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Close your eyes McDermott haters…he’s a top 10 HC


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3 minutes ago, amprov56 said:

Lay out your plan, you fire McDermott then who do you hire? And you dont think that kind of turbulence is going to have a negative impact? In 1968 the fire everybody crowd wanted Joel Collier gone and we suffered for years, 1982 Chuck Knox left - he was boring and we suffered for years. The fire everybody solution can lead to some painful years that many of you younger fans did not live through!!! And who do you replace McDermott with? What is your solution? And I guarantee whoever your HC candidate is, the first incomplete pass, loss, win but not by forty points or playoff loss and the fire everybody roars back to life on TBD. Been watching this cycle since the 1960's! Sorry, make all the arguments you want, cite all the statistics, provide long dissertations but I like being the playoffs every year, it's how you get to the SB.




You answer this question and I'll answer yours. 


Suppose Allen had predated McD, then our coach was fired.  Would you have even considered hiring McD at that point?   Why?



Edited by PBF81
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Just now, PBF81 said:


You answer this question and I'll answer yours. 


Suppose Allen had predated McD, then our coach was fired.  Would you have even considered hiring McD at that point?  



Ridiculous question that cant be answered; if you aunt had ***** she would be your uncle. I swear you people suffer from an OCD!

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3 minutes ago, PBF81 said:


Up by 10 on the very drive/play before that, with the fans going absolutely bonkers, in that playoff environment, against Skylar Thompson, yes, yes it is inconceivable, quite inconceivable in fact, the rest of your emotionally laden tantrum aside.  



Well it happened.

Still counts in the W column. Color me shocked that a single drive in a single playoff game that we won has not swayed me to write off our HC lol.

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4 minutes ago, amprov56 said:

Ridiculous question that cant be answered; if you aunt had ***** she would be your uncle. I swear you people suffer from an OCD!


It's a very fair question.  Sorry you struggle with it.  I fully understand why you and everyone else does.  Not one person here has answered it.  


That's disingenuousness at its finest.  



2 minutes ago, FireChans said:

Well it happened.

Still counts in the W column. Color me shocked that a single drive in a single playoff game that we won has not swayed me to write off our HC lol.


Just because it happened doesn't mean that it should have been conceivable.  But hye, you're on the right track despite your inability to separate your emotions from your objectivity.  


Typically when "inconceivable" things occur, people start asking tough questions.  McD's got more lives than a cat.  


Not to worry, it'll start clearing up for you this upcoming season.  I have zero difficulty already seeing the excuses lining up here like people in line for free cheese to go along with their whine.  



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1 hour ago, Rampant Buffalo said:


Look. I get that the Bills didn't have the players to be an elite defense. They weren't going to be the Steel Curtain Steelers, or the '85 Bears. I'm not asking for that. But, I am asking for them to accomplish something, in their playoff games against the Chiefs and Bengals. The Bengals didn't have the talent to be an elite defense either, and they achieved six stops. McDermott has never achieved more than two stops, in a playoff game against the Chiefs or Bengals. Was our defense really that much less talented than theirs, that they should be accomplishing 3x as much as we did? 

Bills just struggle getting to Mahomes with their front 4. Bengals have been much better at putting pressure on Mahomes. 

Same can be said when we lost to Burrow. Chiefs beat Burrow with pressure. Bills couldn’t sniff him.


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2 minutes ago, PBF81 said:


It's a very fair question.  Sorry you struggle with it.  I fully understand why you and everyone else does.  Not one person here has answered it.  


That's disingenuousness at its finest.  




Just because it happened doesn't mean that it should have been conceivable.  But hye, you're on the right track despite your inability to separate your emotions from your objectivity.  


Typically when "inconceivable" things occur, people start asking tough questions.  McD's got more lives than a cat.  



It wasn’t actually inconceivable lmao. It’s football bro. Some crappy QB having a single good drive happens literally all the time. EJ won his first start with the best drive of his career.


In fact, the Chiefs opened that playoff year trailing the hapless 9-8-1 Steelers 7-0 until 5 minutes left in the second quarter. Sure, they ended up winning but maybe they should have forfeited and maybe we would be Super Bowl champs by now. 

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32 minutes ago, amprov56 said:

The fire everybody crowd is tough to reason with and blinded by emotion!


Three times you trolled this thread with the comment "fire everybody." Now you follow that up with this. Intelligent arguments have been advanced on both sides of this discussion. You've simply ignored and dismissed those arguments you didn't like.

