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Attempted Assassination on President Trump (x2)

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27 minutes ago, Doc said:


Or at all.

You support a rapist, your party just nominated him to be president of the USA. He tried to steal an election. He is a con for a businessman he’s cheated on all his wife’s and kids. He’s a pedo , He rips off all the contractors that work for him he doesn’t pay his lawyers, he tried to have his vp killed. He ripped off a children’s cancer charity for crying out loud!! I’d say the Dems and republicans are neck and neck! You might not want to tot your own horn.  If you can put your head on your pillow at night knowing you support that more power to you. I’m not judging.

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1 hour ago, 4th&long said:

Ha ha I guess I haven’t been going to many games since my back went. I forgot all the tail gating. 

i still find having 5 flags for a politician flying on the back of your truck very strange. They are a politician for Christ sake. Definitely a cult. Maybe is I didn’t “dis-like” them all I wouldn’t find it so strange.

I wouldn’t do it, and of course you wouldn’t have an issue if it involved people you liked.  On the other hand, lots of people like lots of things I don’t like and I don’t see them as being in a cult.  

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15 minutes ago, 4th&long said:

You support a rapist, your party justices him to be president of the USA. He tried to steal an election. He is a con for a businessman he’s cheated on all his wife’s and kids. He’s a pedo , He rips off all the contractors that work for him he doesn’t pay his lawyers, he tried to have his vp killed. He ripped off a children’s cancer charity for crying out loud!! I’d say the Dems and republicans are neck and neck! You might not want to tot your own horn.  If you can put your head on your pillow at night knowing you support that more power to you. I’m not judging.


Fair enough.

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4 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

I wouldn’t do it, and of course you wouldn’t have an issue if it involved people you liked.  On the other hand, lots of people like lots of things I don’t like and I don’t see them as being in a cult.  

There isn’t anyone I like. A small bills flag at most. 

i used to have a hard time putting a football jersey with another man’s name on my back. Hated it. I was always tempted to take the name off. 

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1 hour ago, stevestojan said:

You’ll let me know if I’m being too much of a snowflake here, but does anyone else think Trump should take a beat here and maybe take a few days off? I don’t agree with most of his views, I find him abrasive, blah blah blah. But he’s a human being who just came what, 1cm from death? Is it too soft to say brother needs to talk to someone about this? That’s some traumatic ***** right there and since he’s likely the next POTUS, shouldn’t his mental well being be of utmost importance? 

I have this conversation with liberal friends from time to time. 

I can understand not liking him, not voting for him, wishing he would go away, but the guy’s capacity for dealing with *&$* and moving forward is unbelievable.  He’s incredibly tough and seems to power through anything in his way.  He’s had the weight of the US government bearing down on him for nearly 10 straight years and simply says “Ah, f it.”. 

His response to being shot was amazing. 

By comparison, it’s suggested the Biden is  too old and feeble to run, he turns the lights out at 8, stammers and stumbles through a debate and after a couple weeks of unfavorable press sounds an awful lot like he’s tapping out. 

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1 minute ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

I have this conversation with liberal friends from time to time. 

I can understand not liking him, not voting for him, wishing he would go away, but the guy’s capacity for dealing with *&$* and moving forward is unbelievable.  He’s incredibly tough and seems to power through anything in his way.  He’s had the weight of the US government bearing down on him for nearly 10 straight years and simply says “Ah, f it.”. 

His response to being shot was amazing. 

By comparison, it’s suggested the Biden is  too old and feeble to run, he turns the lights out at 8, stammers and stumbles through a debate and after a couple weeks of unfavorable press sounds an awful lot like he’s tapping out. 


Let's count:


1.  Falsely accused of treason for colluding with Russia


2.  Impeached 


3.  Impeached again


4. Lawsuits intended to bankrupt him


5. Local, state and federal indictments.


6. Shot in the head


Now I'm not saying with certainty that all six of those are payback from the IC, but a few of them certainly are.


Either way, six ways from Sunday eh Chuck?




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37 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

I have this conversation with liberal friends from time to time. 

I can understand not liking him, not voting for him, wishing he would go away, but the guy’s capacity for dealing with *&$* and moving forward is unbelievable.  He’s incredibly tough and seems to power through anything in his way.  He’s had the weight of the US government bearing down on him for nearly 10 straight years and simply says “Ah, f it.”. 

His response to being shot was amazing. 

By comparison, it’s suggested the Biden is  too old and feeble to run, he turns the lights out at 8, stammers and stumbles through a debate and after a couple weeks of unfavorable press sounds an awful lot like he’s tapping out. 


You can say Trump is used to people taking shots at him...

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4 hours ago, 4th&long said:

You thought wrong.

To be clear people who drive around town with all those flags are nuts. They are worshipping a man. I make fun of them everytime I see one, always makes for a good laugh! It makes it easy to identify a stupid redneck. 

i don’t ever recall seeing that with any other politician than trump. Not for football players, actors, musicians anyone!


 Just yard signs and pins for politicians before trump. 

This is pretty much where I'm at.


