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Finally, someone gets it right about "Hitler"

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I agree with Jon Stewart's point tonight:




The Republicans have been doing it (unlike a lot of you), the stupid idiot Dems have been doing it, just stop!


Rant off. :unsure:

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It is a benchmark for how far a society could sink?


As for a average German, things began to cook along pretty good when Hitler took power... Until, you noticed that some of your neighbors were missing and nobody said a word! :unsure::angry:


It is kinda silly though... But, very real in a "HotPocket", apathetic/vindictive culture.


I find no harm reminding people. Through all the silliness, the real harm falls when people forget... They become doomed to repeat mistakes.


All sides are gonna throw barbs. Until a even greater benchmark (as per the first sentence) comes along that we can relate to, I guess Hitler and Nazism will be bandied about.


"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." ~Walt Whitman

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