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1 minute ago, FireChans said:

It wasn’t actually inconceivable lmao. It’s football bro. Some crappy QB having a single good drive happens literally all the time. EJ won his first start with the best drive of his career.


In fact, the Chiefs opened that playoff year trailing the hapless 9-8-1 Steelers 7-0 until 5 minutes left in the second quarter. Sure, they ended up winning but maybe they should have forfeited and maybe we would be Super Bowl champs by now. 


Also, please stop turning this into being about a single game.  I was simply responding to this entire no-fault mantra for McD in this game. 


Everyone knows about McD's chokes in the playoffs, except for those here that will defend him into perpetuity with Allen before they realize that with any other QB he'd suck.  



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1 minute ago, PBF81 said:


Also, please stop turning this into being about a single game.  I was simply responding to this entire no-fault mantra for McD in this game. 


Everyone knows about McD's chokes in the playoffs, except for those here that will defend him into perpetuity with Allen before they realize that with any other QB he'd suck.  



I’ve realized that hyperfixating on one drive in a playoff game we won may have been a silly argument: The Post

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1 hour ago, HappyDays said:


Wait are you using this as an argument in favor of McDermott? This is stunning. Thank you for putting this together. Proves our point exactly.

Not at all in favor. I was posting relevant data. 

There is no argument to defend his performance vs KC. The only way to approach it is to ask how do we fix these results?

My answer is front 4 pressure. It’s more personnel than coaching.

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10 minutes ago, FireChans said:

I’m not saying the team should lay down.


this may shock you, but I don’t play for or coach the Bills. My thoughts and what the Bills think are two separate entities. I don’t think the Bills should say, “Aw shucks they are just too good” lol.

I think Mahomes and Reid are the best coach and QB in the AFC. Do you know why? Because the last AFC QB to win a ring since Mahomes started playing was Tom Brady in 2018. Because Mahomes is, you guessed it, 15-1 in the playoffs against QB’s that aren’t the undisputed best QB in NFL history.

Like I said, all this hand-wringing stems from you all wishing we were the next dynasty. We aren’t.

You all think if the chips fell differently, Mahomes would be ringless and Allen would’ve been to 4 SB’s and won 3 of them by now.

I don’t.


Just like Colts fans thought Brady wasn’t better than Peyton and it was all twists of fate that he won a couple before Peyton got there ONCE. Where are all the Colts fans that think Peyton was better than Brady now? They have passed like rain on the mountain. Because Brady was the clear clear clear best. And it’s inarguable now.


It will go down in history, inarguably that Allen was elite. A truly dominant QB that I believe will waltz into the Hall of Fame. A QB that was unfortunately playing in a time where he was the second best QB in his conference for much of his career. Just like Peyton.


I don’t think that Mahomes and co are unbeatable. I think it will take some luck, some stars aligning to beat them or get past them to win a ring. Just like what happened in Brady’s career. 

You think Eli proves your point. What’s hilarious is that it really proves mine lol.

Omg they allowed a single 68 yard drive in a playoff game up double digits that we ultimately won.


Someone pinch me, it’s inconceivable.

How could this have happened? We should’ve just forfeited right then and there. 




So I actually agree w a lot of this


I don't think we are particularly close to the Chiefs in crunch time. Where we differ is I attribute that to the difference between Reid and McDermott and I believe you attribute it to the difference between Mahomes and Allen primarily right


I believe Allen is 100% the kind of talent capable of being if not a mini dynasty at least a worthy competitor to a slightly more dominant Chiefs and I submit his playoff performances as evidence in support


And I don't hate McDermott. I loved him initially and right up until 13seconds game. I just think he's the wrong guy for the job at this point. If we were still scratching out wildcards w Tyrod Taylor or Kyle Orton he's the guy for that. But not w Allen. 

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4 minutes ago, FireChans said:

It wasn’t actually inconceivable lmao. It’s football bro. Some crappy QB having a single good drive happens literally all the time. EJ won his first start with the best drive of his career.


In fact, the Chiefs opened that playoff year trailing the hapless 9-8-1 Steelers 7-0 until 5 minutes left in the second quarter. Sure, they ended up winning but maybe they should have forfeited and maybe we would be Super Bowl champs by now. 

