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Dopey Schumer Grilling a Burger

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Dopey Schumer is so out of touch with reality.  These are types of NYC morons that represent us.  Doesn't even know how to grill a burger on the soon-to-be-banned gas grill. Pathetic.  Hope he contracts trichinosis.  What a mess.    


Schumer the Moron



Edited by Irv
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3 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

Can't get trichinosis from beef.

How sad.  What a mess.  

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1 minute ago, BillsFanNC said:



How predictable that Finding responds to this story with minutiae....again.



Schumer too busy stabbing his fellow Jews in the back to learn how to grill.  What a mess.  

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Chuck Schumer is one of the most powerful men in America.    


He has no idea how to do basic male tasks like run a grill.  Granted, he says he's new to it here but It'd bet a lot of money several family members and staffers saw this post before he posted it. Also, someone took this photo.  None of them thought putting cheese on a raw patty was odd.  That's the type of company & advisors this man surrounds himself with. 


He also wants to take your guns away from you.  It's pretty safe to say he knows about as much about guns, gun use, self defense, ballistics, etc... as he does about grilling.    


That is all... 🤨



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We should definitely see if Trump can drive a car, something that I suspect he last did when he was a teenager.

We should also see how he does at the manly task of target shooting.

We know he can perform, for a minute or two, the manly task of banging a hooker.

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5 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:

Chuck Schumer is one of the most powerful men in America.    


He has no idea how to do basic male tasks like run a grill.  Granted, he says he's new to it here but It'd bet a lot of money several family members and staffers saw this post before he posted it. Also, someone took this photo.  None of them thought putting cheese on a raw patty was odd.  That's the type of company & advisors this man surrounds himself with. 


He also wants to take your guns away from you.  It's pretty safe to say he knows about as much about guns, gun use, self defense, ballistics, etc... as he does about grilling.    


That is all... 🤨



“basic male tasks” 


Hey look, another right winger who peaked in high school. 

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6 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

We should definitely see if Trump can drive a car, something that I suspect he last did when he was a teenager.

We should also see how he does at the manly task of target shooting.

We know he can perform, for a minute or two, the manly task of banging a hooker.

With Billstime seemingly on hiatus or worse, I was wondering who the first person would be to invoke Trump in this thread. Kudos to you for filling in!

Edited by JDHillFan
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3 minutes ago, JDHillFan said:

With Billstime seemingly on the hiatus or worse, I was wondering who the first person would be to invoke Trump in this thread. Kudos to you for filling in!

The idea here is "how hilarious, Schumer tries to act like a man of the people, reveals himself to be lifetime NYC apartment dweller who doesn't have a basic understanding of how the vast majority of Americans live."

So, yeah, vote for Joe Biden, the Corvette driving, Amtrak riding man of the people, not Big Lord Fauntleroy, the guy who lives in hotels.

I've never been one of those "I like him because he's just like us" voters. 

4 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:

For Finding. When Trump was approved by the elites for doing non elitist things.



Manufactured bs.

Let's see Trump with his little doggie poop bag in action.


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1 minute ago, The Frankish Reich said:

The idea here is "how hilarious, Schumer tries to act like a man of the people, reveals himself to be lifetime NYC apartment dweller who doesn't have a basic understanding of how the vast majority of Americans live."

So, yeah, vote for Joe Biden, the Corvette driving, Amtrak riding man of the people, not Big Lord Fauntleroy, the guy who lives in hotels.

I've never been one of those "I like him because he's just like us" voters. 

You are putting some effort in here. Seems kind of out there but good for you. Seems like it would have been easier just to laugh at an out of touch “elite”. 

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