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Anybody Feel Sorry for President Biden?

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11 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

I feel sorry only for the fact that he was pushed aside in 2016 because all the big Democratic groups were dead set on electing Hillary as the first woman president.

In retrospect, a 2016 Biden would have beaten Trump, and even if he got two terms he'd be on his way out now. He blamed in on Beau, but I think the main reason was that unlike almost all VPs he wasn't going to be recognized for his loyal service to Obama for 8 years.

Having said that, it's his own damn fault that he let his ego (much like Trump, didn't want to be seen as a one-term president since those are losers in our history books) get in the way when he decided to make a second run.

Alternative history: Trump loss would've saved the Republican Party as we've known it, would've led to better candidates in 2020 and 2024, and would've put America in a better place today.

Hillary, it's still on you.

Best post in this thread and doesn't get anywhere near the attention that it should by comparison.  

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18 hours ago, Irv said:

Here's a guy swamp Democrats dragged out of retirement and got him to run.  He obviously was never making the decisions at any point during his presidency.  All the swamp Democrat policies ended up sucking.  Then he gets Demetia/Alzheimer's/Parkinson's whatever.  Then Obammy/Pelosi/Schumer/Harris/swamp Democrats kick's his demented ass to the curb when he's no longer useful to them.  Shows you how disgusting the scumbag Democrats are in Washington.  Everybody who voted for him - I feel sorry for you too.  You got jobbed.  You'll get jobbed again if Harris or whoever they select to be the puppet, gets elected.  What a mess.      

No, I feel sorry for you for asking this question.  You’ve obviously misplaced your nuts. 

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