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Biden Will Be Replaced -- Any Decent Candidate Will Beat Trump...Again

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Democrats have two choices..


Biden or Harris.  

Anything else destroys the party’s standing with black folks beyond just this election cycle. 


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3 hours ago, Tiberius said:

Let's do this!  I want to win, I want @Westside defeated!!! How dare he say I look like that little scrawny assassin! Ha!





Harris is far more articulate and succinct than Biden, as she demonstrated in dissecting the Trump agenda during an appearance in North Carolina on Thursday. In the same vein, the vice president has been a passionate and compelling advocate for reproductive freedom (a topic Biden seems uncomfortable discussing), evidenced in dozens of her speeches and public appearances. She wields her experience as a prosecutor who handled sex crimes to excoriate forced-birth advocates for telling rape and ***** victims they “have no right or authority to decide what happens" to their bodies. (She says flatly: “That’s immoral.”)


Fifth, to the extent that Biden saw erosion in his support among younger voters (including non-White voters), Harris offers the energy to engage and excite them, as seen on her college tours, where she has spoken to standing-room-only crowds on issues that affect their generation in particular (e.g., gun violence, climate change, abortion rights).

And finally, Harris can inherit the mantle of international leadership (having toured the world, met with leaders and represented the U.S. at international conferences) without Biden’s burden of personal criticism, deserved or not, on some hot-button issues, including the war in Gaza. (On Israel, Harris has been a stalwart supporter of the Jewish state, outspoken along with her Jewish husband about the abuse suffered by Israeli women at the hands of Hamas, and yet willing to draw cautionary lines with Israel’s truculent prime minister.)

Yes, it is impossible to gauge how a candidate will fare before she gets into the race. Prospective polls will not tell us definitively whether Harris gains more votes than she loses. But for Democrats despondent about the constant defensive crouch in which they find themselves, she offers excitement, eloquence, effectiveness on key issues and, most of all, the power to turn attention back on Trump’s substantial character flaws, criminal record and disturbing plans for the future. That is more than Biden can do presently.

Democrats are more popular when it comes to abortion rights,  however I haven't seen a single poll that shows that is the most important issue. 


The biggest issues are the economy, immigration, and security. All three of those are landslides towards trump in terms of who can handle those issues better.  Kamala was terrible with the responsibility of the border.  That is a very easy attack on Kamala. Plus she is the last popular VP by piling in US history.  She would not beat Trump.

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Trump said the polls showed Biden as being the best Dem choice, even with all the cognitive problems. Are there any polls out there that showcase that? 

Could the Dems be stretching the Biden dropout as long as possible so that the new candidate gets rushed out quickly for the election before the public does their due diligence? 

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4 hours ago, ToGoGo said:

Trump said the polls showed Biden as being the best Dem choice, even with all the cognitive problems. Are there any polls out there that showcase that? 

Could the Dems be stretching the Biden dropout as long as possible so that the new candidate gets rushed out quickly for the election before the public does their due diligence? 


No, no one, not even Dems, want Harris at the top of the ticket.  Biden's and his family's palms just had to be greased enough to finally leave.

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