affirm their gender, including these treatments. 

At some point does any of this bother you?  Will it ever bother you, enough to at least abstain from supporting it?


Im sure I know the answer, but we’re approaching a cultural divide that lends itself to people being unable to view each other as neighbors if this continues….  If I knew my neighbor believed my child should be taken away because I opposed what I believe to be a phase … how can I not view you as my enemy?

I’m positive you don’t have a clue actually about how I think. No one is taking anyone’s child.  I don’t care for transgender ideology for kids.  I agree with European medical viewpoints as well.  Do you agree with European gun laws?  European environmental approaches? European educational curriculums  European abortion rights?  Other than the polish?  

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23 hours ago, JaCrispy said:

I know, I agree…


I disagree with the part about the media trying to paint all liberals as woke- and maybe I’m wrong…Maybe we see it the same, but are describing it differently…


But the way I see it, is the MSM tries to convince liberals that they are woke- the media is pushing the agenda of their billionaire sponsors and Establishment puppet masters…


Woke is not a grassroots movement, but rather one that is being funded by BIG money, and crammed down on the entire world against its will…


The goal, imo, is to create a 1 world religion, under a 1 world government, that is easier to control and maintain…


And you’re right- there are more important things than just bathrooms…That was just a little example of how absurd some of their solution ideas are…👍



On the books they are illegal, but in practice they are accepted…That’s why we see overweight females on a security detail…You can’t tell me those individuals were the best qualified for that position…👍

Who do you think funds the GOP?  Not the establishment of course. 



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On 8/6/2024 at 10:29 PM, JaCrispy said:

I know, I agree…


I disagree with the part about the media trying to paint all liberals as woke- and maybe I’m wrong…Maybe we see it the same, but are describing it differently…


But the way I see it, is the MSM tries to convince liberals that they are woke- the media is pushing the agenda of their billionaire sponsors and Establishment puppet masters…


Woke is not a grassroots movement, but rather one that is being funded by BIG money, and crammed down on the entire world against its will…


The goal, imo, is to create a 1 world religion, under a 1 world government, that is easier to control and maintain…


And you’re right- there are more important things than just bathrooms…That was just a little example of how absurd some of their solution ideas are…👍



On the books they are illegal, but in practice they are accepted…That’s why we see overweight females on a security detail…You can’t tell me those individuals were the best qualified for that position…👍


I imagine we all realize the Federal Debt is going to crush this economy.  Wondering what you think the GOP will do different to deal with this issue everyone seems to ignore.  I know several financial managers and while it is not my strong suit, they all are centrists and believe the Trump tax cuts were a giant disaster.  Your thoughts. 



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Funny how the lefties here are ignoring what the men, who were actually in his unit, are saying.



Chaplain of Tim Walz’s National Guard battalion calls VP pick ‘cowardly’ for abandoning unit

by Isabel Vincent


The chaplain of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s field artillery regiment said there is no excuse for the Democratic VP pick to have abandoned his National Guard unit before a critical deployment — not even running for Congress. “In our world, to drop out after a WARNORD [warning order] is issued is cowardly, especially for a senior enlisted guy,” retired Capt. Corey Bjertness, now a pastor in Horace, North Dakota, told The Post. (snip) “Running for Congress is not an excuse,” Bjertness said of Walz’s decision to quit. “I stopped everything and went to war. I left my wife with three teenagers and a 6-year-old and I was gone for 19 months.”





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On 7/25/2024 at 5:18 PM, ComradeKayAdams said:

I would also pay close attention to the sudden rise of Tim Walz, the (very) progressive governor of Minnesota. The mere fact that he’s now being mentioned in corporate media conversations for VP suggests to me that the Biden/Harris campaign machine has alarming internal polling data…data showing establishment Dems to be in SERIOUS trouble with Midwest progressives.


I just looked back, it took till page 4 for Walz to be mentioned (astutely) by @ComradeKayAdams




This Minnesotan warns: You REALLY don’t want Tim Walz taking his act nationally

By John Hinderaker




As a 50-year resident of Minnesota, I’ve followed vice presidential nominee Tim Walz’s career closely.


Here are some things Americans should know.


First, Minnesota hasn’t prospered under Walz’s leadership.


