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Class of 2024 - virtual freshmen year 2020 - now here is why your college loans are expensive

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They are already calling the classes of 2023-2025 the forgotten generation - lost.  Let that sink in.  They know they completely destroyed your development and educational paths.  

Now here are some details - you already spent a year wondering wth is up with these FAFSA Forms they changed on you during Covid…..

Just another round of applause for Covid Lockdowns!  Congratulations graduates!  We are sending you off to college that’s not in any way shape or form reasonable - especially if your parents did everything right like make good financial decisions, stayed married, have a good income that your masters think means you can pay these loans no problems oh absolutely.   



Why are federal student loan rates so high?


…In the last three months of 2023, 3.8 million parents borrowed $112.2 billion in PLUS loans, Department of Education datashowed. For 2024-25, those loans will be extremely expensive at a more than three-decade high 9.08% interest rate, plus fees...


Student loan rates are set yearly, based on the last 10-year Treasury auction in May.


The 10-year Treasury yield has trended higher over the past few years as inflation rose and the Federal Reserve aggressively increased its short-term, benchmark Fed funds rate to combat it. Both high inflation and higher short-term rates generally push up 10-year yields.






Remember Class of 2024.  

Never ever ever vote Democrat.  

Congratulations on your achievements.  They screwed you every step of the way and didn’t care.   Orange Man Bad.   


Edited by Big Blitz
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If you've got a plan to fix something, then say it.  If your whole schtick is to B word, moan  and whine, and do nothing, come up with nothing, then save it for your wife. 

But if what you're trying to do is undermine the concept of people becoming better aware of their importance on this planet, then let's talk.  

I get that college is stupid expensive, but there's no doubt in my mind that a predatory (private) loan industry started making private colleges 'seemingly affordable', and then their bankrupt morals set their sights on public institutions.  

Every ***** one of us should have the United States of America given right to graduate high school, and every damn last one of us should be able to get at least a 2 year degree that fits into a pizza delivery driver's budget.  

Private monies ***** up our state universities, our doggam college football, and will just keep reducing the educated population until it is a bouillon cube. 

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43 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofLeonLett said:

Education bad; stay uneducated.  Your future is right in plan.  

Not educated make great freedom.  See comrades in many successful food feeding countries. 

Try speaking English next time.  What a mess.  

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30 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofLeonLett said:

Comrade Irv, why such the dour voting pattern.  You vote Putin, you be happy. 

you don't.... well, we have ways of enrolling you in UC Irvine. 

You see Irvine... it was funny

, Irv

Isn’t it a little early to be hitting the pipe?

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They also didn’t need to go to college during COVID. That’s the beauty of college, you can take a semester or more off. I didn’t go till I was in my early 20’s.


 And online classes have been a thing for years.

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1 hour ago, BringMetheHeadofLeonLett said:

If you've got a plan to fix something, then say it.  If your whole schtick is to B word, moan  and whine, and do nothing, come up with nothing, then save it for your wife. 

But if what you're trying to do is undermine the concept of people becoming better aware of their importance on this planet, then let's talk.  

I get that college is stupid expensive, but there's no doubt in my mind that a predatory (private) loan industry started making private colleges 'seemingly affordable', and then their bankrupt morals set their sights on public institutions.  

Every ***** one of us should have the United States of America given right to graduate high school, and every damn last one of us should be able to get at least a 2 year degree that fits into a pizza delivery driver's budget.  

Private monies ***** up our state universities, our doggam college football, and will just keep reducing the educated population until it is a bouillon cube. 









What, if any, obligation would fall on the shoulders of the student and/or family?  



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Loans are expensive cause the people don't even start paying for years as interest grows. (One of the many reasons) Then when they start paying.  It's not the minimum (anyone with credit knows you pay all or at least more than the min principal)., but 10 percent of disposable?  


But no worries.  Biden is fixing it.  He changed the repayment to 5% of disposable.


Maybe there is a reason public edd focuses on social issues vs math and science (kids might understand compound interest).


Shoot. The amount of pre college courses people are taking is astronomical .  Coupled with the drop out rate over 70% in the first year.(Another thing driving cost)    Means much of that debt is for high school graduates to take remedial high school math and science in their first year. 







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Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, BillStime said:

If only Trump golfed less and didn’t ignore his intelligence in 2019.




Oh wow stunning.  Another Trump’s fault meme.


To difficult from the losers that wanted to stay locked up indefinitely in masks 6 feet apart while keeping kids out of school to admit they were wrong.  







You know what intelligence we had by May of 2020?  

It was not harmful to kids.  

It was nowhere near as deadly as what commies told us it was - always a lie.  

That certain protests were ok.  Kids still need to be home from school.   

And that we should have reopened immediately. 



