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ESPN will decide if NHL can return


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If they don't want the NHL to be successful, they will be very critical, and not show much on sportscenter. If they want to push the NHL, then all of the people that the program so successfully will watch.


ESPN basically has become much better at creating the news by controlling their viewers than they are at reporting it.



People still watch ESPN? :angry:


You couldn't pay me to watch that piece of crap channel.

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People still watch ESPN?  :angry:


You couldn't pay me to watch that piece of crap channel.




my thoughts exactly. I watch espn for NFL primetime (can't even stomach countdown anymore, thanks to TJ looking like irvin's clown sidekick, crying over donovan mcnabb's hurt feelings, BTW, rush was right about half of what he said: Mcnabb is overrated!) and for live sporting events. CAn't handle SC, PTI, e.o.(ijustwannaracedaddy)e. or any other crap they throw at me. Oh wait, i do enjoy WSOP, but i guess that falls under the live sporting event category.


Television is cyclical. ESPN is in the stage where they're comfortable. They'll eventually lose certain viewers and will have to retool. I still believe in what espn stood for in the 1980's and early 90's. They'll come back eventually.


As for hockey, the rules committee has to do one thing, and one thing only: Eliminate the instigator rule. By allowing your 4th line to be goons instead of a clear the zone and dump the puck line, yoiu'll eliminate clutching and grabbing, the trap defense, cheap shots to your goalie, bogged down play, etc. Next time somoeone grabs miroslav satan, or clips lepieux with their stick, you get your teeth knocked out, without a 5 minute major, 10 minute misconduct, and 3 game suspension. 2 minute penalty, end of story.



EDIT: the return of the nhl is the #1 headline on espn.com right now, so that's that!

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Booya, Shazzam, Shaba Laba Ding Dong!!


I know where you are coming from. I stopped watching ESPN on a regular basis when Chris Berman lowered himself to appologize for Rush Limbaugh's "dispicable conduct".  Meanwhile you have a bunch of loudmouth NBA broadcasters coming up with BS every night. ESPN is basically a 24 commercial. It markets to teenagers and minorities. If you happen to watch and aren't in those demographics, God bless...but they are going after Madison Ave #'s.





Limbaugh's dispicable conduct was a poor choice of words by him- other than that, he was right. Limbaugh wanted to view McNabb as a good QB, while ESPN wanted to report on a black QB. ESPN made race an issue. I compare this to what happened with the Oklahoma baseball coach- ESPN turned that one into a story as well.

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Am i the only person that likes ESPN? Sure they have done some stuff that i dont agree with, and at times they air complete crap, but damn, what other station can give you some type of sports 24/7?

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Limbaugh's dispicable conduct was a poor choice of words by him- other than that, he was right. Limbaugh wanted to view McNabb as a good QB, while ESPN wanted to report on a black QB. ESPN made race an issue. I compare this to what happened with the Oklahoma baseball coach- ESPN turned that one into a story as well.



Actually Limbaugh greatest error was that he was wrong about McNabb. McNabb is not overrated. He's an extremely good QB, one of the top 5 in the league. At the time, McNabb was also fighting an injury.


Rush's comment about McNabb being hyped by the press because he's black is idiotic because he assumes that the "liberal" press is fighting a prejudice against black QBs, a prejudice that hasn't existed for almost 20 years.


So you got a guy who can't evaluate NFL talent, can't analyze an injury report, and doesn't understand that the black-QB prejudice died when Doug Williams won the SB with the Redskins.


ESPN made a good decision in dumping him. Rush should stick to hyping republican talking points on radio to make his millions of dollars each year. Leave the the football talk to those who have half-a-clue what they're talking about.

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Uhm, tennages and minorties are about as opposite as you can be from the demographic they want. Not saying ESPN is not getting plain unwatchable, but still white middle class males between the ages of 18 and 55 is who they want.




I'm going to have to disagree. Every sports related promotion I'm involved in is targeted at teenagers and minorities. That's who Madison avenue wants to sell to. Sports became secondary to advertising at ESPN along time ago.

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