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Close your eyes McDermott haters…he’s a top 10 HC


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1 hour ago, FireChans said:

At what point does winning a game despite 3 turnovers resulting in 18 points become a coaching success vs a coaching failure?


Great question, but when it comes down to the END of the game and something like that happens, it's relevant, not irrelevant as many like to make it. 


As implied, Skylar Thompson is a nothing QB that's lucky to be playing in the NFL as a third-stringer.  He brought absolutely nothing special or any special skillset to the NFL as the 15th from last pick of the Draft in '22 and was projected as an undrafted FA at least by the major draft outlets with many not even reviewing him.  


Miami had no business even getting on the board much at that game, the atmosphere was insane, at home, with our team easily the better team.  Had Thompson had to start all season for Miami they'd have been fortunate to win 4 or 5 games.  


The fact that he was able to mount such a drive, as a rookie in his second start given the above, in that atmosphere, and looking like a seasoned NFL starting QB, at that point in the game is indicting to say the least.  


McD has a bad habit of turtle-shelling and choking at or near the end of playoff games.  



Edited by PBF81
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Just now, FireChans said:

Just look it up for yourself next time rather than knee-jerking into wrongness.


from “nuh uh” to “it doesn’t matter” in a FLASH.

I confess I don't have Sean McDermott's playoff record vs non Chiefs teams on speed dial like you😂😂


And no it does not matter. Taking our losses because chiefs is not a thing

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Just now, PBF81 said:

Had Thompson had to start all season for Miami they'd have been fortunate to win 4 or 5 games.  

Fortunate like getting a free 18 points off 3 TO’s? Lol. Thanks for making my point.


It wasn’t a competitive game without easily avoidable execution errors and sloppy TO’s. 

Parading Skylar Thompson for his “elite drive” is actually comical.


We also ended the game with back to back stops. So by definition, it wasn’t a turtle or a choke at the end.


I get it. When the subject is fire the HC, your playoff wins become “almost losses” which invalidate them. But your “almost wins” also don’t count for whatever reason.

5 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:

I confess I don't have Sean McDermott's playoff record vs non Chiefs teams on speed dial like you😂😂


And no it does not matter. Taking our losses because chiefs is not a thing

It does when your argument is “i’d rather him play literally anyone else than the Chiefs in the playoffs”

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1 hour ago, FireChans said:

They have played and lost to the preeminent dynasty 3/4 runs. Brady and co didn’t make or play in the Super Bowl every year. They were still usually the class of the conference. 

in 2019, Josh Allen nor the Bills were good enough to make an SB. Hold that against McD if you want but I don’t view that season as a missed opportunity to make a run. Ditto for 17. 

It’s very funny watching history repeat itself. Folks would argue the Pats and Brady weren’t that good until they were blue in the face. They’d start out 2-2 and folks would call the dynasty over (sounds a lot like the Chiefs last year eh?) Then they’d rattle off a couple more SB runs lol.


I’m just ahead of the curve. All the other AFC top tier QB’s are gonna finish their careers with non-stellar playoff records because of Mahomes and Reid. In 15 years, we will all agree that they were beasts in the AFC and an all time NFL dynasty. And that guys like Josh Allen and Joe Burrow and Lamar Jackson would’ve had a few more titles between them if they didn’t exist. Just like Peyton and co. would have without the Pats.


Its living history of the NFL that you are denying lol.


Not denying anything. You typed a lot of words, but failed to refute one single point I made. You just returned to advocating for your loser mentality and why you think it’s okay for the Bills to be an also-ran team. I certainly hope that the Bills’ players and staff don’t share that mentality. 


KC has a phenomenal QB and a fantastic HC. And the Bills have a phenomenal QB as well. But that is where that comparison ends. A better HC would put the Bills on par with KC. Who knows? Maybe we could even surpass them. McDermott is a good HC who did a good job bringing the Bills up from a below average team to an above average one. But more of the credit for that should go to Allen. There are countless coaches that could get one playoff win against an also-ran team with Allen at QB every season. He has accomplished as little as any decent coach could with a QB as talented as Allen. Nothing is going to happen now, but I’d love to see the Bills improve and not waste Allen’s career. You’re welcome to pretend that there’s nothing the Bills can do about KC because they’re so good or to get better themselves, but none of that is true. 