Wasn't that play a pick 6 by TJ Watt

and nothing to do with the Steelers offence? lol 

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25 minutes ago, FireChans said:

I’m not saying the team should lay down.


this may shock you, but I don’t play for or coach the Bills. My thoughts and what the Bills think are two separate entities. I don’t think the Bills should say, “Aw shucks they are just too good” lol.

I think Mahomes and Reid are the best coach and QB in the AFC. Do you know why? Because the last AFC QB to win a ring since Mahomes started playing was Tom Brady in 2018. Because Mahomes is, you guessed it, 15-1 in the playoffs against QB’s that aren’t the undisputed best QB in NFL history.

Like I said, all this hand-wringing stems from you all wishing we were the next dynasty. We aren’t.

You all think if the chips fell differently, Mahomes would be ringless and Allen would’ve been to 4 SB’s and won 3 of them by now.

I don’t.


Just like Colts fans thought Brady wasn’t better than Peyton and it was all twists of fate that he won a couple before Peyton got there ONCE. Where are all the Colts fans that think Peyton was better than Brady now? They have passed like rain on the mountain. Because Brady was the clear clear clear best. And it’s inarguable now.


It will go down in history, inarguably that Allen was elite. A truly dominant QB that I believe will waltz into the Hall of Fame. A QB that was unfortunately playing in a time where he was the second best QB in his conference for much of his career. Just like Peyton.


I don’t think that Mahomes and co are unbeatable. I think it will take some luck, some stars aligning to beat them or get past them to win a ring. Just like what happened in Brady’s career. 

You think Eli proves your point. What’s hilarious is that it really proves mine lol.

Nope. That’s not what I think. I think the Bills could be coached better and be a team on par with KC. I want them to be better and know that they can. And it ticks me off to see them founder unnecessarily. But, hey, enjoy your loser mentality of “we’re pretty good and maybe we’ll get lucky”.  

Edited by BarleyNY
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19 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:

I don't think we are particularly close to the Chiefs in crunch time. Where we differ is I attribute that to the difference between Reid and McDermott and I believe you attribute it to the difference between Mahomes and Allen primarily right

I think it’s BOTH.


I think Mahomes is better than Allen. I think Reid is a lot better than McD. But I think Reid is a lot better than the field in the AFC in general. 


that’s the thing. I also think BB was a much better coach than Harbaugh or Cowher or Tomlin or Dungy or Caldwell or Kubiak. 

What I DON’T think is true is that if anyone of those guys got fired in the middle of their QB’s prime, they would have supplanted the Pats dynasty. 

 Won a single game in a single year because of a difference in strategy and shot in the arm? Sure absolutely. 

Outcoached BB over the course of 10-15 years? Never ever.


It’s why I completely agree that firing McD and bringing in a different dude could be a viable strategy to get a single SB. I also think that a lot of those coaches got at least a single ring eventually anyway without being fired because of the fatal flaw that they couldn’t match the best QB/coach in football year after year.


I think I had more interest in BB when he got fired than a lot of folks did because if you are actually looking to guarantee to close that gap in coaching for more than a single instance, your best bet would be to hire BB and hope he remains non-senile.


19 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:

I believe Allen is 100% the kind of talent capable of being if not a mini dynasty at least a worthy competitor to a slightly more dominant Chiefs and I submit his playoff performances as evidence in support

Are we not a worthy competitor to the Chiefs? I believe that we have one of the best records against them in the regular season in the last 4 years, right?


You could argue the Bengals have a stronger case because of that singular playoff win. But again, that’s one game.


i think if you polled NFL fans or media of who has been the biggest rival to the Chiefs in the AFC, the Bills are right up there. 

The Colts and Pats were a rivalry for much of their QB’s careers when the hardware was very one-sided.

19 minutes ago, BillsFan130 said:

Wasn't that play a pick 6 by TJ Watt

and nothing to do with the Steelers offence? lol 

Yes, it was. Reid clearly didn’t have the offense ready to play, right? 

14 minutes ago, BarleyNY said:

Nope. That’s not what I think. I think the Bills could be coached better and be a team on par with KC. I want them to be better and know that they can. And it ticks me off to see them founder unnecessarily. But, hey, enjoy your loser mentality of “we’re pretty good and maybe we’ll get lucky”.  

Lol wishing does not make it true. I admire your optimism. 


I hope you are right. Just like Colts fans hoped they were right and Brady was just lucky and eventually everyone would realize Peyton was far better all along.