You know who ignored that?  Team TDS.  Still to this day.  

Edited by Big Blitz
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2 hours ago, BringMetheHeadofLeonLett said:

If you've got a plan to fix something, then say it.  If your whole schtick is to B word, moan  and whine, and do nothing, come up with nothing, then save it for your wife. 

But if what you're trying to do is undermine the concept of people becoming better aware of their importance on this planet, then let's talk.  

I get that college is stupid expensive, but there's no doubt in my mind that a predatory (private) loan industry started making private colleges 'seemingly affordable', and then their bankrupt morals set their sights on public institutions.  

Every ***** one of us should have the United States of America given right to graduate high school, and every damn last one of us should be able to get at least a 2 year degree that fits into a pizza delivery driver's budget.  

Private monies ***** up our state universities, our doggam college football, and will just keep reducing the educated population until it is a bouillon cube. 


How about this lets change the main focus from sports & how big the dam stadiums are at these schools and have those Billions of dollars go to some others that aren't as fortunate because half of the athletes coming out can't even enunciate proper english when they are through with college because if they are a great athlete that's all that matters .


Plus the fact that the gov't is wanting to let the students basically default on what they agree's to pay back which has something to do with making the payments higher because those colleges that aren't getting that money have to make it up some how .


So all this great fore thought by the gov't and the colleges putting a emphasis in other places has put future generations as a secondary concern . It is much more important to pay the athletes than it is to help those that truly may be going to school to learn something . 

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9 minutes ago, BillStime said:

Who was POTUS in 2020?













WTFE !! And hasn't most of this happened to this point ?? Life is basically back to what ever the new normal is & covid is just another precautionary flu like thing we have to be aware of .


So - YES because it was blown completely out of proportion for the $93 billion reasons that big Pharma & Fauci had to make from it & if a little more common sense would have been used in the implementation of helping those more effected by the virus than putting them in harms way . 


Then there is all the fall out from the jab which no one is admitting to the fall out from it and Fauci has all but disappeared because of all of it .


So continue on your smear tactics that you apparently must be getting paid for in some kind of way shape or form and we will continue to realize your biased take on all things orange ...

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11 minutes ago, BillStime said:

Who was POTUS in 2020?


















My favorite part of Trump’s fascist presidency was when he destroyed federalism and forced all the states and all the schools to open.  

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13 minutes ago, BillStime said:

I’m sorry these people don’t think before they create these pathetic threads.


These kids started college when Trump was POTUS.


Never forget.


Um - no.   They are going into college now.  

Maybe read the OP and thread title before you spew Trump memes.   

This is about the kids graduating High School this month.  

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But hey Bill - since you immediately want to blame Trump for their rates believing they started school when Trump was POTUS - 


What were their interest rates from 2017-2020?



I think it’s important for our 18 year old graduates to know what we mean by pre Covid TDS Orange Man Bad lockdowns


Here - I’ll save you the work:

Between 2012 and 2019 they ranged from 6.4 to 7.0.  In 2020 they were under 6.   

2021:  6.2

2022: 7.5

2023: 8.0

2024: 9.0









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1 hour ago, Tommy Callahan said:

Loans are expensive cause the people don't even start paying for years as interest grows. (One of the many reasons) Then when they start paying.  It's not the minimum (anyone with credit knows you pay all or at least more than the min principal)., but 10 percent of disposable?  


But no worries.  Biden is fixing it.  He changed the repayment to 5% of disposable.


Maybe there is a reason public edd focuses on social issues vs math and science (kids might understand compound interest).


Shoot. The amount of pre college courses people are taking is astronomical .  Coupled with the drop out rate over 70% in the first year.(Another thing driving cost)    Means much of that debt is for high school graduates to take remedial high school math and science in their first year. 







It’s not what college focuses on it’s what you people focus on. I can go to college again today and focus on math and science or whatever and not need them classes. I’m not sure if my brothers step son needs to take a certain class but he just tells his professor what he wants to hear to avoid all the bull ***** they might be pushing. He doesn’t believe a word his professor says. Most of these kids are already in their 20’s and have formed opinions, probably from what their parents believe, before they walk into college. Just like my father was a bills fan, I’m a bills fan, my kids are bills fans.

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6 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:







My favorite part of Trump’s fascist presidency was when he destroyed federalism and forced all the states and all the schools to open.  

My favorite part is you sharing the Pelosi clip; who; btw, was not POTUS… but the clip highlighted Pelosi being critical of Trump in February 2020 - when at the time Trump was praising China and never once shared the severity of the virus.


Trump repeatedly praised China's response to coronavirus in February


All The Times Trump Compared Covid-19 To The Flu, Even After He Knew Covid-19 Was Far More Deadly


If only Trump did his job. 

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