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1 minute ago, BarleyNY said:


Not denying anything. You typed a lot of words, but failed to refute one single point I made. You just returned to advocating for your loser mentality and why you think it’s okay for the Bills to be an also-ran team. I certainly hope that the Bills’ players and staff don’t share that mentality. 


KC has a phenomenal QB and a fantastic HC. And the Bills have a phenomenal QB as well. But that is where that comparison ends. A better HC would put the Bills on par with KC. Who knows? Maybe we could even surpass them. McDermott is a good HC who did a good job bringing the Bills up from a below average team to an above average one. But more of the credit for that should go to Allen. There are countless coaches that could get one playoff win against an also-ran team with Allen at QB every season. He has accomplished as little as any decent coach could with a QB as talented as Allen. Nothing is going to happen now, but I’d love to see the Bills improve and not waste Allen’s career. You’re welcome to pretend that there’s nothing the Bills can do about KC because they’re so good or to get better themselves, but none of that is true. 

Sure man. All the Steelers and Ravens and Colts needed to do was churn HC’s and then Brady doesn’t retire with 7 rings. Whatever you need to tell yourself lol.

Just now, Charles Romes said:

I think the two main factors leading to the 6/7 playoff streak, 5 straight 10-win seasons have been:  (A) Josh Allen, (B) McDermott’s ability to scheme the back 7 on the cheap.  The remaining position groups have been pretty average overall.  

The back 7 has not really been cheap though. Tre got paid. Poyer and Hyde were cheap initially but then got around market level deals. I doubt we were even near the bottom third in the NFL in back7 spending.


I’m torn on this take because I believe that you need stars to win rings, and I also believe that a defensive coach should be able to coach up a lower cost/talent pool to greater heights. 

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2 minutes ago, FireChans said:

Sure man. All the Steelers and Ravens and Colts needed to do was churn HC’s and then Brady doesn’t retire with 7 rings. Whatever you need to tell yourself lol.

Eli and the Giants were up to the task twice. They didn’t lay down. But what about KC and the Bills though? You don’t think that Allen is right there with Mahomes? I sure do. 

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10 minutes ago, FireChans said:

Fortunate like getting a free 18 points off 3 TO’s? Lol. Thanks for making my point.


It wasn’t a competitive game without easily avoidable execution errors and sloppy TO’s. 

Parading Skylar Thompson for his “elite drive” is actually comical.


We also ended the game with back to back stops. So by definition, it wasn’t a turtle or a choke at the end.


I get it. When the subject is fire the HC, your playoff wins become “almost losses” which invalidate them. But your “almost wins” also don’t count for whatever reason.

It does when your argument is “i’d rather him play literally anyone else than the Chiefs in the playoffs”

You could have just said that lol


I mean everyone would rather play literally anyone else than the Chiefs 

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25 minutes ago, FireChans said:

Fortunate like getting a free 18 points off 3 TO’s? Lol. Thanks for making my point.


It wasn’t a competitive game without easily avoidable execution errors and sloppy TO’s. 

Parading Skylar Thompson for his “elite drive” is actually comical.


We also ended the game with back to back stops. So by definition, it wasn’t a turtle or a choke at the end.


I get it. When the subject is fire the HC, your playoff wins become “almost losses” which invalidate them. But your “almost wins” also don’t count for whatever reason.




No, you don't get it.  You'll defend McD regardless of anything that provides reasons as to why he doesn't cut it in the playoffs.  


When your team goes up by 10 late in the 3rd, following a 68-yard TD drive, then, as a "defensive minded head coach," allow the opponent who's headed by a siht QB that's lucky to even be in the NFL, in his second start as a rookie and which hasn't done a damn thing all game, post the best TD drive of the game on either side to bring the game back to within three with 10 minutes remaining in the game, in that playoff environment in which the fans did everything they could, you bear at least some responsibility for a game that should have been a blowout and not even have been close.  


