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Getting to Know Kamala and Her Successes in Office

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7 hours ago, Big Blitz said:



On capping drug prices, for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.


My doctor told me she was at a pharmaceutical convention where they told her they weren't going to do any research or develop new insulins any more because they can only sell it for $35 so they can't make money off of it.  Putting caps on other drugs could have the same effect.


I agree pharmaceutical companies charge seemingly predatory high prices. But they also got a lot of overhead.  I hope it works if she's able to pull it off but there will definitely be downstream effects.

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‘Pull Off a Leg or Two’: The Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Kamala Tried to Bury.



It's been nine years since David Daleiden exposed illegal activity in the abortion industry in the sale of fetal tissue from abortions. It's also been nine years since then-Attorney General Kamala Harris declared war on Daleiden in an attempt to bury his undercover videos. Harris and her California prosecutors conducted a broad and pernicious campaign of lawfare against Daleiden and his colleagues at the Center for Medical Progress for using the same kind of undercover-journalism techniques used by the mainstream media for decades.


It took nine years -- nine years -- for a court to recognize that the state cannot suppress the videos. The New York Post reports on the publication of two videos from Daleiden that allegedly shows Planned Parenthood officials discussing how to dismember fetuses during their abortions to avoid violations of the Partial Birth Abortion Act (PBA):




What about the videos themselves? They're horrific, and carry a NSFW warning from CMP based on the content of the conversations. The first video shows a conversation between their undercover reporter, Dr. Ann Schutt-Aine, the Chief Medical Officer of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, and Tram Nguyen, RN, the branch’s Vice President of Abortion Access. That conversation relates more to the legal problems of Planned Parenthood's tissue sales:


The second conversation may be even more legally problematic for Planned Parenthood's execs. They discuss how they "disarticulate" fetuses during the procedure for the explicit purpose of not having to comply with the PBA:


Yeah, I'd call that "f***ing evil," and it's clear that they knew it at the time, too. So did Kamala Harris, which is why she worked so hard to bury this reporting and punish the people who exposed the evil. 


The cover-up did one thing, though. It made sure that these Planned Parenthood officials can't be prosecuted for any crimes, since the statutes of limitation will almost certainly make it impossible for Texas or federal prosecutors to investigate. For that, Planned Parenthood still owes Kamala Harris and her use of state prosecutorial power to help cover up their potential crimes and admissions. 








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Now imagine if Tucker asked Trump if he had to choose being stuck in an elevator with either Biden, Kamala or Pelosi and his answer was:


Does one of us have to come out alive?


Defcon 1 in the reliable media.



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8 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:


Have we heard this position from someone else?

The problem they have is if she campaigned on her true self and positions she would certainly lose the election. 

Therefore, the only path to victory is deception. Aided by a MSM eager to spread the message its an effective strategy. She just has to keep up the illusion for about another 90 days.

But can she?


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