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Attempted Assassination on President Trump (x2)

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8 minutes ago, pennstate10 said:

1)  Ahh, youre right.  Not to voluntarily relinquish office.  Hope thats better.

2)  I agree that Biden is also unfit for office.  Due to age and cognitive decline.  Not because he's a compulsive liar, cheat, or con man though.

3)  Listen to Don Jr?  I'd rather re-watch the PSU-Iowa 6-4 barnburner.


1.  He voluntarily relinquished.  They didn't have to force him out of office.

2.  Biden's a huge liar.  And incompetent, even outside of being senile.

3.  Well then, you missed the things that MAGA believes are wrong with the country. 

Edited by Doc
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3 hours ago, pennstate10 said:

Common sense also tells us that Trump is unfit to be president.  He's a compulsive liar, a con man, a grifter, a tax cheat, in politics only for himself.  He is the first and only president not to relinquish his office after clearly losing an election.  


Can you cite some of of Trumps compulsive lies? 



 In politics for himself?  Interesting that he's one of the only presidents in history to lose net worth after serving office.



Edited by Lost
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On 7/13/2024 at 7:18 PM, SCBills said:

Hardest picture of my lifetime





Not only is this an iconic photo in general, but the angle of the flag looking upside down signaling the dire distress and danger that the country is currently in… if a picture can speak a thousand words…

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17 minutes ago, Lost said:


Can you cite some of of Trumps compulsive lies? 



 In politics for himself?  Interesting that he's one of the only presidents in history to lose net worth after serving office.



No one except trump knows what his net worth is. I just wonder why he had trouble getting someone to post bond for his Jean Carrol rape case.   He clearly didn’t have the liquid assets himself. 

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9 hours ago, pennstate10 said:

1)  Clinton--wasnt a fan of his, thats why I voted for Bush Sr in 92.  Think I probably voted for Clinton in 96, but the Republican candidate wasnt very inspiring.  Dole was it?  And by 1999 we were running a government SURPLUS.  So not terrible fiscal policy.

We were discussing people unfit for the presidency, not fiscal policy.  Clinton has a history of sexual predation, a number of women who have accused him of sexual assault, and a settlement with a woman who accused him of sexual assault.  Add to that his penchant for perjury…


9 hours ago, pennstate10 said:

2)  Bush Jr and bad info in Iraq.  Yes, there was bad info re WMD.  I dont think  that Bush conjured that up, I think it was a combo of bad intel and over agreesive interpretation by national security apparatus.

The dem narrative was that Bush/Cheney et al fabricated the intelligence to drive the nation to war.  For all that Trump has been accused of, it’s always fascinated me that in the world of politics, people will support their side through all sorts of ugliness and misrepresentation—that W was nefariously responsible for the death/injury of roughly a million people—but simply move on after the election.  If he fabricated, he should be in jail.  If he didn’t, the narrative is yet another example of politicians tearing our world apart.  Neither would be fit for public service imo. 


9 hours ago, pennstate10 said:

3)  Nixon and Watergate.  Of course he was guilty and deserved to lose the presidency.  I note that today’s Supreme Court would have let him off scott free. Thats a topic for another day.

Pure speculation, but let’s not whistle past the Obama admin unmasking/surveilling the opposition and using all the resources available to tilt the scales to Clinton.  Nixon would be jealous at the assets the Obama admin had at his disposal. 

9 hours ago, pennstate10 said:

4)  The claims that Trump wasnt legitimate in 2016 were entirely different than Trump denial in 2020.  Clinton was complaining about the electoral college system, in which a candidate coudl clearly win the popular vote, and clearly lose the electoral vote.  But like an honorable competitor, she conceded that she lost, according to the rules of the game.  Trump and his droogs say they were fighting against a corrupt system, which 40 courts disagreed with.  I say he's simply a poor loser.  With Clinton, there was no silly, corrupt scheme to try to claw back the election, followed by 4+ year of election denial.  Youre comparing apples to hand grenades.

Clinton has whined, complained, and spread election misinformation for years.  Beyond that, the electoral college is how an election is decided.  This was not new, novel or debatable.  Suggesting it was somehow unfair or unreasonable is absurd, or that her failure to prevail should have been decided by a glorified vote for prom queen.  

She also partnered with a foreign national hostile to our election process and spread misinformation, and participated in the ongoing dem narrative that Trump was an illegitimate president because of Russia.  She is neither honorable nor particularly unusual in the world of politics. 

As for apples and hand grenades, it simply seems to me that you’re comfortable with election interference and politicians dividing the country with lies/manipulation in certain cases, not so much in others.  I would prefer neither scenario occurred, but was completely unsurprised that the dem strategy worked well and the Trump strategy followed.  It was inevitable that the loser of 2020 would pursue the illegitimate/stolen claim.  


9 hours ago, pennstate10 said:

5)  The ties of Trumps campaign to Russia were clear.  Mantafort went to jail over them, the ties of Don Jr  and General whatshisname to Russians were clear.  Trump wasnt charged simply because of executive privilege.

Poppycock.  After 3 years of unfettered, deep pocketed and no holds barred investigation, bupkis. As AG Barr stated quite succinctly, what happened to Trump should never have happened, and should never happen to any president in the future.

It will be interesting to see, should Trump prevail, if similar investigations follow.  I would hope not, but it seems the public appetite for such spectacles is quite vigorous.