Just for some perspective.  I'm an old guy.  I watched the game at The Rockpile where Namath threw 8 (yes eight) passes for TDs.    Of course 3 were to Bills DBs, and Bills won 37-35! 


I consider myself an independent, and voted for Reagan twice, George Bush 4 times, and Mitt Romney twice.


I like some of Trumps policy stances.  Against chain migration, and most affirmative action.  The gender identity politics strikes me as a diversion, as it affects a small slice of Americans.  Of course a 20 yo biologic male shouldnt be competing against female runners or swimmers.  This should be common sense.


Common sense also tells us that Trump is unfit to be president.  He's a compulsive liar, a con man, a grifter, a tax cheat, in politics only for himself.  He is the first and only president not to relinquish his office after clearly losing an election.  


Yet for some reason, he inspires cult-like loyalty from almost half of Americans.  I find this stunning.  There is no other political figure in my lifetime who inspires flags and T shirts with his name or face to be flown.


I listened this evening to the first couple speakers of the RNC.  its all about Trump, and the speakers declaring their loyalty and fealty to the greatest US president ever.  And how he's now a war hero.  He's not.  George Washington, Dwight Eisenhower, George Bush Sr., and yes, John McCain are war heroes.  Trump is a draft dodger.


I find this loyalty and admiration for a single man, as opposed to a set of ideas (such as the Constitution) to be quite disturbing.

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4 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

Um, ok. 


I pressed the "quote" button and directed a message to @Roundybout.  


I received a note, with the message I sent to Roundy,  from @4th&long.   Maybe he copied and pasted. Maybe he has two screen names and got confused.  I think he just did what I did, which is pressed the "quote" button and directed a message to me.  


Whatever the reason, I replied to 4th because that's what I do, generally. 






I wouldn’t have seen it anyways, I spent a lovely time in the dentists chair today getting a root canal. 

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22 minutes ago, pennstate10 said:

This is pretty much where I'm at.


Just for some perspective.  I'm an old guy.  I watched the game at The Rockpile where Namath threw 8 (yes eight) passes for TDs.    Of course 3 were to Bills DBs, and Bills won 37-35! 


I consider myself an independent, and voted for Reagan twice, George Bush 4 times, and Mitt Romney twice.


I like some of Trumps policy stances.  Against chain migration, and most affirmative action.  The gender identity politics strikes me as a diversion, as it affects a small slice of Americans.  Of course a 20 yo biologic male shouldnt be competing against female runners or swimmers.  This should be common sense.


Common sense also tells us that Trump is unfit to be president.  He's a compulsive liar, a con man, a grifter, a tax cheat, in politics only for himself.  He is the first and only president not to relinquish his office after clearly losing an election.  


Yet for some reason, he inspires cult-like loyalty from almost half of Americans.  I find this stunning.  There is no other political figure in my lifetime who inspires flags and T shirts with his name or face to be flown.


I listened this evening to the first couple speakers of the RNC.  its all about Trump, and the speakers declaring their loyalty and fealty to the greatest US president ever.  And how he's now a war hero.  He's not.  George Washington, Dwight Eisenhower, George Bush Sr., and yes, John McCain are war heroes.  Trump is a draft dodger.


I find this loyalty and admiration for a single man, as opposed to a set of ideas (such as the Constitution) to be quite disturbing.

Thanks  for weighing in.  You’re not alone, and the best a Trump supporter can hope for is less independents like you, more tired of the Biden presidency.  That’s always the battle, I suppose. 

You’ve been clear on Trump—are there any other presidents/vp or candidates you felt were unfit for office?  Bill Clinton and settlements for sexual assaults, the sexual dynamic/subjugation of Monica Lewinsky, and of course his perjury? 
W Bush and fabricated evidence leading to the war in Iraq, and the horrors of dead American soldiers and Iraqis as well?  Nixon and Watergate?  Kennedy, ties to organized crime and his abhorrent treatment of MM, and LBJ and Vietnam? 

Also, with respect to the 2016 election and claims that Trump was illegitimate as a president, elected in a coup, false claims of conspiracy with Russia—any issue with the Dems spreading misinformation for 4 years on that?  Any issues at all with Mueller inv and outcome, or regular impeachments?  


25 minutes ago, Roundybout said:


I wouldn’t have seen it anyways, I spent a lovely time in the dentists chair today getting a root canal. 

Yikes.  Hope that went ok.  I developed a bit of dental anxiety the last few years, and prefer to take the edge off in scenarios like those.  

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7 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:



Americans aren't going to get any answers from this.  3 1/2 months before the election, come on man.  It's gonna be a circus. 


I'm looking forward to seeing what MTG wears.  Maybe her and AOC will get into another cat fight.  I'm sure Jamie Raskin will have some words of wisdom on the subject.



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11 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

Thanks  for weighing in.  You’re not alone, and the best a Trump supporter can hope for is less independents like you, more tired of the Biden presidency.  That’s always the battle, I suppose. 

You’ve been clear on Trump—are there any other presidents/vp or candidates you felt were unfit for office?  Bill Clinton and settlements for sexual assaults, the sexual dynamic/subjugation of Monica Lewinsky, and of course his perjury? 
W Bush and fabricated evidence leading to the war in Iraq, and the horrors of dead American soldiers and Iraqis as well?  Nixon and Watergate?  Kennedy, ties to organized crime and his abhorrent treatment of MM, and LBJ and Vietnam? 

