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Any allergy sufferers?

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It’s something as a kid I knew existed but never took seriously.  Paul Phieffer from The Wonder Years was like the stereotype I had of allergy sufferers.  

Some years ago someone at work noticed I cleared my throat a lot and actually asked me that question if I had any.  I still didn’t take it seriously but it made me wonder.


I finally did see a specialist to find stuff I’m allergic too.  I found out pollen…. It’s been kicking my butt of late.  



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Had a bad allergy to ragweed Came on when I was 18.  Would go through a box of Kleenex in a day. Once strained a neck muscle from sneezing so hard. Had to take drixoral which  doped me up (not made anymore). Lived in CA for close to 20  years where  the allergy went away.  The pollen must be slightly different there as compared to WNY. The I moved back here it came back but not as bad. Take Allegra now when it hits . Started getting an itchy nose when  cottonwood trees bloom. Yesterday saw the fuzzies floating around and the nose itched.

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Pollen, ragweed and mold.  The pollen is really kicking my butt right now.  Woke up yesterday morning with my throat and right eye swollen after mowing the lawn and doing some other yard work on Thursday.  Allegra is what I take.  I’ve been thinking about starting to get allergy shots.

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That beautiful smelling tree on our neighbor’s lot that hangs a bit over our driveway damn near killed my wife when it bloomed this spring. I loved it, but the doors had to stay very closed. 


When we moved from Hilton Head to Sarasota her new allergist (who turned out to become close friends) ran some tests on her. Not only did she not react much, but she asked what he was doing. He asked about her previous allergist and his tests. He never said anything (at least for a decade) but he reported the other guy and he was a total crook. 

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Anyone have oral allergy syndrome? I figured out a few years ago I had it.


It’s basically a pollen allergy, but triggered by eating a number of fresh raw fruits. The skin and flesh on the fruits have pollen, and give me the worst sore throat.


But I basically can’t eat raw apples, pears, peaches, cherries, plums, and a number of others. It stinks! 


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11 hours ago, Mike in Horseheads said:

I went to a allergist and had one of those allergy tests on my back.  I'm basically allergic to everything


Not 🍆!

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Hate my allergies.  Zyrtec and Flonase seem to do a decent job.  Will take Sudafed on top of that on bad days.  Gotta have the stuff in my system a few hours before cutting the grass or it’s a problem.

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I have a friend who is allergic to eggs. They are hiding everywhere! Another friend got bit by a tick as an adult, and not he can die if he eats red meat. He carries an epipen with him everywhere. My son’s middle school had picnic tables where nobody was ever allowed to enjoy a peanut due to some kids having nut allergies.


Where did all this stuff come from? I don’t remember any of that growing up.  

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11 minutes ago, Augie said:

I have a friend who is allergic to eggs. They are hiding everywhere! Another friend got bit by a tick as an adult, and not he can die if he eats red meat. He carries an epipen with him everywhere. My son’s middle school had picnic tables where nobody was ever allowed to enjoy a peanut due to some kids having nut allergies.


Where did all this stuff come from? I don’t remember any of that growing up.  

Agreed. Seems like a lot of this stuff is new.


by the way, my nephew was allergic to eggs for a while. Turns out that he could actually eat organic farm fresh eggs though. Your buddy may want to try that. 

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Miyagi-Do Karate said:

Agreed. Seems like a lot of this stuff is new.


by the way, my nephew was allergic to eggs for a while. Turns out that he could actually eat organic farm fresh eggs though. Your buddy may want to try that. 


He’s in his mid/late 50’s and has tried everything. He doesn’t really even want to eat eggs outright, but it’s all the foods that they are hidden in. He was staying with us once while attending a function in town. Dessert contained some kind of pudding he was suspicious of, so he took a little taste and waited. His tongue will tell him quickly if it’s dangerous to him, but it seemed fine. What he didn’t know was the little bits of marshmallows hidden inside would be his downfall. He drove over medians to get liquid Benadryl at a drug store, and by the time he got back to the house he was crawling, in a suit, along side our driveway between us and the neighbors vomiting EVERYTHING out. I’m sure “egg allergy” was not the first thought my neighbors had. 




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3 hours ago, Miyagi-Do Karate said:

Agreed. Seems like a lot of this stuff is new.


by the way, my nephew was allergic to eggs for a while. Turns out that he could actually eat organic farm fresh eggs though. Your buddy may want to try that. 


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