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Getting to Know Kamala and Her Successes in Office

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15 minutes ago, B-Man said:








https://www.iowacorn.org/corn-facts-faq/#:~:text=Iowa leads the nation in,percent of all American ethanol.


Iowa leads the nation in ethanol production, with 62 percent (1.6 billion bushels) of the corn grown in Iowa going to create nearly 30 percent of all American ethanol.


Should we phase out the ethanol mandate?

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Biden's Former Chief of Staff Admits Kamala
Harris Vice Presidency Was a Failure

by Bob Hoge


It’s not until you're somewhat deep into yet another mainstream media puff piece of Kamala Harris that you come across a rather startling admission by Joe Biden’s former chief of staff, Ron Klain. He basically admits that the Democrats’ nominee for president failed in her VP gig.


The New York Times headline Sunday certainly might make you think that Harris had mastered the intricacies of the job: “A Vice Presidential Learning Curve: How Kamala Harris Picked Her Shots,” it reads. But after first describing how Harris was “deliberate and disciplined” despite the many pitfalls she faced as the first female vice president, the Times finally got to the point










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