Also, with respect to the 2016 election and claims that Trump was illegitimate as a president, elected in a coup, false claims of conspiracy with Russia—any issue with the Dems spreading misinformation for 4 years on that?  Any issues at all with Mueller inv and outcome, or regular impeachments?  


Yikes.  Hope that went ok.  I developed a bit of dental anxiety the last few years, and prefer to take the edge off in scenarios like those.  

1)  Clinton--wasnt a fan of his, thats why I voted for Bush Sr in 92.  Think I probably voted for Clinton in 96, but the Republican candidate wasnt very inspiring.  Dole was it?  And by 1999 we were running a government SURPLUS.  So not terrible fiscal policy.

2)  Bush Jr and bad info in Iraq.  Yes, there was bad info re WMD.  I dont think  that Bush conjured that up, I think it was a combo of bad intel and over agreesive interpretation by national security apparatus.

3)  Nixon and Watergate.  Of course he was guilty and deserved to lose the presidency.  I note that todays Supreme Court would have let him off scott free. Thats a topic for another day.

4)  The claims that Trump wasnt legitimate in 2016 were entirely different than Trump denial in 2020.  Clinton was complaining about the electoral college system, in which a candidate coudl clearly win the popular vote, and clearly lose the electoral vote.  But like an honorable competitor, she conceded that she lost, according to the rules of the game.  Trump and his droogs say they were fighting against a corrupt system, which 40 courts disagreed with.  I say he's simply a poor loser.  With Clinton, there was no silly, corrupt scheme to try to claw back the election, followed by 4+ year of election denial.  Youre comparing apples to hand grenades.

5)  The ties of Trumps campaign to Russia were clear.  Mantafort went to jail over them, the ties of Don Jr  and General whatshisname to Russians were clear.  Trump wasnt charged simply because of executive privilege.

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9 minutes ago, reddogblitz said:


Americans aren't going to get any answers from this.  3 1/2 months before the election, come on man.  It's gonna be a circus. 




"We can't discuss ongoing investigations"


The mantra of unaccountable unelected bureaucrats. 

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2 hours ago, pennstate10 said:

This is pretty much where I'm at.


Just for some perspective.  I'm an old guy.  I watched the game at The Rockpile where Namath threw 8 (yes eight) passes for TDs.    Of course 3 were to Bills DBs, and Bills won 37-35! 


I consider myself an independent, and voted for Reagan twice, George Bush 4 times, and Mitt Romney twice.


I like some of Trumps policy stances.  Against chain migration, and most affirmative action.  The gender identity politics strikes me as a diversion, as it affects a small slice of Americans.  Of course a 20 yo biologic male shouldnt be competing against female runners or swimmers.  This should be common sense.


Common sense also tells us that Trump is unfit to be president.  He's a compulsive liar, a con man, a grifter, a tax cheat, in politics only for himself.  He is the first and only president not to relinquish his office after clearly losing an election.  


Yet for some reason, he inspires cult-like loyalty from almost half of Americans.  I find this stunning.  There is no other political figure in my lifetime who inspires flags and T shirts with his name or face to be flown.


I listened this evening to the first couple speakers of the RNC.  its all about Trump, and the speakers declaring their loyalty and fealty to the greatest US president ever.  And how he's now a war hero.  He's not.  George Washington, Dwight Eisenhower, George Bush Sr., and yes, John McCain are war heroes.  Trump is a draft dodger.


I find this loyalty and admiration for a single man, as opposed to a set of ideas (such as the Constitution) to be quite disturbing.


Huh?  Trump didn't relinquish his office?


Biden is many of the things you said Trump is and is also unfit for office, mostly because he's senile.  But he's refusing to step aside because he's in it for himself...and millions will still vote for him.  This is where we are at.


And if you want to see the set of ideas, listen to Don Jr's speech tonight.

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17 minutes ago, Doc said:


Huh?  Trump didn't relinquish his office?


Biden is many of the things you said Trump is and is also unfit for office, mostly because he's senile.  But he's refusing to step aside because he's in it for himself...and millions will still vote for him.  This is where we are at.


And if you want to see the set of ideas, listen to Don Jr's speech tonight.

1)  Ahh, youre right.  Not to voluntarily relinquish office.  Hope thats better.

2)  I agree that Biden is also unfit for office.  Due to age and cognitive decline.  Not because he's a compulsive liar, cheat, or con man though.

3)  Listen to Don Jr?  I'd rather re-watch the PSU-Iowa 6-4 barnburner.

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2 minutes ago, pennstate10 said:

1)  Ahh, youre right.  Not to voluntarily relinquish office.  Hope thats better.

2)  I agree that Biden is also unfit for office.  Due to age and cognitive decline.  Not because he's a compulsive liar, cheat, or con man though.

3)  Listen to Don Jr?  I'd rather re-watch the PSU-Iowa 6-4 barnburner.




He left early. Didn't even hang around for the inauguration.

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