History doesn’t care lol.

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4 minutes ago, FireChans said:

I think it’s BOTH.


I think Mahomes is better than Allen. I think Reid is a lot better than McD. But I think Reid is a lot better than the field in the AFC in general. 


that’s the thing. I also think BB was a much better coach than Harbaugh or Cowher or Tomlin or Dungy or Caldwell or Kubiak. 

What I DON’T think is true is that if anyone of those guys got fired in the middle of their QB’s prime, they would have supplanted the Pats dynasty. 

 Won a single game in a single year because of a difference in strategy and shot in the arm? Sure absolutely. 

Outcoached BB over the course of 10-15 years? Never ever.


It’s why I completely agree that firing McD and bringing in a different dude could be a viable strategy to get a single SB. I also think that a lot of those coaches got at least a single ring eventually anyway without being fired because of the fatal flaw that they couldn’t match the best QB/coach in football year after year.


I think I had more interest in BB when he got fired than a lot of folks did because if you are actually looking to guarantee to close that gap in coaching for more than a single instance, your best bet would be to hire BB and hope he remains senile.


Are we not a worthy competitor to the Chiefs? I believe that we have one of the best records against them in the regular season in the last 4 years, right?


You could argue the Bengals have a stronger case because of that singular playoff win. But again, that’s one game.


i think if you polled NFL fans or media of who has been the biggest rival to the Chiefs in the AFC, the Bills are right up there. 

The Colts and Pats were a rivalry for much of their QB’s careers when the hardware was very one-sided.

Yes, it was. Reid clearly didn’t have the offense ready to play, right? 

Right they were flat. But like all great coaches do, he made adjustments and Steelers had 0 answer

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58 minutes ago, PBF81 said:


You answer this question and I'll answer yours. 


Suppose Allen had predated McD, then our coach was fired.  Would you have even considered hiring McD at that point?   Why?




It is funny because I don't know who Mcdermott was before he was hired as HC. I just know the team is a lot more fun to be a fan of since he took over. 


I dont really care who as at HC as long as my team doesnt suck. I don't want to be like some of these joke franchises throwing everything at the wall hoping it sticks. 


If you can acknowledge the risk of a new coaching hire then I can some what respect you wanting it to happen. You might hit and you might miss so be it. Its easy to say when its not your job on the line.


You hire a new HC and your plan fails you become the joke that fired Sean Mcdermott drought breaker. 


Meanwhile he gets a job the next day. He is proven and some crap team will stumble all over themseleves for what the drought breaker can bring. Odds are he eventually makes a SB with another team before the Bills recover if you made the wrong choice.


If your right great but if your wrong... oh boy.


Better hidden gem coaches than McDermott out there? Probably. Worth taking the risk? I dont really think so in my opinion.


I wouldn't just assume McDermott won't figure it out. He has been schooled but people think he wont learn from it. Dude fired his OC on the spot to fix an issue. People thinking he wont change is ignorant in my honest.


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1 hour ago, PBF81 said:


It's a very fair question.  Sorry you struggle with it.  I fully understand why you and everyone else does.  Not one person here has answered it.  


That's disingenuousness at its finest.  




Just because it happened doesn't mean that it should have been conceivable.  But hye, you're on the right track despite your inability to separate your emotions from your objectivity.  


Typically when "inconceivable" things occur, people start asking tough questions.  McD's got more lives than a cat.  


Not to worry, it'll start clearing up for you this upcoming season.  I have zero difficulty already seeing the excuses lining up here like people in line for free cheese to go along with their whine.  



You’re just on a different level than the rest of us, I aspire to gain your insight and knowledge!

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1 hour ago, PBF81 said:


It's a very fair question.  Sorry you struggle with it.  I fully understand why you and everyone else does.  Not one person here has answered it.  


That's disingenuousness at its finest.  




Just because it happened doesn't mean that it should have been conceivable.  But hye, you're on the right track despite your inability to separate your emotions from your objectivity.  


Typically when "inconceivable" things occur, people start asking tough questions.  McD's got more lives than a cat.  


Not to worry, it'll start clearing up for you this upcoming season.  I have zero difficulty already seeing the excuses lining up here like people in line for free cheese to go along with their whine.  



It would be nice if he’d just lose the friggin division or a wild card game so we can stop making excuses for him. 

Im ready for them to get upset in the playoffs or miss the playoffs all together. It just hasn’t happened yet.






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