Historically, ours was a prosperous state, with a per-capita gross domestic product above the national average.


But that advantage has been slipping; in 2023, for the first time ever, we fell below the national average.


This is the result of the high tax, out-of-control spending, heavy regulation and anti-growth policies of the Walz administration.


Minnesota was also always a low-crime state.


But Gov. Walz is anti-law enforcement, and his dithering for four days while Minneapolis burned during the George Floyd riots triggered a crime spree that continues to this day.


After five years of Tim Walz, Minnesota is officially a high-crime state for the first time in our history: Our per-capita rate of serious crimes is now above the national average.


Education is a similar story. Minnesotans used to be proud of their public schools, but during the Walz administration, while spending has skyrocketed, student achievement has plummeted.







Edited by B-Man
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On 8/8/2024 at 9:37 AM, B-Man said:


Strange dream I had last night.

I had commented that the presidents of the various Ivy League universities made the appropriate decision under the First Amendment and their university policies not to expel pro-Palestinian protesters. I was excoriated by various right wingers here. Of course they should be expelled if not arrested and convicted!


6 minutes ago, B-Man said:







Was Willie Brown there with Trump too?

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19 hours ago, B-Man said:

I just looked back, it took till page 4 for Walz to be mentioned (astutely) by @ComradeKayAdams


Were you wanting me to respond to the article, B-Man? I can do that:


1. GDP: I have a HUGE problem here with the author’s economic interpretations. According to him, Minnesota’s state GDP (per capita) fell below the national average as a direct consequence of progressive policies. I’m familiar with mountains of international macroeconomic data typically indicating the opposite correlation. Moreover, GDP has clear limitations in its usage for defining economic (and especially societal) health. Let’s dust off our introductory macroeconomics textbooks and recall one of its key operational definitions: [GDP] = [Government Expenditures] + [Private Consumption] + [Private Business Investments] + [Export/Import Differential]. It’s quite easy to imagine how a rare global pandemic can alter this formula for a random, mostly landlocked northern state in ways unrelated to the state’s public policies. Population changes affect this metric, too, and there’s no data specifically supporting a tax flight hypothesis for frigid Minnesota. What was the magnitude of Minnesota’s GDP fall, by the way?? That might also be relevant to the narrative formation…


2. George Floyd Protests/General Crime: The only criticism in the article with merit, in my opinion. Walz himself has acknowledged mistakes he has made during his tenure as governor, with respect to law and order in the state of Minnesota. I view such an admission as a sign of character strength. Voters who prioritize this issue are free to hold that against Walz, though I would remind these voters that crime is predominantly the domain of state and local politicians, not that of the POTUS.


3. Public School Test Scores: The declines between 2019 and now are part of observed nationwide phenomena not limited to Minnesota. They pretty much have everything to do with COVID and pretty much nothing to do with “woke agendas.” I don’t fault Walz for school closure policies that just about everyone else in the country and world followed.


4. Rural Popularity: I didn’t find his “mostly rocks and cows” remark to be an expression of contempt for rural people. Not at all! Rather, I interpreted it as a cute way to describe a basic political strategy. Since I hate arguments of “whataboutism,” I’ll reserve my thoughts on Vance’s “Hillbilly Elegy” for another time…


5. Military Record Controversy: Doesn’t bother me one bit. A middle-aged family man changed his mind and decided to retire, for whatever reason(s), after 24 years of service. Even if we were to assume cowardice as the singular explanation…so what?? The second Iraq War was beyond stupid, deeply immoral, and completely unrelated to our national security. Choosing not to die for the MIC and for corporate oligarchs is a sign of intelligence, as far as I’m concerned! Since I said that I’m against “whaboutism” arguments, I promise not to bring up Trump’s bone spurs…


TL;DR Summary: Walz is super awesome. A social democrat’s dream candidate. His pragmatic progressivism is the perfect gateway drug for a potential revolutionary transition into market socialism by mid-century << crosses fingers >>.

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7 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

Strange dream I had last night.

I had commented that the presidents of the various Ivy League universities made the appropriate decision under the First Amendment and their university policies not to expel pro-Palestinian protesters. I was excoriated by various right wingers here. Of course they should be expelled if not arrested and convicted!

You may be wasting good dream time there, Frank.  

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