It's not as if McD's playoff prowess is even above-average much less exceptional apart from that single game, it's not, it's miserable.  


How anyone can possibly defend McD's coaching in the playoffs is simply bizarre given the facts.  It's one thing to defend his regular season, but in the playoffs he sucks.  His team very rarely comes together as a whole and has at times been unprepared, typically being out-coached by decent opposing coaches, even in playoff wins in games that we had no business allowing to be as close as they were.  There hasn't been a single player, not one, who in his tenure here has even remotely been consistent in the playoffs, and given the hype about our D and all the talent it has, that's particularly on him since he's the creator of the D.  ... besides Allen that is.  





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4 hours ago, Buffalo Boy said:

The Broncos, Jets and Pats just called from the first half of last year, before the injury excuse kicked in, the .500 stretch…..

They’d like to have a word with you about stats being for…….

It happens. Watch more football. Compare to the league. Chiefs lost to the worst team in the league and won a Super Bowl.


The Bills consistently steam roll bad teams. They have their off games as well.

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1 minute ago, BarleyNY said:

Eli and the Giants were up to the task twice. They didn’t lay down. But what about KC and the Bills though? You don’t think that Allen is right there with Mahomes? I sure do. 

I’m not saying the team should lay down.


this may shock you, but I don’t play for or coach the Bills. My thoughts and what the Bills think are two separate entities. I don’t think the Bills should say, “Aw shucks they are just too good” lol.

I think Mahomes and Reid are the best coach and QB in the AFC. Do you know why? Because the last AFC QB to win a ring since Mahomes started playing was Tom Brady in 2018. Because Mahomes is, you guessed it, 15-1 in the playoffs against QB’s that aren’t the undisputed best QB in NFL history.

Like I said, all this hand-wringing stems from you all wishing we were the next dynasty. We aren’t.

You all think if the chips fell differently, Mahomes would be ringless and Allen would’ve been to 4 SB’s and won 3 of them by now.

I don’t.


Just like Colts fans thought Brady wasn’t better than Peyton and it was all twists of fate that he won a couple before Peyton got there ONCE. Where are all the Colts fans that think Peyton was better than Brady now? They have passed like rain on the mountain. Because Brady was the clear clear clear best. And it’s inarguable now.


It will go down in history, inarguably that Allen was elite. A truly dominant QB that I believe will waltz into the Hall of Fame. A QB that was unfortunately playing in a time where he was the second best QB in his conference for much of his career. Just like Peyton.


I don’t think that Mahomes and co are unbeatable. I think it will take some luck, some stars aligning to beat them or get past them to win a ring. Just like what happened in Brady’s career. 

You think Eli proves your point. What’s hilarious is that it really proves mine lol.

7 minutes ago, PBF81 said:




No, you don't get it.  You'll defend McD regardless of anything that provides reasons as to why he doesn't cut it in the playoffs.  


When your team goes up by 10 late in the 3rd, following a 68-yard TD drive, then, as a "defensive minded head coach," allow the opponent who's headed by a siht QB that's lucky to even be in the NFL, in his second start as a rookie and which hasn't done a damn thing all game, post the best TD drive of the game on either side to bring the game back to within three with 10 minutes remaining in the game, you bear at least some responsibility for a game that should have been a blowout even being close.  


It's not as if McD's playoff prowess is even above-average much less exceptional apart from that single game, it's not, it's miserable.  


How anyone can possibly defend McD's coaching in the playoffs is simply bizarre given the facts.  It's one thing to defend his regular season, but in the playoffs he sucks.  His team very rarely comes together as a whole and has at times been unprepared, typically being out-coached by decent opposing coaches, even in playoff wins in games that we had no business allowing to be as close as they were.  





Omg they allowed a single 68 yard drive in a playoff game up double digits that we ultimately won.


Someone pinch me, it’s inconceivable.

How could this have happened? We should’ve just forfeited right then and there. 


9 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:

You could have just said that lol


I mean everyone would rather play literally anyone else than the Chiefs 


39 minutes ago, FireChans said:

I like McD's odds against the field of the NFC vs the Chiefs again in a big spot lol.


