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Kamala or Newsome?

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If Biden can't make it, which is absolutely happening, would you prefer to see Newsome or Harris get the nod for the Dems?  



Edited by Irv
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2 minutes ago, Irv said:

If Biden can't make it, which is absolutely happening, would you prefer to see Newsome of Harris get the nod for the Dems?  

Harris.  Easier to beat even though they both blow (literally)...

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20 minutes ago, Irv said:

If Biden can't make it, which is absolutely happening, would you prefer to see Newsome or Harris get the nod for the Dems?  



Biden prolly can't make it to the bathroom.

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Both suck. Giggles or the guy who has single handedly destroyed CA. I would rather vote for dog poo over these two. I will be voting for Trump, so I don't give a **** who the Dem nominee is.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Is Biden trying to get some PR?



Again the Dems talking of ignoring the Democratic primary process and want unelected delegates to choose someone better. 


Anything to keep team blue in power. 

Edited by Tommy Callahan
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I think one of the things that makes Kamala Harris really compelling in this environment is that we’re dealing with a bully. And she is a person who does very well in going up against bullies. She has a demeanor, she has a way of speaking that very much comes from her experience as a prosecutor that plays very well when dealing with someone who really is kind of outside the bounds of the law.

One of the things that was most troubling about the debate between Biden and Trump was that, unsurprisingly, Trump just spouted lie after lie after lie, The thing that was so devastating was that Joe Biden just seemed completely unable to counter those lies. And it’s just impossible to imagine that Kamala Harris, who is really a very successful debater, wouldn’t be able to just methodically come in and counter, point for point, every single thing that came out of Donald Trump’s mouth.

The Biden administration has put Kamala Harris front and center on the messaging about abortion rights, and rightfully so. Everyone knows that Joe Biden is not a great messenger on this issue. He has had a long history of ambivalence about choice. He is a devout Catholic, and I think it’s fair to say he does not feel particularly comfortable speaking in strident terms about a woman’s right to choose.

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That is not a problem for Kamala Harris. She is a lifelong believer and fighter for this cause and would be an eloquent and powerful spokesperson for the issue as the nominee, just as she has been on the campaign trail as part of the ticket.

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8 minutes ago, Tiberius said:




I think one of the things that makes Kamala Harris really compelling in this environment is that we’re dealing with a bully. And she is a person who does very well in going up against bullies. She has a demeanor, she has a way of speaking that very much comes from her experience as a prosecutor that plays very well when dealing with someone who really is kind of outside the bounds of the law.

One of the things that was most troubling about the debate between Biden and Trump was that, unsurprisingly, Trump just spouted lie after lie after lie, The thing that was so devastating was that Joe Biden just seemed completely unable to counter those lies. And it’s just impossible to imagine that Kamala Harris, who is really a very successful debater, wouldn’t be able to just methodically come in and counter, point for point, every single thing that came out of Donald Trump’s mouth.

The Biden administration has put Kamala Harris front and center on the messaging about abortion rights, and rightfully so. Everyone knows that Joe Biden is not a great messenger on this issue. He has had a long history of ambivalence about choice. He is a devout Catholic, and I think it’s fair to say he does not feel particularly comfortable speaking in strident terms about a woman’s right to choose.

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That is not a problem for Kamala Harris. She is a lifelong believer and fighter for this cause and would be an eloquent and powerful spokesperson for the issue as the nominee, just as she has been on the campaign trail as part of the ticket.

Yes, she does have a demeanor and a way of speaking. Both idiotic.

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Nicholas Kristof: ‘Gretchen Whitmer Is the Best Biden Alternative’

I’m Nicholas Kristof, and I’m here with a case for Gretchen Whitmer, the governor of Michigan.

I’m rooting for Whitmer because the job of the nominee — and especially at a time when the stakes are so high, when Donald Trump is the opposition — the job of the nominee is to win. I do think that Governor Whitmer is particularly well placed to get votes in the handful of states that are in play.

For starters, Michigan is an absolute must-win state for the Democrats, and Whitmer has won it handily in both her races for governor. That suggests that she will also do well in nearby states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and I think her pragmatism will also play well with centrists in states like Arizona and Georgia.


I think a Michigan governor is well positioned to ride the anti-incumbent, anti-elitist mood that we see among voters in the U.S. and also just to generate excitement as a fresh face on the national scene, somebody from a new generation. And boy, I would just relish seeing how a dynamic younger candidate can force Trump on his heels and make him defend himself as the old guy with dubious mental acuity left in the race.

I’ve been following Whitmer ever since she was a state senator and in 2013 gave just an extraordinary speech for abortion rights that put her on the national map.

Audio clip of Gretchen Whitmer: I rise for my “no” vote explanation, as the Republican male majority continues to ignorantly and unnecessarily weigh in on important women’s health issues that they know nothing about.

Toward the end of that speech, she put down her notes and disclosed something that she had hidden from most people that was intensely personal.


Clip of Whitmer: Over 20 years ago, I was a victim of rape. And thank God, it didn’t result in a pregnancy, because I can’t imagine going through what I went through and then having to consider what to do about an unwanted pregnancy from an attacker.

