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Hunter Biden Found Guilty - Convicted Felon

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2 hours ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

Doesn’t make it untrue. What, you think Biden sacrificed his only living son to make a political point?  Nah, but I wouldn’t put it past trump, MAGAs and their messiah complex. 






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6 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:






Hah! Reposting Jenna Ellis, Esq.

Thankfully the "Esq." is considered a silly self-honorific that doesn't mean one is a lawyer. Because in Jenna's case, she's not. At least not one that can actually practice law.


Blitzy was just all proud of himself for having nothing to say about Hunter. My, how things change.


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1 hour ago, Gene Frenkle said:

Jesus Christ, you people see conspiracy in everything. How about some consistency instead?

Were you down with AG Barr's decision post Mueller Report as the obvious correct call?  


What'd ya think(le), Frenkle?  


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1 minute ago, The Frankish Reich said:

Here I was thinking that Jesus sought out the downtrodden.

Man’s had his personal rights trod on all over. Child support, can’t own a firearm, can’t smoke a little crack. Insert “I’m sorry I thought this was America” gif here

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1 minute ago, JDHillFan said:

Unless it’s illegal border crossing. For that we can make an exception. 

And in my jurisdiction, driving with expired tags. Or no plates at all.

And shoplifting from Target.

And smoking fentanyl in plain view.

And playing Fast and Furious by racing down my street at 2:00 a.m.

And porch pirating packages.

"File an online police report"

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