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5 minutes ago, PBF81 said:




No, you don't get it.  You'll defend McD regardless of anything that provides reasons as to why he doesn't cut it in the playoffs.  


When your team goes up by 10 late in the 3rd, following a 68-yard TD drive, then, as a "defensive minded head coach," allow the opponent who's headed by a siht QB that's lucky to even be in the NFL, in his second start as a rookie and which hasn't done a damn thing all game, post the best TD drive of the game on either side to bring the game back to within three with 10 minutes remaining in the game, in that playoff environment in which the fans did everything they could, you bear at least some responsibility for a game that should have been a blowout and not even have been close.  


It's not as if McD's playoff prowess is even above-average much less exceptional apart from that single game, it's not, it's miserable.  


How anyone can possibly defend McD's coaching in the playoffs is simply bizarre given the facts.  It's one thing to defend his regular season, but in the playoffs he sucks.  His team very rarely comes together as a whole and has at times been unprepared, typically being out-coached by decent opposing coaches, even in playoff wins in games that we had no business allowing to be as close as they were.  There hasn't been a single player, not one, who in his tenure here has even remotely been consistent in the playoffs, and given the hype about our D and all the talent it has, that's particularly on him since he's the creator of the D.  





Lay out your plan, you fire McDermott then who do you hire? And you dont think that kind of turbulence is going to have a negative impact? In 1968 the fire everybody crowd wanted Joel Collier gone and we suffered for years, 1982 Chuck Knox left - he was boring and we suffered for years. The fire everybody solution can lead to some painful years that many of you younger fans did not live through!!! And who do you replace McDermott with? What is your solution? And I guarantee whoever your HC candidate is, the first incomplete pass, loss, win but not by forty points or playoff loss and the fire everybody roars back to life on TBD. Been watching this cycle since the 1960's! Sorry, make all the arguments you want, cite all the statistics, provide long dissertations but I like being the playoffs every year, it's how you get to the SB.



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1 minute ago, FireChans said:

Omg they allowed a single 68 yard drive in a playoff game up double digits that we ultimately won.


Someone pinch me, it’s inconceivable.

How could this have happened? We should’ve just forfeited right then and there. 


Up by 10 on the very drive/play before that, with the fans going absolutely bonkers, in that playoff environment, against Skylar Thompson, yes, yes it is inconceivable, quite inconceivable in fact, the rest of your emotionally laden tantrum aside.  



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3 minutes ago, FireChans said:

I’m not saying the team should lay down.


this may shock you, but I don’t play for or coach the Bills. My thoughts and what the Bills think are two separate entities. I don’t think the Bills should say, “Aw shucks they are just too good” lol.

I think Mahomes and Reid are the best coach and QB in the AFC. Do you know why? Because the last AFC QB to win a ring since Mahomes started playing was Tom Brady in 2018. Because Mahomes is, you guessed it, 15-1 in the playoffs against QB’s that aren’t the undisputed best QB in NFL history.

Like I said, all this hand-wringing stems from you all wishing we were the next dynasty. We aren’t.

You all think if the chips fell differently, Mahomes would be ringless and Allen would’ve been to 4 SB’s and won 3 of them by now.

I don’t.


Just like Colts fans thought Brady wasn’t better than Peyton and it was all twists of fate that he won a couple before Peyton got there ONCE. Where are all the Colts fans that think Peyton was better than Brady now? They have passed like rain on the mountain. Because Brady was the clear clear clear best. And it’s inarguable now.


It will go down in history, inarguably that Allen was elite. A truly dominant QB that I believe will waltz into the Hall of Fame. A QB that was unfortunately playing in a time where he was the second best QB in his conference for much of his career. Just like Peyton.


I don’t think that Mahomes and co are unbeatable. I think it will take some luck, some stars aligning to beat them or get past them to win a ring. Just like what happened in Brady’s career. 

You think Eli proves your point. What’s hilarious is that it really proves mine lol.

Omg they allowed a single 68 yard drive in a playoff game up double digits that we ultimately won.


Someone pinch me, it’s inconceivable.

How could this have happened? We should’ve just forfeited right then and there. 




Great post!

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