There have only been two polls of Whitmer vs. Trump in Michigan this year. Not a large body of evidence. But in both surveys, Whitmer led over Donald Trump while Biden trailed him. Her strong wins in 2018 and 2022 suggest she really bolsters Democrats’ chances in one of the three states (the others are Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) that the party needs to get to 270 electoral votes. She has a policy record that could appeal to progressives and moderates.






David Von Drehle: The truth is, the party has dozens of possible presidents, starting with its governors and former governors. But there is one they could sincerely present to the American public as the best-prepared and most talented public servant of her generation: Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo. A very serious person, Raimondo is not a good match for the silliness of a years-long campaign. But she is perfect for the compressed window of time her party faces, because the first 30 things Americans would learn about her will all appeal massively to the despairing center of the electorate that will decide this election.

Imagine the impact of a hard pivot from the geriatric dyspepsia of Biden vs. Trump to a new face whose whole career says problems can be solved and challenges can be met. Raimondo, a Rhodes Scholar, gave up her path to massive wealth to rescue her home state of Rhode Island from bankruptcy due to unfunded pension promises. She accomplished this in her rookie year as state treasurer by touring hundreds of open meetings, patiently explaining the nature of the problem while enduring wails of anguish and abuse from current and retired public employees who had trusted the phony promises of her reckless predecessors.

Guess what: Voters could handle the truth. In fact they liked it and made Raimondo governor. During two successful terms, she cut taxes yearly, raised the minimum wage, delivered tuition-free community college, streamlined government regulations, guaranteed sick-leave benefits, attracted new businesses, expanded renewable energy sources and excelled in managing the covid-19 crisis.

The next president should understand the A.I. revolution, right? Raimondo is arguably the most knowledgeable public official on the topic. The next president needs expertise in managing the competition with China, no? Raimondo has skillfully managed the more than $700 billion trading relationship at the heart of hopes for global peace and stability. As the daughter of a dad who lost his job to China when Raimondo was in school, she has eyes wide open.

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I’d add Maryland Gov. Wes Moore to the list. Think about his résumé: He started at a community college, went on to make Phi Beta Kappa at Johns Hopkins, won a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford, served as an Army Captain in combat with the fabled 82nd Airborne division in Afghanistan, headed a big charitable foundation, made money on Wall Street and is now off to a great start as governor. He would eat Trump alive on the debate stage.


How to get the ball rolling? One possibility would be for a few delegates from, say, Michigan, Rhode Island and Maryland to announce that they cannot in good conscience vote for Biden, to whom they’re officially pledged. (Yes, there’s a “good conscience” escape hatch written into the Democratic convention rules, as I read them.) These delegates would instead say they planned to vote for a favorite daughter (Whitmer or Raimondo) or son (Moore). Voting for a state favorite used to be a regular opening bid in national conventions. The prospective nominees could disavow any role in the process, of course. And then, the race would be on!



Perry Bacon Jr.: I’m very conflicted about the question of whether Biden should step aside. None of the potential replacements have been vetted by their opponents and the media as would happen in a presidential primary. State government coverage is very thin these days. The investigative teams of The Post, the New York Times, ProPublica and other outlets might find really damaging information about Whitmer or one of these other governors being floated as candidates.

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Posted (edited)
On 6/11/2024 at 5:03 PM, Irv said:

If Biden can't make it, which is absolutely happening, would you prefer to see Newsome or Harris get the nod for the Dems? 


They're both terrible and can't win.  But with Grewsom at the top of the ticket, the CBC would have a fit.

Edited by Doc
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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Tiberius said:




I think one of the things that makes Kamala Harris really compelling in this environment is that we’re dealing with a bully. And she is a person who does very well in going up against bullies. She has a demeanor, she has a way of speaking that very much comes from her experience as a prosecutor that plays very well when dealing with someone who really is kind of outside the bounds of the law.

One of the things that was most troubling about the debate between Biden and Trump was that, unsurprisingly, Trump just spouted lie after lie after lie, The thing that was so devastating was that Joe Biden just seemed completely unable to counter those lies. And it’s just impossible to imagine that Kamala Harris, who is really a very successful debater, wouldn’t be able to just methodically come in and counter, point for point, every single thing that came out of Donald Trump’s mouth.

The Biden administration has put Kamala Harris front and center on the messaging about abortion rights, and rightfully so. Everyone knows that Joe Biden is not a great messenger on this issue. He has had a long history of ambivalence about choice. He is a devout Catholic, and I think it’s fair to say he does not feel particularly comfortable speaking in strident terms about a woman’s right to choose.

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That is not a problem for Kamala Harris. She is a lifelong believer and fighter for this cause and would be an eloquent and powerful spokesperson for the issue as the nominee, just as she has been on the campaign trail as part of the ticket.


Bolded 1: I'm gonna agree with you on this one.  She was able to wrap up the VP gig in just 1 debate in which she called Joe Biden a racist on national TV.  That is a level of debate skill unseen before.


Bolded 2: Come on man. In what world does President Biden have long history of ambivalence about abortion?  He's abortion's biggest cheer leader.  

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