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1 hour ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

We were discussing people unfit for the presidency, not fiscal policy.  Clinton has a history of sexual predation, a number of women who have accused him of sexual assault, and a settlement with a woman who accused him of sexual assault.  Add to that his penchant for perjury…


The dem narrative was that Bush/Cheney et al fabricated the intelligence to drive the nation to war.  For all that Trump has been accused of, it’s always fascinated me that in the world of politics, people will support their side through all sorts of ugliness and misrepresentation—that W was nefariously responsible for the death/injury of roughly a million people—but simply move on after the election.  If he fabricated, he should be in jail.  If he didn’t, the narrative is yet another example of politicians tearing our world apart.  Neither would be fit for public service imo. 


Pure speculation, but let’s not whistle past the Obama admin unmasking/surveilling the opposition and using all the resources available to tilt the scales to Clinton.  Nixon would be jealous at the assets the Obama admin had at his disposal. 

Clinton has whined, complained, and spread election misinformation for years.  Beyond that, the electoral college is how an election is decided.  This was not new, novel or debatable.  Suggesting it was somehow unfair or unreasonable is absurd, or that her failure to prevail should have been decided by a glorified vote for prom queen.  

She also partnered with a foreign national hostile to our election process and spread misinformation, and participated in the ongoing dem narrative that Trump was an illegitimate president because of Russia.  She is neither honorable nor particularly unusual in the world of politics. 

As for apples and hand grenades, it simply seems to me that you’re comfortable with election interference and politicians dividing the country with lies/manipulation in certain cases, not so much in others.  I would prefer neither scenario occurred, but was completely unsurprised that the dem strategy worked well and the Trump strategy followed.  It was inevitable that the loser of 2020 would pursue the illegitimate/stolen claim.  


Poppycock.  After 3 years of unfettered, deep pocketed and no holds barred investigation, bupkis. As AG Barr stated quite succinctly, what happened to Trump should never have happened, and should never happen to any president in the future.

It will be interesting to see, should Trump prevail, if similar investigations follow.  I would hope not, but it seems the public appetite for such spectacles is quite vigorous.


Biden's a sexual predator as well and he showered with his daughter.  That and Dems still having Clinton campaign for them means the left have no moral high ground here.


And the idea that anyone doesn't believe/ignores the fact that Biden is a gigantic and compulsive liar is laughable.  But I guess some people have to find some way to believe their guy is better, or at least not as bad.

Edited by Doc
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25 minutes ago, Doc said:


Biden's a sexual predator as well and he showered with his daughter.  That and Dems still having Clinton campaign for them means the left have no moral high ground here.


And the idea that anyone doesn't believe/ignores the fact that Biden is a gigantic and compulsive liar is laughable.  But I guess some people have to find some way to believe their guy is better, or at least not as bad.

In fairness he acknowledged that Biden is unfit, and I only have so

much bandwidth to absorb “Trump is the only one” when looking at the history of politicians in the country.  I just assumed it was all that.  I’m probably wrong, but whatevs. 

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40 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

In fairness he acknowledged that Biden is unfit, and I only have so

much bandwidth to absorb “Trump is the only one” when looking at the history of politicians in the country.  I just assumed it was all that.  I’m probably wrong, but whatevs. 


Except he said Trump was unfit because he was a liar,conman, grifter and in it for himself.  That describes almost every pol.  And then claimed Trump didn't leave office, changing it to "voluntarily," which also wasn't true.

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1 hour ago, Doc said:


Except he said Trump was unfit because he was a liar,conman, grifter and in it for himself.  That describes almost every pol.  And then claimed Trump didn't leave office, changing it to "voluntarily," which also wasn't true.


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USSS statement on why Cheatle won't resign 
“Continuity of operations is paramount during a critical incident"


This sounds a lot like NFL fans supporting retaining losing coaching staffs. 

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17 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

I have this conversation with liberal friends from time to time. 

I can understand not liking him, not voting for him, wishing he would go away, but the guy’s capacity for dealing with *&$* and moving forward is unbelievable.  He’s incredibly tough and seems to power through anything in his way.  He’s had the weight of the US government bearing down on him for nearly 10 straight years and simply says “Ah, f it.”. 

His response to being shot was amazing. 

By comparison, it’s suggested the Biden is  too old and feeble to run, he turns the lights out at 8, stammers and stumbles through a debate and after a couple weeks of unfavorable press sounds an awful lot like he’s tapping out. 

The fact that the left news was blaming Covid for his slow motion walk up the stairs of the plane yesterday was rich…. 

as a never Trumper, I’m now a “lesser of two evils” and am a “I’ll probably vote for Trump because it’s the right thing to do for my kids future.” 


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16 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:


Yikes.  Hope that went ok.  I developed a bit of dental anxiety the last few years, and prefer to take the edge off in scenarios like those.  

Yeah, luckily I’ve got a great dentist who is liberal with the Novocain. Unfortunately I inherited my dad’s poor teeth. 

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9 minutes ago, Roundybout said:

Yeah, luckily I’ve got a great dentist who is liberal with the Novocain. Unfortunately I inherited my dad’s poor teeth. 


Was he from England?

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15 hours ago, Doc said:


1.  He voluntarily relinquished.  They didn't have to force him out of office.

2.  Biden's a huge liar.  And incompetent, even outside of being senile.

3.  Well then, you missed the things that MAGA believes are wrong with the country. 


Yep.  The "insurrection" on J6 if you believe such fairytales, also means you must believe that Trump tried to overthrow....himself.



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