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Pardons For The Criminals Of January 6th? Trump will release these violent criminals into society!

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51 minutes ago, Doc said:

Wait, libs are now worried about violent criminals being released into society?  But let a woke DA do it and...


Grandmas and velvet rope selfie taking tourists.


insurrectionists! Violent criminals!!




All that marxists here deserve is mocking and derision.

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16 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:

Grandmas and velvet rope selfie taking tourists.


insurrectionists! Violent criminals!!




All that marxists here deserve is mocking and derision.


Did Trump say he was going to pardon every J6'er who was arrested?

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20 hours ago, Wacka said:

The  cop who murdered  unarmed Ashli Babbitt walks the earth free  to this day.

Ashli Babbitt is a cautionary tale for all those in the cult of the Orange Jesus (now a convicted felon).


She and some other cult member broke through a glass at the capital and she tried to go through the window, even though there was armed security on the other side pointing a gun at her.  As veteran of the armed services, you think she would know better.  Instead, she became a Darwin Award nominee.

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16 minutes ago, Doc said:


Did Trump say he was going to pardon every J6'er who was arrested?


I have no idea what he said.


All I know is when the lefties here tell you what Trump said you can take it to the bank that its not what he actually said.

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12 minutes ago, Doc said:


Did Trump say he was going to pardon every J6'er who was arrested?

No he didn't, but he does open up his rallies with a bastardization of our National Anthem sung by "J6 Choir", calls them hostages, patriots, horribly mistreated and calls on Biden to release them.

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30 minutes ago, Scraps said:

Ashli Babbitt is a cautionary tale for all those in the cult of the Orange Jesus (now a convicted felon).


She and some other cult member broke through a glass at the capital and she tried to go through the window, even though there was armed security on the other side pointing a gun at her.  As veteran of the armed services, you think she would know better.  Instead, she became a Darwin Award nominee.


George Floyd resisted arrest.  Was he too a Darwin Award nominee?  Is that how we want to play this?


11 minutes ago, Scraps said:

No he didn't, but he does open up his rallies with a bastardization of our National Anthem sung by "J6 Choir", calls them hostages, patriots, horribly mistreated and calls on Biden to release them.


There you go.

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2 minutes ago, Doc said:


George Floyd resisted arrest.  Was he too a Darwin Award nominee?  Is that how we want to play this?


Context matters.  George Floyd was alone (nobody in the crowd was threatening the police) he became compliant and unconscious.  Ashli Babbitt was backed by a violent cult mob.


4 minutes ago, Doc said:

There you go.

Again, context matters.  I realize that is difficult for you.

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24 minutes ago, Scraps said:

Context matters.  George Floyd was alone (nobody in the crowd was threatening the police) he became compliant and unconscious.  Ashli Babbitt was backed by a violent cult mob.


Again, context matters.  I realize that is difficult for you.


Neither death should have occurred is my point.


And yes I forget that everything is in the context of TDS with you guys. 

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Just now, Doc said:


Neither death should have occurred is my point.


And yes I forget that everything is in the context of TDS with you guys. 

I love it when a member of a cult diagnosis an imaginary psychological condition.  Ever think it is you that suffers for TDS?  You have to be pretty deranged to fall for that conman.

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On 6/14/2024 at 2:57 PM, Tiberius said:

Oh ya, why should thugs that attacked police officers get jail time? F'n animals! Lock them up forever! 




Trump has made pardoning Jan. 6 defendants a signature campaign promise as he seeks another term in the White House, saying in a recent interview that he would consider all of them. His vow to exercise the clemency powers of the presidency has raised alarms about his support for political violence and touched off private conversations among supporters about how to deliver on his pledge.


Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said he will decide “on a case-by-case basis when he is back in the White House.” She did not specify what criteria Trump would use. When asked directly, Trump has declined to rule out members of extremist groups such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, whose leaders were convicted of seditious conspiracy.


“I don’t think pardons are a great idea for everyone, I think there should be a true investigation,” said Tami Jackson, whose husband, Brian Jackson, pleaded guilty in February to assaulting law enforcement and is being held in the D.C. jail awaiting sentencing in August. “I’m very much for accountability but I don’t think what my husband did warrants any jail time.”

@Irv wants those violent police attackers back on the street 

I loved how this article ended.


“It’s a badge of honor,” Michael Oliveras, a New Jersey man convicted of charges including assaulting officers, said over the phone at an evening vigil in May. “Most of us got caught up in the fray. And I’d do it again.”


Michael Oliveras could have gotten off by pleading to a  misdemeanor.  His sentence would be complete, even if the sentence was the prosecutions recommendation.  Instead, he was found guilty of multiple felonies and faces up to 20 years in prison. 


I always chuckle at the TDS moniker applied to sane people who oppose convicted felon Donald Trump.  Who is really deranged, the person who hasn't fallen for the obvious conman or Michael Oliveras?  Ashli Babbitt lost her life.  Michael Oliveras lost his freedom.  They both lost their sanity.

Edited by Scraps
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7 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:


According to the NPS


From 1947 through the 1960s, United States Park Police (Park Police) used the Lafayette Park bathrooms to entrap gay men then charge them with committing “solicitation” and “obscene, immoral acts.” Lafayette Park was the center of Park Police’s “Sex Perversion Elimination Program.” Through harassing gay men engaging in sex in the parks, the goal, Park Police Captain Raspberry boasted in his annual report, was to “eliminate this undesirable type of person from the park system.”


Maybe it should have been bulldozed.

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8 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:

George Floyd was NEVER compliant. So police applied the MPD training manual approved restraint technique.

Even when he was unconscious? 


Apparently a jury saw differently.  But I forget that the party of Law and Order is selective in applying the Law.

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1 hour ago, Scraps said:

I love it when a member of a cult diagnosis an imaginary psychological condition.  Ever think it is you that suffers for TDS?  You have to be pretty deranged to fall for that conman.


I love it when member of a cult calls someone else a member of a cult.  It's (unintentionally) hilarious.


And yes, you'd have to be deranged to fall for "he's going to start WWIII" or "he's going to enslave minorities" or "he won't leave office."  We've heard it all before.

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1 minute ago, Doc said:


I love it when member of a cult calls someone else a member of a cult.  It's (unintentionally) hilarious.rities" or "he won't leave office."  We've heard it all before.

What cult would I be part of?


2 minutes ago, Doc said:

And yes, you'd have to be deranged to fall for "he's going to start WWIII" or "he's going to enslave minorities" or "he won't leave office."  We've heard it all before.

Well I don't believe the first two but the third is at least plausible.  Look at what he did to overturn the last election that the convicted felon Trump, the sore lying loser, lost.

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